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I wasn't sure where to post this... so i chose the thread that said 'off-topic' in the decription...

I dont know if any of you know me... or remember me...i was on this board about 2-3 years ago. Well... i started on this board 3 yearss ago... but i was also on the old version of the board aswell, before it was changed. Anyway, I was searchin 'round the net, and i just so happened to find a link to these boards. I was like "holy crap... i havent been there for like... 3 years...". So i clicked the link, and saw the login box. "Maybe i should try to log on... no, my username wont still work after 3 years...". but, it just so happened that it did, and it told me my last visit was on... may something, 2002. Still shocked, I'm posting this just to see if any of you remember me... try lookin at my most 'recent' posts... maybe that will jog your memory...

Anywho, you don't really have to... but i just wanted to say, hey all you people i know... and nice to meet you to all the people i dont... later
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[color=#811C3A]Yeah, as Baron-chan said...such threads are kind of redundant. We really prefer people to introduce themselves within their actual discussion posts. I mean, we feel that your best introduction is a great response to a particular topic, you know?

Anyway, enjoy OB. I hope you like V7.[/color]
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Guest Heezay
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Orange]( is amazed that James didn't close the thread)

Anyway, welcome back to OB, hope you like it. Post away......[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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