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Happy Winter-een-mas!!


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[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Happy Winter-een-mas to all of you my fellow gamers! I thought I'd start spreading the winter-een-mas spirit here on OB, let's get festive!

What is winter-een-mas you say? Well, specifically it is a celebration of games and gamers that lasts throughout January. Find all you need to know [url=http://www.wintereenmas.com/#][B][U]here[/U][/B][/url] at the offical winter-een-mas website!

How will you celebrate?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]*Le-GASPE!* By making an Ethan altar and bowing every five minutes to its, and Ethan's, uber-nesh, of course!

Juss kidding. :^D

Actually, I plan on killing my thumbs with PS2 games, XBox games, Gamecube games, PC games (I type a lot >_> ) and playing my old GBA games on my new DS! Yay! I'll mainly be playing Mario Kart: DD, Mario and Luigi: SS, Mario Power Tennis, and Halo 2. :^D Aren't I special? And yes. Mario and pals pwn me. 'Specially Yoshi. He's teh uber coolness. ^_~

But seriously. I'm building an Ethan altar. And it will include his red tie! The tie.. Yesssss, the tieee.... *evil laughter ness*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=gray]I have been waiting for someone else to post ANYthing about Winter-een-mas. I didn't though... because I didn't want to be the only "loser" to post here.^-^[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=gray][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=gray]I plan on spending all that time... except when I'm in school... playing my games. From sun up, all the way to sun down.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=gray][/color][/size][/font]
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