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a really fun question

dan felton

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Guest Water Lily
[QUOTE=dan felton]Just a little fun question for all to answer.

If you could be any manga character in any manga what and who would you be?

[I]Me I would have to be goku from dragonball z and be in the evangelion world, just fighting all the angles would be awesome.[/I][/QUOTE]

Me I would be Youko Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho in Yu-Gi-Oh! world.
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I would be vegeta from dragonballz and in a mixture of several worlds which would include gundam wing, tenchi, and dragonballz.

I would also make it so that vegeta was married to someone other than bulma and that he lived on Ayeka's planet and that his best frined was duo maxwell
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I would be Demon eyes kyo from "samurai deeper kyo" in a wolfs rain manga with a little samurai Champloo, cowboy bebop, and Vampire Hunter D (with a little "ninja scroll) If so the story would be changed a little. Kyoshiro Mibu would be a wolf in human form, and demon eyes kyo is looking for his body to unlock his body. I would be Kyoshiro Mibu (heh)
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Right, this thread is going to be shut down, reason being is that in the past when such topics have appeared in the Anime Lounge, they've quickly spiraled into mindless spam, which this thread had been doing from the beginning.

So far, everyone who posted in this thread has said just who they would like to be, not at all giving a reason [i]why,[/i] which is the only main way to keep this topic afloat. Since no one has done this so far, and I have a strong incination that no one will, I'm nipping it in the bud now.

Thread Closed[/color]
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