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[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]Wow, that's a blast from the past. My friends and I have recently discovered how [i]awsome[/i] the theme song to the original Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin) sounds. If you think about it, it must be hard to play on guitar. I've heard rumours it was done by Bucket Head of Guns 'n' Roses but that's only a rumour. What do you think about the song?

Onto the actual show? Honestly, how many people here watched it as a kid and how many of you continued watching all the series/seasons up to Dino Thunder (the newest).

I only really enjoyed Mighty Morphin and Zeo. But I'm curious about any other of you guys. Which ones do you like?

Also, characters. Which rangers were your favourites in the different seasons. Since I only ever watched Mighty Morphin my only 'fave' is the Black Ranger. 'Zach'. Him and his [i]Mastedon[/i] kicked butt. What about you?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Me and the Power Rangers have a sort of on-again/off-again relationship. I watched it regularly when it was Mighty Morphin' and Zeo, but I only saw a few sparce episodes of Turbo. When it came to Space, I think the only full episode I watched was the last one-- because that was supposed to be the end of the series. Since then, I've only seen bits and pieces of the proceeding shows. That is, until last year.

I became a big fan of Ninja Storm. I can't really describe it, but it felt like that was the season that reminded me of why I watched the original Power Rangers. They weren't cops or an elite task force. They were 3 sub-par fighters who were chosen to save the world simply because they arrived too late for the bad guys to capture. They had quite a few zords, but they didn't have 10,000 unnecessary ones (Wild Force, I'm looking at you).

Also, they got rid of the ethno-gender formula they were using since day-1. It was always one Black, one Asian, one Latino who might pass for Caucasian, two Caucasians, and 2 of either group were always girls-- both pink and yellow. Ninja Storm gave us 2 Caucasians, one Latino who passed for Caucasian, a Pacific Islander, an Asian, and an Asian/Latino/Pacific Islander blend (depending on what some Filipinos prefer to call themselves). Also, the blue ranger was the girl.

I tried to get into Dino Thunder. I saw the first 2 episodes, and it felt like Mighty Morphin' all over again, which was abreath of fresh air for an old fogy like me. Sadly, my work schedule got in the way, and I missed most of the series. I have a friend holding some downloaded/burned copies for me, though.
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[color=darkred][font=verdana]God, what a great show. So corny, so formulaic, but overall a lot of fun to watch.

I stopped watching regularly about the time they switched over to the Ninja powers, when the movie came out. I picked it up off and on from there on, with Turbo, Zeo, etc. etc.

I have to agree, in terms of series, Ninja Storm was by far the best. It really shook things up, and at the same time there were some nods to the classic Ranger days (Just check out the Green Ninja Rangers costume). Not only that, but the kids on this show could do one thing no other Ranger before them could: [b]act[/b].

I've caught a few Dino Thunder eps, and felt somewhat old. Seeing the legendary Tommy Oliver return did put a few things in perspective, when I realized that Jason David Frank was in the same place as I am: 10 years older and still stuck with the Power Rangers. The actors on this show also seemed to revert back to the corny, overplayed action, but all in all its a decent romp.

Haven't seen or heard much of the new series, which I can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing. But I'm sure I'll see a bit or two of it.

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[color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Wow! I never would have thought of startin this. Mad props goes out to ya Kanata :D ! Now...

[quote name='JCBaggee][color=darkred][font=verdana]I have to agree, in terms of series, Ninja Storm was by far the best.[/color'][/font][/quote]
I agree, but I've seen Space Rangers, and I thought that was pretty good too, seeing as though it had a real plot or what not, and the last dramatic episode when Zordon died...

[quote name='JCBaggee][color=darkred][font=verdana]Haven't seen or heard much of the new series, which I can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing. But I'm sure I'll see a bit or two of it.[/color'][/font][/quote]
The new series is actually called Power Rangers S.P.D.[i]*Space Patrol Delta*[/i], so don't be surprised if it has a Lightspeed Rescue, or a Time Force feel to it. I might not like it since they're like cops, it should just be simple.

How a 18 year old guy knows about this? :confused: I kno...it's pretty sad...*sniff*...:bawl:[/color][/font]
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[QUOTE=Kanata][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]Wow, that's a blast from the past. My friends and I have recently discovered how [i]awsome[/i] the theme song to the original Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin) sounds. If you think about it, it must be hard to play on guitar. I've heard rumours it was done by Bucket Head of Guns 'n' Roses but that's only a rumour. What do you think about the song?

Onto the actual show? Honestly, how many people here watched it as a kid and how many of you continued watching all the series/seasons up to Dino Thunder (the newest).

I only really enjoyed Mighty Morphin and Zeo. But I'm curious about any other of you guys. Which ones do you like?

Also, characters. Which rangers were your favourites in the different seasons. Since I only ever watched Mighty Morphin my only 'fave' is the Black Ranger. 'Zach'. Him and his [i]Mastedon[/i] kicked butt. What about you?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
if you think that sounded cool try listening to the new seasons theme song. I heard it and it sounds more of a Hard Rock type thing, fawkin rocks. As for the series, I kept in touch with the new seasons. Watchin that damn show made me realize that I have to grow up, seriously :D
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I haven't watched the show since the demise of Fox Kids, but I think the beauty of the original series was its simplicity. Rangers try to do something, monster comes to mess it up, they get beaten, learn a leason, then break out the robots and call it a day.


However, because the new series only keep the cast for a season, it's really a crap-shoot as far as quality is concerned. Also, regarding Ninja Storm, even though Iv'e never seen it, I'm kinda' agahst at the concept.

Power Rangers with Ninja powers? They *always* had ninja powers!
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[SIZE=1]I remember watching everyday at my crazy babysitters with my brother and two friends. I liked it when it was Mighty Morphen, but I wasn't a huge fan of it. I think the pink ranger was my favorite, but I really didn't care about the person, I loved pink when I was younger. Ack.

I stopped watching the show after awhile, sometime before it changed to whatever name they changed it to. It got so rediculous. [/SIZE]
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I loved this when i was little, me and my friend used to pretend we were Power Ranger at playtime.
I only really like Mighty Morphin i don't think any of the others are quite asw good.
I have only seen a couple of the new series, they were ok.
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