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Streets of Rage 4: UEI Edi.


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:cool: Hi guys,
Me and a bunch of other people have been working on a free game now caled Streets of Rage 4: UEI Edition. SOR4 UEI uses the old sprites from the games and combines them in 3D environments, giving the game an updated and great look! All the characters make a return, Axel, Blaze, Zan, Skate, Max and yes; a return from Adam. All your favourites bosses and enemies make a return, including some totally new ones aswell!

I'm currently looking for anyone who would be willing to contribute either character shots, or even do cut scenes for the game. Your name will be entered in the credit, and your work will be broadcasted along with the game heavily! So plz, if your interested, plz reply. :babble:
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The Game will include and is not limited to:

*3D Backgrounds to give the game an updated look while keeping the original 2D *Sprites from the previous games
*A brand new awesome soundtrack that is all produced to a high standard! Music: ©Enigma Studio's? and ©Alistair Wood 2003-2004
*Brand new characters!
*Online multiplayer mode, with planned Capture the Flag and many more
*New moves, including tactical team attacks!
*Varied difficulty levels
*New Enemies
*New Story Line
and much MORE!!

You can check it out at [url="http://freewebs.com/sor4uei"]http://freewebs.com/sor4uei[/url]

[color=teal]EDIT:[/color] May I also mention that you get to work on your own time?

May I also mention that that I'm still looking for an artist.... (1-19-05)
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I'm not really sure how many experts you think you're going to find here, but for those of you interested in helping out, you can now find the thread in Art Request. Also, please try to avoid double posted by using the Edit button. ;)
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