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I need a little help...

Sea Of Chaos666

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[font=Book Antiqua][color=silver]The problem could be just that you've been screwing with your sleeping patterns. One late night will throw your whole body off balance. Try to go to sleep at an early time, to do this, maybe do alot of work in the day or take a sleeping pill, but try and rest early and get up early. It will help put your internal clock back in order.[/color][/font]
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one thing that i do when my sleep schedule gets out of whack, i'll pull an all nighter one night, then the next night just go to sleep real early. You'll wake up early the next morning refreshed with your sleep schedule back in order. If you need help falling asleep in the first place, i would suggest reading like Queen Asuka said, or just take 2 Tylenol PM's. they're non-habit forming and they'll knock you out cold.
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Take a very warm shower or bath about an hour before you plan to sleep. This is not merely a relaxation technique. After the shower/bath, your body's internal temperature will actually drop a little, which gives a feeling of sleepiness. Then listen to relaxing music and read something difficult. I recommend anything related to physics or advanced philosophy. You are bound to go to sleep. If you try that and it doesn't work, try sleep aid pills. If that doesn't work, or it does work but you need to be on them for more than 2 weeks, go see a doctor, because there may be something seriously wrong with you.

Also, don't drink any caffeine, or eat any chocolate or spicy foods. Stick with bland, normal foods.

Hope it gets better soon,

James Bierly
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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]If you fall asleep at say 2:00 am (which is still pretty early by my watch), try sleeping at 30 minutes earlier for the next couple of days. And no, you absolutely must [b]not[/b] fall asleep before 1:30 'cause it'll just mess up this technique. If you can't fall asleep by 1:30 then[quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]Practice your spelling words and read. It will help you TREMDOUSLY. And it will make you very sleepy. ^_^[/color'][/size][/quote]at 1:00 am.

Right then. After that, sleep at 1:00 am. Keep adjusting your bedtime by 30 minutes every two days until you get to your target time.

PS: Rid your bedroom of stuff that make you stay up late (the TV, for example). And yeah, it worked for me.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I've got insomnia. The only way I fix it is going to bed three hours before the time I normally do, and then by the time I usually go to bed, I'm already asleep. See. :smoke:

Or you can try the medicines. But they'll probably just make it worse rather than helping you.
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[size=1]Don't drink anything for a few hours before you go to bed, don't listen to loud music, calm down and stay relaxed, maybe read for half an hour before turning out the lights...and then just lay there until you get to sleep. There's nothing else for it, really, unless you want to take medication.[/size]
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I think the key is discovering what causes your insomnia.

I suffer on and off with sleeping problems caused primarily due to the fact my brain is on overdrive most of the time. I spend a lot of time worrying about what happened during that day and the worse the worry is the less chance I have of going to sleep. Controlling the thoughts = getting some sleep.
Usually distraction is a good thing here. I put on an anime that I know fairly well and I can focus on the tv without getting caught up in the story. Once my brain stops worrying I fall asleep pretty quickly.

Other things is might be are
> sleeping patterns thrown off - are you sleeping or very sleepy at other times of the day? You may need to work yourself back to a normal sleeping pattern

> too much caffine - if you drink a lot of caffine rich drinks cut down

> distractions - if there is a lot of noise you may not sleep well, alternatively some people can't sleep in dead silence (me for one ;) )

Of course there are the cases where insomnia comes and goes for no good reason. If it's really bad, see a doctor. They can provide sleeping pills that are less likely to be addictive and often once your body has some forced rest you find that your sleeping goes back to normal.

good luck :)
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[b][font=Verdana][size=2]I am a perpetual insomniac[size=1]- I usually get about 2 or 3 hours of sleep/ night- [i]if [/i]I'm lucky. A lot of the time, I end up going for 4 or 5 days at a time without sleep. It hurts... and I can sympathize...[/size][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Verdana][size=1]For a lot of people, that over-the-counter sleep medicine works great- or some melatonin supplements from the health food store. The problem with those is that when you run out, then your insomnia seems worse than before.[/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Verdana][size=1]In Abnormal Psychology, we learned that the most effective way for an insomniac to put themself to sleep is for the person to lie down and basically chant things like "I am so comfortable and sleepy... my bed is soft and cozy and I'm falling asleep" or some crap like that. They say it works because you're suggesting it to yourself so much that your mind finally believes it and you'll fall asleep. [/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Verdana][size=1](It has never worked for me, but, hey- insomnia ain't my only problem, either ;) ). [/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Verdana][size=1]It's worth a shot if it's only insomnia and not a symptom of another more serious psychological condition...[/size][/font][/b]
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Well...take a warm shower right before your desired time to get some sleep. Afterwards, take two Nyquil Gelcaps. Those made me fall asleep in like...five minutes after taking them. But I was sick, too. That's the best advise I can really give.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=elfpirate][b][font=Verdana][size=2]I am a perpetual insomniac[size=1]- I usually get about 2 or 3 hours of sleep/ night- [i]if [/i]I'm lucky. A lot of the time, I end up going for 4 or 5 days at a time without sleep. It hurts... and I can sympathize...[/size][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Verdana][size=1][/size][/font][/b] [QUOTE]

That is how I am. Medication just makes the whole thing worse! And, it sucks during the day because I have to make so many trips and I think I'm gonna DIE... :animestun
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[QUOTE=Sea Of Chaos666][QUOTE=elfpirate][b][font=Verdana][size=2]I am a perpetual insomniac[size=1]- I usually get about 2 or 3 hours of sleep/ night- [i]if [/i]I'm lucky. A lot of the time, I end up going for 4 or 5 days at a time without sleep. It hurts... and I can sympathize...[/size][/size][/font][/b]

That is how I am. Medication just makes the whole thing worse! And, it sucks during the day because I have to make so many trips and I think I'm gonna DIE... :animestun[/QUOTE]

[b][color=darkred]Lol.... it's a bit scary when you have a lot of extremely important resposibilities and you're so tired that you're beginning to hallucinate... and meds do tend to make things much worse,[/color][/b]
[b][color=darkred]So sorry I don't have any advice for you- have you seen a Dr. about it yet?[/color][/b]
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