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Silent Hill HELP!!!

Guest dragons tamer

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Guest dragons tamer
[COLOR=DarkRed]:flaming: I'm new so go easy. I don'twhat to do. I do not trust FAQ's. I am stuck in Nowwhere :( and I have the (no affense) star of david. What about those :rolleyes: plates of like cansor,star patterens, e-mail me at [email]shaungry@yahoo.com[/email] m'ky. :o [/COLOR] dragons tamer chio :devil: :flaming: :mad:
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Guest dragons tamer
[FONT=Tahoma]undefined[/FONT][SIZE=4]undefined[/SIZE][COLOR=DarkRed]undefined[/COLOR] :o I think faq'sis not the place for me. I can't read or understand it. Its like it is a different language or something. :nope: E-mail me at [email]shaungry@yahoo.com[/email] ok.then i can get into detail.[IMG]http://z:\.rod-4.jpg[/IMG]
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Hm. I don't think that we're going to get much else out of this thread. If anyone feels inclined to do so, you can contact this person, and help them out with their situation in Silent Hill 4. Otherwise, I think that this thread has run its course, or will do so very soon.

[b][url=http://www.gamefaqs.com]GameFAQs[/url][/b] really is the best place to go, though, honestly. Even if you don't read English particularly well, they have FAQs in alternate languages. If you [i]can[/i] understand English, then, well, I don't see why they would be difficult to read lol. All of the FAQs I've read off of that site are usually direct and to the point, in regards to the language that they use.

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