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my pic ^____________^

Guest killjoy

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Guest killjoy
this was drawn by me, uhm ... in a night, and i drew my young sister ^____^
she is very like it , and im too ^^ and i know its not good!! ><

i drew it by pencil!

[color=teal]Since the picture enlarged the screen by a bit, I edited it to an uploaded image. I hope you don't mind. ^_^; -Syk3[/color]
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Cute XD Seems very dramatic since you can't see her face ^^ Her arm looks a bit off though O_o I'm not even sure arms can bend like that... *attempts it*

erhm... not really XD; *dies* the position of her arms seems stiff and I don't think it should be totally flat on the table like that? (unless your sis can actually do that... I am a short person and thus have short limbs so I can't do such a thing *laughs*)

the foot on the leg up on the chair could use a tiny bit of fixing, but feet are mad hard to draw anyway.

Anyway XD overall, very cool pic ^_^
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