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Sandman Chapter 2: Spence


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[color=slategray][size=2][font=veranda]Velvet tossed and turned in bed, the dream haunting her. She watched in horror, Brittany on her back, as Spence plummeted towards the ground. She screamed out, her whole mind ringing as she watched him go.

Velvet jerked away abruptly, sweating. Brittany woke up next to her, and turned over, looking at her. ?You okay, Velvet??

The raven-haired girl?s hand went to her throat, to the tear-shaped pendant. She felt tears stinging at them again, and blinked them away. ?It happened again, Brittany. I saw it again.? After Spence?s fall, they had searched for him ? but he was nowhere.

It had been a week, and Velvet would not go anywhere without him. Brittany and Shinyo had been her only comfort, her only condolence; it still hurt her, though. [I]He disappeared ? to save Shaun.[/I]

The teen got out of bed, refusing to look at Brittany. Summer, Velvets bud, was home, so that was one less person on her mind. Her mother was still in the hospital, and the baby was due within the next few days.

Velvet rummaged through her closet, and grabbed a pair of cut-off shorts and a tank top. She went to take a shower, and stayed in there for a long time.

OOC: Okay! ^_^ Everyone remember the PM's? Okay, then, lets go![/color][/font][/size]
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"SPENCE!" Shaun cried out, his arm reaching for air. Shaun woke up A whole week of dreams.....why couldn't he have just let me go"

"Its been a week, i need to talk to Velvet" he said grabbong his phone. He lat back in bed waiting for an answer. "Hello, hiis is Brittney speaking"

"Brittney, its Shaun, i need to talk to Velvet" the phone went dead. He rung up again "Hi this is Brittney" came the voice.

"Brittney, please" Shaun said. Brittney replied "Its your fault Shaun, i don't think that elvet will want to talk to you"

Shaun was amazed his voice higher than normal "Your not blaming me for it, I ahd the decency to get us to where they were, i took the risk, you said that we were to get them"

Brittney now shouting "Cause i wanted to support a friend Shaun"

Shaun hicuped and spoke "Brittney, i said they wanted to be alone, you insised we went, now stop shouting at me"

Brittney shook her head, Shaun could all most sense it. She replied "Shaun come over, we all need to talk"

Shaun said "Brittney......you are......i well.........ok"

Brittney's telepathic enery travelled down the phone "Shaun i know your feelings, leave them just now, we need to be together"

Shaun nodded "OK, give me two seconds"
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[COLOR=Darkred][size=1][i]W...where am I? I should be dead...the hell? I'm on the street? Why is the street empty...this isn't Earth, or its someplace on earth that no one's ever been.[/i] Spence stood up, feeling for cuts or bruises. Nothing. This wasn't his home, he wasn't surpised though. His thoughts drifted to Velvet once again, forever burned in his mind, a symbol of love. Standing, the scenery shifted to his alley, and a man in a white buisness suit and a medium silver beard stood in his way from the door. A small smile crossed his face, and he said bemused,

"I see the young hero is awake...good. I have a test for you, win and you get a clue. Lose, and your beloved will never see the same you. This is going to be seven days of hell, really. Pure dark inside, all your senses will be tested every waking hour, mintue, second. It will be no more than a day on the outside world, but here, seven days of Hell, remember that young master." And he stepped away from the door, but Spence stood fast, and made his wings unfurl...only they didn't.

"Your powers will not work here, however they will in the door, so I suggest you go through it now." Spence walked to the door, and stepped inside, but not before saying,

"I know who the hell you are, Sandman." And the darkness engulfed him.[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=gray][b][i]Shinyo, Brittney, Velvet were sitting in the living room of Velvets apartment again, and this time they were waiting for Shaun. Shinyo brought coffee for himself and Velvet, and some hot chocolate for Brittney.[/i][/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][b][color=black]OOC:I thought it would suit the characters[/color][/b][/size]
[size=1][b][i][color=#808080]They all sat there in scilence. Shinyo was sure that Velvet and Brittney were thinking about Spence. He sighed and thought of where he was during all this.[/color][/i][/b][/size]
[size=1][b][i][color=#808080]Shinyo was walking back to Velvets appartment, wondering when excactly they were going to go after Sandman. Shinyo practicly lived for battle, it was the one thing besides Velvet that kept him going. He almost couldn't wait to take the first step on their journey. Then, he finaly got back, he saw Velvet and Brittney crying in eachothers arms.....[/color][/i][/b][/size]
[size=1][b][i][color=#808080]*End Flashback*[/color][/i][/b][/size]
[size=1][b][i][color=#808080]Now he had wished he had flown back, maybe he would've seen Spence and been able to save him. He sighed, but it was too late now and only the Sandmans father could do that miracle. They had a better chance of finding Martians then Father Time though. You didn't come to Father Time, Father Time came to you, and ONLY when it was an EXTREME emergency.[/color][/i][/b][/size]
[size=1][b][i][color=#808080]Suddenly there was a knock at the door.[/color][/i][/b]
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[COLOR=Darkred][size=1]Spence's first thing he did as he entered the strange room was unfurl his wings, as they cast a dim light over the darkened and ashy plane.With a grim sigh, he said in his head,

[i]"I've gotta get this clue, for my sanity, and for Velvet. No matter how much she may like Shinyo and Brittney, I'll still love her. Seven days, huh? That'll be a breeze, I hope."[/i] Hovering through the dark, a streetlight shone up ahead, and a stickly yellow light covered the road where he had made the Pendant for Velvet. She was on the ground, breathing hard, (OOC:Mature things in the next segment) and a scruffy, old, tattered man was on top of her.

[spoiler]Her clothes were half off, bra torn and blouse no where in sight. Angered beyond belief, Spence quickly forged a blade of light, as the disgusting man started to thrust against her, with a sickening grin on his face.[/spoiler] Spence's wings burst into brilliance as he charged, sword of light aiming for the man's head, but was met with shadow, a pincer like a bug's, made of shadow. It seemed to reflect the blade, and the man turned.

His body was covered in tattered rags, but a large chunk of him was missing, his whole left arm, and his left half of his torso. It was filled in with shadow, red eye covering a small part of the man's face, his whole left side. With a wicked grin, the[b] thing[/b] launched a ball of shadow at him, but Spence swerved, throwing the Fake Velvet her clothes. It was time to do battle.

Dodging and Weaving, Spence called out,

"INDIGMANT JUDGEMENT!" And a dome of pure light surrounded the thing, and ten spears of solid light crashed into it, with one coming from the top. It withered and shrieked in agony and horror, as Spence turned aroud, only to see the Sandman.

"So, the ablity to defeat the shadows of your heart lies within you...good. Rest now, for six more days are still to come." And turned, dissapearing. As the area lit up, Spence saw the corpses of many people, kids and adults alike. He wasn't the first one to face this trial...[/color][/size]
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[color=slategray][size=2][font=veranda]OOC: They live in a two story house, babe, not an apartment. ^_^

IC:Velvet started, and got up. She opened the door, and her face fell. ?Oh. Shaun.? She turned away, but left the door open, and Shaun stepped in hesitantly.


?No, Shaun. Don?t. You?ll just make it worse.?

Velvet left the living room, Shaun with Brittany and Shinyo, and went up to her room, locking the door. She lay silently on the bed, staring at her ceiling blankly.

A knock came, and Velvet turned over. ?Vel, its Brittany. You need to talk to Shaun-? Velvet curled up angrily, and said back, her voice snappish, ?Britt, I don?t need to talk to anyone.? She whispered, her throat closing up, ?I need Spence.?

There was silence, and then Velvet heard Brittany walking back down the stairs.[/color][/font][/size]
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[COLOR=DarkRed][size=1]Spence sat down in a clearing, wings ruffling around his body, warming him. They had stayed grafted to his back for some reason, so he didn't need to cast them again, which was good. He thought of only Velvet, and pulled out a Charm Bracelet that she had given him. Putting it on his arm, he drifted into sleep...

Waking in fading light, Spence looked at the bracelet, and kissed it. It was his only momento of her in this godforsaken place. The darkness seemed to rob him of the memory of the time she gave it to him, so he made a vow. A vow that he'd get out, and get the clue for Velvet and David so-so what? So she could just run off with him? Nevermind, he'd still get the clue. Trudging along the bloodied and bruised road, his wings picked him up, as he was too tired to walk.

The shadows flickered in the light, casting evil and sinster shapes ahead of him. As Spence turned his head to the right, he saw Shaun. However, Shaun was getting ready to shoot him with the Glock pistol that stood firm in his hand. Having only a second to, Spence dove to the side, and yelled while do the nesscary things to make one,

"Red Ray of Destruction!" And the finger wide beam lanced at Shaun's head, burning a hole in it. He still squeezed off a few rounds like nothing happened. One hit his arm, punching the flesh out onto the already soiled ground. With a cry, Spence put his arm to the wound, and to his horror, was able to see the ground through it. His healing powers with Telekinekis may be good, but that was a nasty wound.

Spence decided to launch his second most powerful attack he could, Angel Wings. Focusing, the bullets slowed, and a few feathers shot from his wings, sharper than the sharpest knife. they split the bullets, and cut Shaun's hands off, and then his head. The fake thing fell to the ground, dead. The Sandman didn't appear yet, so Spence walked over to the corpse, and checked the pockets. He found a bottle of Iodine, and applied it to the wound, stiching it up with threads of his wings.

"You're a very resourseful kid, Spence. Rest here, for the next trial will be longer."
and the Sandman dissapeared. However, Candy appeared from Shaun's corpse, and had two knives in her hand. He barely had enough time to jump out of the way, launching a small fireball at Candy. She looked at her arm, burned, but just cut the flesh away with the knife, and dove for him once again.

Spence tugged one of the knives out of her hand, and shot it at her head with Telekinekis. It killed the thing, And he fell to the ground, weary.[/color][/size]
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Shaun sat down with Shinyo, he cried out "What have i done, he would have been here if it wasn't for me"

Brittney came downstairs, Velvet still upstairs. Shaun's tears falling onto the carpet. Brittney walked over and sat beside Shaun, her head went onto his shoulder "It isn't your fault Shaun, stop blaming yourself"

Shaun shook his head "I didn't know where we would land, i should have tooken the precaution". Brittney's tears dampining Shaun's shirt. Shaun spoke again "Its my fault, and i plan to fix it"

Shaun stood up, Brittney's head now resting on the back of the sofa, Shaun continued "I need to find him, before its too late"

They all seen Shaun concentrating hard, Velvet walked down the stairs to see Shaun disappearing slowly into a shadow, "If i don't see you guys, well good luck"

Brittney grabbed onto Shaun's shadowed hand "I can call you wherever you are"

Shaun's head which was now completley black nodded. The shadow of the room engulfed him, he was now filled with darkness. "If i don't find Spence in this retched place, then i don't know where"........"I never thought i would need to return to this retched place, the last imte i was hear was......"

Shaun heard a slithering noice, and a husky voice finished his sentence "Was in your dreams".......

OOC: Boom ! lol
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[COLOR=DarkRed][size=1]OOC:This is killing me...

Blood trickled down his face from his exertions. Still, there were about 5 more trials...
the only thing that kept him going was Velvet, and the sorrow she must be going through. With a groan, he settled down, and went to a relitively peaceful sleep. Tossing and turning didn't count, but they bloodied his back, and his stomach from the jagged rocks. With a sigh, he got up, and started on his journey again. He fell asleep and just flew, body limp while the wings held him up. Waking up, he saw a small town, just like his own. But something must be was different...it reeked of death. The toxic asslult hit his nose with a wave, making him retch.

"Jebus, its digusting here, what in god's name did this... oh crap." Brittney walked down the street, with a minigun and a small explosives package. Another building blew up, sending corpses and rubble across the red and grey ground. The colors mesmerized Spence, a colage of death and destruction. He had to escape. He just had to. Leaping higher into the air, he began to make the air pure, solid light, and the ground below Brittney became white, with runes of light etched in it. With a yell,

"Prism Sword!" Five sword shaped projectiles shot from the ground, and stabbed through Brittney. It was just another fake. he fell into darkness again, and floated slowly to the ground, and lay to sleep.[/color][/size]
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[color=slategray][size=2][font=veranda]Velvet?s head snapped up as she felt the mana change in her house. She was furious. [I]No one uses magic in my house without my consent![/I] She heard Brittany?s mental shock, but Shaun was already gone.

Velvet turned over, tears flowing freshly down her face. Her black-blue hair had lost its sheen, and her violet eyes were dull. Her skin was paler, because she almost never left her room anymore.

The girl grabbed her pillow, and cried into it, crying herself to sleep.

[I]~Flashback~Velvet sat on her bed, weaving links of copper wire together, using pliers. Soon it was a chain link bracelet, and she worked on the charms. One was a locket, heart shaped, and made of copper with light black tinted glass in it. It had a picture of she and Spence, at the soccer Competition.

She added a couple more charms, one the shape of a dolphin, one the shape of a flame, and one the shape of a sun ? a half-sun. The other half was on Velvet?s own necklace, a moon charm. The two linked perfectly.

Later that after noon, Spence came over, and Velvet gave it to him. He looked at it, smiling softly. ?Thank you, Velvet.? She attatched it around his wrist, and he leaned down to kiss her. The kiss was brief, but sweet, and Spence blushed. He left, and she stood, watching him leave.

~End Flashback~[/I]

Velvet woke up to the bathroom door opening. Brittany came in, and sat down next to Velvet. She rocked the girl in her arms while Velvet cried silently, and Brittany kissed her lips gently. ?Shh, Velvet, we?ll find him. Its all right. We will get him back.?

OOC: Killing you? Why? ^_~ Because I?m so stubborn?[/color][/font][/size]
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[COLOR=Darkred][size=1]OOC: No, because all the writing I've done. You're not stubborn
[i]Ungh, Velvet? Am....I...no...must...finish[/i]He staggered to his feet, and started to trudge forward, when a sword shaped shadow ran him through his stomach, then pulled out, leaving him to die in this hellish place. Falling from his posture, he clasped his hand on the bracelet, and thought while crying in pain and sorrow, [i]I'm sorry...I failed you...love me please.[/i] And his breath exausted. He lay there, a fallen warrior, far away from family and friends.

He woke several hours later, and looked at his stomach, and only saw a giant scar, nothing else. [i]How...no, I'll save that for later. I've gotten farther in, somehow.[/i] He stood, wound aching slightly. Trudging forward, he fell, stumbled, and tripped, but always got back up, every step getting him farther. He fell once again, and someone was looking down on him, it was Shinyo.

"You stupid maggot, you think she loves you? Then why did she let you fall?" Staggering up again, Spence's ashen face stared at Shinyo's, and he told him,

"She was saving someone who means worlds to me too. I've got no doubt she has some feelings for me." Shinyo looked at him again, and said while his arm became a shadowed blade, the same that stabbed him ealier.

"Hmm...if she loves you, then you'll win this fight. So, in other words, she don't love you!" And he lunged, as Spence dove to the side, firing a weak blast of fire. His wings spread, and with a cry,

"Angel Wings!" The fake Shinyo was dead, and Spence trudged on, thinking, [i]only myself, then...Velvet.[/i][/color][/size]
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Shaun stepped from the shadows, a cold breeze went through his skin, he fell to the ground. "So cold....". He clicked his fingers and a warm aura formed around him.

Shaun looked from side to side and walked forward, to see a giant cliff, "Damnit, god now i know why i hated this place"

Shaun levitated off the ground and decided that would be safer, he levitated through the barron streets of the abyss. The coolness still penetrating the aura around him, "Damn this place, where the hell is Spence"

Shaun walked through buildings, streets and alleyways finding nothing but severed animals, humans, and things he hadn't even seen. A crack from behind him made Shaun turn around, Spence. "Spence come on we need to get back" SHuan shouted in relief, Shaun ran to greet him, Spence was sitting on the bench.

Shaun ran to the front of the bench, Spence unsheathed a sword, Spence roared "YOU, You brought me to this baron abyss"

Shaun looked shocked "Spence, i came to find you, help you, we've been friends too long"

Spence pointed his sword at Shaun "Now You Must Pay" Spence said barely a whisper. Shaun shook his head and looked into Spence's eye, they were plain, no colour in them. Shaun replied "Your not Spence, your just a puppet"

Shaun moved his in an upward motion, and a whip of light was formed. The fake laughed, "That against me, you won't live to see the next five minutes"

Shaun shook his head and replied "You want to play.....lets play"

'Spence' lunged forward carrying the sword he swung to Shaun's left arm, Shaun shot high up into the sky, Spence's shirt tore as he followed, Spence's wings beating the wind down. The fake replied "Lets go......"

OOC: Spence, continue.....
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[COLOR=Darkred][size=1]OOC:This post will be all fake Spence, until I say BREAK
Spence brought the sword down to Sean, head, which was blocked. His wings slammed together to make a gust of wind to make him loose his balance, Swinging around, he shot a Holy Lance at Sean, then started to charge up Angel Feathers. Letting them fly, he charged up a Prism Sword, although the attacks were much weaker than the orginal Spence, they were still potent.


IC: Spence felt a presense like his in a chamber a few ways back, so he flew down the hall, charging up the most powerful thing he had, Absolute Judgement. Winging around the corner, he saw his clone and Shaun in battle, so he let Absolute Judgement take its course. It flew from his fingertips, making a shining apperation, just like him. It spewed different attacks, before becoming the tech Judgement. It killed the Clone, and he flew over to Shaun.

"Get out of here, Its my trail. Tell Velvet I love her more than I love life, and that I will come back. Tell her I'll get the clue. Tell her I'm coming home.."

"But Spen-"

"Just go, I've only got one more thing to do before I get the Clue and can go home. Just go." Shaun nodded, and headed back to the portal in which he had came. Spence turned around, and thought [i]This last one is for you, Velvet.[/i] and he walked into the final chamber, ready to fight.[/color][/size]
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Shaun shot off like a bullet down into the portal of darkness. His body intwined with blackness, he seen the real world forming infront of him. His body froming the shadow of him as he shot out.

He landed at Brittney and Shinyo's feet, Velvet was on another seat. Shaun concentrated and got his body back to normal. His eye colour, hair colour, skin colour all returning back to normal.

Brittney and Shinyo grabbed him and put him onto the couch. He looked to Velvet and said the words Spence wanted him to say "Spence loves you more then he loves life Velvet, he says he'll get the clue, and that he's coming home"

Shaun gave up trying to keep conciusnis (sp??) after he said that collapsing into Brittney's lap. His dreams returned him into the dreaded place, he saw the battle between him and the fake Spence.

He wasn't stirred and once he had jamp through the portal he regained consiusnis (sp??)
He looked up and seen Brittney smiling down at him, he lifted his head "Oh sorry Brittney, i never meant it"

She shook it off and telepathically replied "Don't worry about it, but you need to talk to Velvet, she went back upstairs"

Shaun nodded, and replied "Am going to rest a bit if thats alright"

She smiled and nodded and said "Is Spence alright"

Shaun nodded "Yeah, he couldn't come back with me, i feel damn shit leaving him, but he said i had to leave"

Her smile faded, "Ok, you get some rest, we'll get Velvet ready to talk"
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[b][size=1]OOC:Yeesh, I need to start getting up before 2 in the afternoon, I'm missed so much of this rp I felt sick just thinking about reading all this in one sitting :P.[/size][/b]
[b][i][size=1][color=gray]Shinyo made sure Shaun was gonna be ok, and left him sleeping in Brittneys lap-[/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][size=1][color=black]OOC:Not like that! Perverts:rolleyes: [/color][/size][/b]
[b][i][size=1][color=gray]-and then went upstairs to try and comfort Velvet. He knocked on the door, and got back nothing but sobs. [/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=1][color=#808080]"Velvet? I'm coming in."[/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=1][color=gray]He telekeneticly stretched the molecules of the door so it becam a liquid instead of a solid, and at the same time made sure it would hold it's shape with his powers. [/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=1][color=gray]He walked through the door (literaly) and sat down next to her, pushing the molecules back together.[/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=1][color=#808080]She was crying into here pillow so he just sat there rubbing her back for a couple of minutes.[/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=1][color=#808080]"Have faith in him. I'm sure your the one thing that's keeping him going, so believe in him. Keep him alive." [/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=1][color=#808080]Shinyo stood up, and did the same thing to the part of the floor that he was standing on as he did to the door and slipped through back into the room with Brittney and Shaun.[/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=1][color=#808080]"I think she's gonna be Ok" and with that he pured himself another cup of coffee and sat down waiting for either Shaun to wake or Velvet to come down.[/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=1][color=#808080]"So is that comfortable for you Brittney?" He smirked, Shauns head was still in her lap. Brittney blushed and giggled, an anime style sweatdop forming on her head.[/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=1][color=#808080]Shinyo got up and got pillow and levitated his head so that she could get out from under him without disturbing his sleep, Shinyo then levitated the pillow under his head, and let both of them go.[/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=1][color=#808080]He sighed, and looked up, Velvet had finaly decided to come down. Shinyo levitated some tissues to her and she took some and sat down next to him.[/color][/size][/i][/b]
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[Color=Red][size=1] Bloodied and bruised, he walked proudly into the final chamber, armed with the sword his twin used, and his everlasting love. His clothes torn into ribbons and bows, he wore only his pants. Velvet stood ahead of him, but not nearly as beautiful or kind as the real one. He steeled himself, and stood before her. With a warm voice, she asked while she levitated in the air,

"Why do you want to kill me? I'm Velvet..." Spence shook his head, and hefted the sword.

"The real Velvet is back home, crying for me, because of your bastard master. I'm here to get back, damnit!" And he charged as her twisted, bloody wings spread. Her face was ripped off, showing only blood and and her skull. With a slash, he aimed for her head, which was blocked, even though she lost an arm, she dived at him, Her remaining hand a needle, putting up the sword with his arm behind it, he deflected it, but she cought him on the side of the stomach. With a grimance, he dove to the side, and started to unfurl his wings.

It was the battle of the Angel versus the Demon, matched in skill and power, in ablities, but not in one thing. He didn't need to say it. It was just there. Both were exausted, but with a heave, he stabbed the sword into the ground, while making a fireball.

"Terra Ripper!" And the fireball slinging mass of earth smashed the skull of the fake Velvet. Throwing the sword aside, he panted, sitting down. But no Sandman came. He was stuck in this Labyritnh.[/color][/size]
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[color=slategray][size=2][font=veranda]Velvet gasped at a sharp pain in her chest. She clutched at Shinyo, determined not to fall off the couch. ?What is it?? Shinyo asked. Velvet shook her head, eyes watering. ?I don?t know??

Sandman sat about seven feet in the air, legs crossed, and a book open on his lap. ?Oh, nicely done. For a moment I thought you were going to fall for her ? not that would have been bad. She might have torn you to shreds, but that would have saved the real Velvet some pain.?

Spence looked horrified. ?WHAT?! What do you mean?!? He dropped to his knees, the realization coming around to hit him on the head like a board.

His eyes were wet, and he whispered, fighting to keep them back, ?I?ve been through seven hells for her ? and you make me hurt her?? It was no accusation. Just a simple, heart felt question.

Sandman turned the page, never looking up. ?Oh, I didn?t make it do a damn thing. Your friend screwed up the pattern, and so I couldn?t choose the next thing to happen. The tests have a mind of their own ? I just persuade them.?[/color][/font][/size]

OOC: You?ll forgive me if my spelling and timing is a little slow and sloppy. I just got up after staying up till four oclock.
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[COLOR=Red][size=1]Spence got up, not caring about the stifling wounds, the blood, the gore splattered across the floor. Wrentching the sword out, he held it to his stomach, and then asked Sandman,

"...Why the hell aren't I outta here? I did everything I needed to...but I just- her...I should of died for her. Please let me go back..." His arms shook, but the sword stayed straight. If he was only going to make Velvet suffer, and couldn't help her, he should just be gone. Pressing it against his skin slightly, it cut, a small trail of blood falling down his chest. Sandman looked at him over the book,

"Like I said, the trials have a mind of their own. I just help them decide. ...I might be able to arrange another for you, shorter, one Hell, but it'll be all of these combined. Do you accept?" Spence nodded, but dug the sword in a little more, while saying,

"Can...can I talk to Velvet for a second? I promise I won't go back to her, because you'd just kidnap us all. Just a portal for sound to go through, and an image of me."
The Sandman thought about it, and nodded slowly. He may be a jack***, but he was kind at times. He pulled on the veil of reality, and Spence saw Velvet on the couch, clutching her stomach, and holding onto Shinyo.

"Velvet...can you hear me?"[/color][/size]
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[color=slategray][size=2][font=veranda]Velvet gasped, and said, ?Spence?! Spence!? She sat up, and saw through the portal. She reached out, but something made her jerk back.

?Velvet? Are you alright?? Velvet nodded, swallowing. Spence?s face seemed relieved. ?Thank gods. Velvet, I-? Velvet said softly, ?Spence, I thought I had lost you. Where are you??

Spence was silent. ?Sandman. It was my own damn fault for trying to teleport Shaun in the first place. I should just have carried him.? Velvet shook her head. ?No, Spence, its nobody?s fault but mine. I should never have gotten everyone involved in this.?

There was silence, and Spence said, ?Velvet, I?d go through the seven Hells and back for you ? don?t pressure yourself. I have to go.? Velvet bit her lip. ?Be careful, Spence, and?? She and Spence spoke at the same time,

?Remember I love you?[/color][/font][/size]
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[COLOR=Red][size=1][i]"Remember I love you...[/i] Those words rang in his head as Sandman closed the portal, and looked at him.

"You human with you love...it gives you strength and weakness. No matter. Are you ready?" Spence just flipped the blade around, and nodded. Sandman pulled the fabric of reality again, and motioned for him to go into the portal. His eyes closed, he walked through. It was a giant, white cube. A blank canvas. But Shaun opened a door, and walked through it, eyes red and swollen, body torn in places. Spence grabbed the sword, which was a Zwihander, and heafted it into the air.

"What the hell are you doing, Spence? Why not be Sandman? ...does that "lover" Velvet mean that much to you?" His eyes narrowed to slits, Spence nodded.

"I see...then die." And Shaun started to fling fireballs at him, but he countered with the water molicules that had been in the room from past fights in this white void. They nullifed each other, and Spence just stood still, wings glowing brigher and brighter, until they became actual wings, white and feathery. Flying forward, he began to swoop and dive, cutting Shaun in different places, but Shaun got a fireball in on his left wing, and he fell to the ground. Getting back up, he forced the feathers together again with a painful groan. Letting the wings go back in, he chucked the sword in Shaun's head, killing the fake again. This time, Candy and Brittney came through the door, and tried to overpower him with projections of Velvet dying or some equally horrifying thing. With a psychic shove, they were flung against the wall.

He began to ignite fireballs, adding a little of the earth that had come in with him into it, so that it was a molten rock, then he flung it them at Candy and Brittney. Candy thrown a 4" inch long army knife into his arm, which bled quickly. But only Cedric, Shinyo and Velvet remained. They each came at once, three verses one. Pulling the sword out of the wall, sweat flinging everywhere mingled with blood, he begain to fight again. Killing Cedric with only a few scratches, he had a little more trouble with Shinyo. Shinyo had managed to get a gun, which was the most dangerous thing that anyone of them had for weapons besides Spence. By the time he killed Shinyo, a bullet had grazed his arm, and his leg. Now, only the Velvet fake remained...[/color][/size]
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Shaun sensed a major change of mana in the household. He thought about it might be one of them downstairs, "No its too powerfull to be just one person, and this is only one person". Shaun's mind ranged the possibilities......finally speaking "Spence"

He rushed downstairs to see a portal like the one he had entered disappear, "Whats happening then"

Velvet glared at him "If it wasn't for you he'd be back now". Brittney shook her head "Velvet, Shaun tried to help, he tried to get him back"

Velvet nodded "Shaun am sorry, i just feel terrible". Shaun walked all the way down the stairs. "Velvet, what can i do, anything"

Velvet nodded a glimpse of a smile appear on her face "We're going to have an HONEST game of truth or dare"

Shaun shook his head "Truth or Dare eh ?" Brittney spoke "Honest ?"

Shaun shook his head "I don't think i can do it, its like playing while our frined is in trouble, he's more than a friend even, much more, he's our life, just like all of you are mine"

Velvet looked shocked, they all did, Velvet spoke "But it'll keep our minds of it, and i'm HOPING with all of my heart that he'll be ok, but i have enough faith in him"

Shaun nodded "Thats true, i've never played this game in AGES"

Brittney shook her head "With us around, am not sure you'd want to" Velvet and Brittney laughed, Shaun and Shinyo looked aquard (lol, sp??)
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[b][font=Century Gothic][size=2]OOC:YES!!!:devil: Dear god....so many....perverted thoughts....must keep control....no....testoserone levels....rising! :laugh: [/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Century Gothic][size=2][/size][/font][/b]
[b][i][size=2][color=#808080]Shinyo smirked. "I'm in. I've only played once, but even I know how fun things can get like this. Ok, first we would have to set boundries. No bloodshed, nothing illegal, and no one will ever speak of this again. Deal?" They all nodded. [/color][/size][/i][/b][b][i][size=2][color=#808080]"Good." [/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=2][color=#808080]"Ok, here are the rules just in case you don't already know, someone spins a boittile, and whoever the bottle is pointing too most, must then be asked the Truth or Dare question by the spinner of the bottle. After the person has completed the Truth or Dare question, he or she then gets to spin the bottle. If it lands on yourself, go again. If it lands ssqarely in between two pwople, the spinner gets to choose.[/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=2][color=#808080]He levitated an empty beer bottle from the trash and cleaned it out in the sink, then levitated it over to the circle they were all sitting in.[/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=2][color=#808080]"Velvet's house, so she goes first."[/color][/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=2][color=#808080]Velvet reached out, spun the bottle and it landed on.....BRITTNEY!![/color][/size][/i][/b]
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[color=slategray][size=2][font=veranda]OOC: I?m gonna be fake Velvet, then real Velvet. ^_^

Velvet had a long, flexible, thick chain in her hands, and was whirling it lethally. Spence gritted his teeth, and said, ?Velvet, don?t make me do this.? He didn?t want to hurt her again ? not the fake, he knew he could easily handle her. But he also knew that hurting this Velvet would hurt the real Velvet.

Velvet just shook her head, and let the chain fly. It came straight at Spence, and he melted it. With a silent apology to the real Velvet, Spence ran the fake through up to the handle. He stood right next to her as she smiled weakly, and kissed him.

Spence drew back in shock, and the fake Velvet dissolved.


The real Velvet cleared her throat, and said, ?Truth or Dare.? Brittany looked at her squarly, and said, ?Dare.? Velvet racked her brain, watching Brittany across from her. ?I dare you to?? She trailed off, still thinking.

Shinyo leaned over, and whispered in her ear. He leaned back, grinning. Velvet glared at him, then shrugged. ?Oh, all right, then. I dare you to kiss me.? She seemed to be hiding a flush, but it was hardly noticeable. Brittany leaned over, and planted a firm kiss on Velvets mouth.[/color][/font][/size]
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[color=red][size=1]Dropping the sword in shock, he felt his lips, cut, dry and wrinkled. They bore no evidence of the kiss, but he knew it happened. As he sat down, all of the blood and bodies were swept away, and Sandman sat in the air next to him.

"Here's the clue, alright? I'll open a portal so you can talk to your friends. They have to come get you, though. All the way through the hells you went through, and here. They don't have to fight the hells in this room, though. Goodbye, Spencer." And he dissapeared, leaving a portal again. He saw Brittney kiss Velvet, and both seemed to enjoy it. Tears streamed down his face anew, and he touched the portal, sending ripples across that. Out of the corner of her eye, Velvet saw Spence, and broke the kiss.

"I knew it...I go away, you don't feel sorry for me, that whole 'Oh, I miss you Spence' thing was just a lie, huh? You just wanted to make out with Brittney!" He said in more of a teary and hurt voice rather than an accusing one.[/color][/size]
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[color=slategra][size=2][font=veranda]Velvet sat in shock, watching him. [I]How can you say that?[/I] She asked him silently, her throat closed up. She fought back tears, and got to her feet. ?Just like you, too. I hope you had fun, Spence.? Now her voice was angry. ?It was not an excuse to make out with Brittany, it was truth or Dare, it was Shinyo?s idea ? the dare was ? and this is what I get??

She backed up, violet eyes raging. They were still dull, but the hurt and anger in them played clearly. When Spence looked, he could see that she was different ? her hair had lost its sheen, her eyes were dull. She did care.

?Don?t you remember? I told you, I can love more than one person.? With that, she turned, and fled the house.[/color][/font][/size]
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