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Tell Her I'm Sorry


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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]It looks like one of those letters written by people hanging out in outdoor cafes in Paris. I say it looks fabulous in gray (which *kinda* evokes a feeling of hmmm, loneliness?) than in, say, sepia (which makes it looks really old, sort of forgotten). Alright as it is, IMO.

Right. I'm gonna have to glomp you, Altron. *glomp*

Just can't read the letter, though. Hey, wait... that's Shania Twain's [i]From This Moment On[/i]![/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Call me crazy, but I don't think the harsh, jagged, splintery slashes of black, the inkblots/inkstains, and the ugly feel of the piece (I don't mean that as an insult, necessarily) quite exactly convey an apologetic message.

I don't get a nice vibe from the image; I get more of a "Please take me back or I'm going to kill myself I can't live without you I'm in pain when you're not around can't you see what you're doing to me why won't you come back" feel.

If that's what you were going for, then you succeeded.

If not, however, if you were going for a more romantic, softer, truer apology, then I don't know if the piece works all that well.
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[QUOTE=Siren]Call me crazy, but I don't think the harsh, jagged, splintery slashes of black, the inkblots/inkstains, and the ugly feel of the piece (I don't mean that as an insult, necessarily) quite exactly convey an apologetic message.

I don't get a nice vibe from the image; I get more of a "Please take me back or I'm going to kill myself I can't live without you I'm in pain when you're not around can't you see what you're doing to me why won't you come back" feel.

If that's what you were going for, then you succeeded.

If not, however, if you were going for a more romantic, softer, truer apology, then I don't know if the piece works all that well.[/QUOTE]

I don't know. The vibe I get from all that is that the person struggled mightily to find the right words to express the apology. I know that if I wanted to apologize to someone I cared about, I'd want to get it just right. I'd struggle with what I wanted to say. That's the feeling I got from this. Not really a romantic feeling, but a true feeling, nonetheless.
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[quote name='Shinmaru']I don't know. The vibe I get from all that is that the person struggled mightily to find the right words to express the apology. I know that if I wanted to apologize to someone I cared about, I'd want to get it just right. I'd struggle with what I wanted to say. That's the feeling I got from this. Not really a romantic feeling, but a true feeling, nonetheless.[/quote]
Well, yes, it looks like there was a struggle, but it looks more like a struggle with a machete, lol. I've seen images of Daniel Dafoe and Walt Whitman's in-process writings, with edits and lines and all, and there's a pleasant look/feel to it.

I guess what I'm saying is, I never saw an apology letter with dark inky slashes all over it, and words written upside down, backwords, diagonally, etc. Yes, an apology note can seem desperate at times, but I think this piece is a level of desperate that goes a bit farther than "Please talk to me. I'm sorry for what happened."
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[FONT=Verdana]Sorry to dig up an old topic, but i love this artwork! You did an awesome job..

[QUOTE]Sometimes it's hard to tell someone you're sorry. That was the feeling I was trying to put arcross on this one. Did I succeed?[/QUOTE]

YES! I think so, anyway. [/FONT]
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