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Submitting Things *confused*


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hello everyone :) ,

yes i'm new here and i'm really confused about submitting things. i dont even know if this is the right place for this thread. Anyways, do they have to be original or could i get a picture from a different website and change that and use that in a different background, could i submit that???? . Also, if i need help where should i post or make threads about that??? I hope u guys can help me.

thanx and bye :)
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Sorry to the mods... I wasn't sure if I could just answer the question or not.

Well, what do you want to submit work to? If you just want to post some art for feedback, here is fine. If you want to place a request for art, the Art Request for is the place. And finally, if you wish to submit a poem, story, or anything else, the Anthology is the forum for you.

I hope I was of help to you. ^_^
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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]Oh yeah, you post things to Art Studio if you want it evaluated. If you're trying to submit something, (a wallpaper, for example) then you'd better head to theOtaku.com (or pretty much any other site that accepts wallpaper submissions ^^).

Hmm... If you're submitting work that's not your own, then you'd better give the artist proper credits. A sort of unwritten rule, I guess.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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oh alright thanx for ur help :) but i have one more question you said that i should give the artist some credit what if i don't know who the artist is should i then gie the credit to the website i got the image from??? sorry if im really bothering you but just want to make sure that i do everything right because i don't want to get banned.

Thanx aot :)
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[quote name='Altron']Sorry to the mods... I wasn't sure if I could just answer the question or not.[/quote]Oh yeah, it's fine; thanks for helping. ~_^ It's when there's an issue with the rules and the member doesn't realize it that you should probably leave that for the moderators, in order to prevent cluster in the thread.

Altron and Freude have already done a good job answering your question, so I can only reiterate. Are you referring to submission as in presenting it here for feedback, or to submission as in sending in your artwork to theOtaku.com for wallpapers, greeting cards, fanart, etc.? Either way, we encourage that your work be as original as possible, especially in the case of fanart, but if you want to take images and sort of combine them together for wallpapers, greeting cards, or pieces that you would like to show here, that's perfectly acceptable.
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