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Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin [M-LSV]


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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Welcome to the underground of my litte game.....please....by all means, leave any questions, thoughts or suggestions for the development of this rpg. Make it your own...and enjoy it as much as possible.

Now that's out of the way...here are some ''Rules'' which I feel that are needed to be addressed. Nothing big...but issue's im sure all of you will appreciate.

1) Please read all posts, and take into account ALL information that is given. This will prevent confusion...

2) Both long and short posts are fine...as long as you post whenever...you're good. However, please don't progress the storyline quickly moving from one scene to another in the blink of an eye. Because so much will be missed by the other writers...so be calm...don't take over the story.

3) Be patient...some of us don't post as much as others. Post all you like...but remember to include everyone to keep them involved with the story so that they don't have to catch up. I'm not leaving anyone behind...too often does that happen (amgoddess in Demons and Angels...we missed ya...sorry for that).

4) Plot twists are great...it makes the storyline more interesting. But please keep them in check, so that everyone else doesn't get lost in the change. As great as change is...the story should also go nice and smoothly. We don't want things getting out of hand, causing confusion and contradiction of ideas. That's why I have the underground. Detail in the story are good...just dont go overboard.

5) As always...respect other writers characters and personalities

6) And finally...please use ALL rules 1-5 in your posts, as I'm sure most of you already know.

Thats about it...this will be a very ''involved'' rpg where everyone will be included...so doing this will prevent any complications and confusion in the future.

Thanks for reading....
take care...and be well...later

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Yeah, I had a question and a comment.

Question: When will the RPG be put up in the Square? I'm eager to get started. ^_^

Comment: The floor maps are hard to follow... I sure hope we aren't expected to be able to completely understand everything on there. I can get the basic gist of where things are, where the doors open too, and where the stairs go up and down. But somethings are harder than others on there... I mean, it [i]is[/i] a mansion we have there.
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[color=magenta]Altron's first question was one of mine, too, as well as the second. X.X Those maps are very confuzzling. I sure hope we can get this started, soon. (And Altron, I am glad to be roleplaying with a new crew. :) Hope we have lots o fun with this.)[/color]
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She's going to be gone for a week, therefore she will return this friday. Yeah, hello to you, Rhian. I suppose I am new in the RPGs to a few of you. However, I've RPed with several people from this crew thanks to Project.

Rhian, it seems you and I have a telepathic connection. I will be utilizing this later...
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[color=magenta]A telepathic connection, hmmm? We shall see...

amgoddes is going to join? Oh, this will be loads of fun. :) Ohkami, I blieve I have roleplayed with you once or twice, but I think it was a long time ago. Oh, and I have roleplayed( a lot) with Tash, so I won't be totally unfamiliar. Oh, I shall have fun indeed...[/color]
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aIGHT:) No you all dont have too abide by the maps that were given...was just giving you a basic layout of the mansion....but the specifics really dont matter:) Make it up as you go:)...but the one picture that is important is the one that overlooks the estate.

You've spoken to me already ... about the tasks...and I will be taking them into concideration. If anyone else has a problem...please talk to me about it if you have concerns. But dont be complete cowards guys:)...half the fun.

And yes...finally it is up. Amgoddess has posted her profile in the INN and will be with us sooner than I expected.

To answer your question Ohkami...i got the basic idea from a movie I once saw. Was a long time ago...I believe the basic idea is a Snook?...can't help u there...but really...the entire thing was my own idea.

This will survive...even if people dont post much...i could just weed out the weak and keep the strong:) I really hope you all enjoy yourselves.
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[color=magenta]Yeah, Altron's right. :) Tash and I are trying very hard not to post again. This RPG will die if the rest of the posters don't take initiative. Geez, that's a long word for me to be spelling when I'm half asleep. XD[/color]
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I'm already on it;)...when I post; It'll bring everyone together...and will explain everything;)........if people dont post before then....they can just add it in whenever they'd like and they'll catch up.

Thanks for the heads up though:)
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If you really want to cheat like that...im sure you all are anyway:)...I personally dont care:)...as long as they dont tell in the rpg...thats fine...just as long as you make the story come out good:)...thats all I think we all are looking for anyway:)
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[COLOR=DarkRed]~_^ *cough*

Oh well, I'll just sit in my dark room...excellent how this is going Kairi, excellent. Well done on an amazing RP. But a question to ask you, will the people who are being punished be made to 'forget' everything that happened, or will they remember everything that happened in there punishments.

And '...' your post was kind of like spam.[/COLOR]
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What post? :D

Anyway, I was just wondering if there are any "grey" areas to our cards... Kairi you know what my card is, and I'm just wondering, if we found a way around these, would we still be punished?
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i highly doubt u will be able to find a way around it...but if u want to try..then by all means try:)...can't guarentee anything though:)

And Sean...people will remember what their punishments were...but again...u cannot tell anyone.

Also...please dont make this rpg too much a love thing. I love the relationships that are already forming...but dont make it the only thing;) (aka ULX, Saishi, Tre,Mouse:))
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[SIZE=1]I... guess. The only thing I don't like about these RPG relationships (I've already told you Kairi) is that things happen too quickly. In real life, if you met a long-lost friend, you wouldn't be sleeping with them that night. It just doesn't happen like that.

And besides, I was picking up a Survivor-esque feel to this RPG, not romance. Good stuff man![/SIZE]
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