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Harajuku Boy - mixed media stuffies


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I actually did this for class, but it was totally ignored and I got like no feedback O_o (though a guy in the class did start to talk about it and was totally shot down by the prof T_T argh. I don't think he likes me)


Materials used = color monotype, screen tone, ink. Yah for me XD First time mixing media like this~ *shot dead*
Time = 8+ hours

Note that screen tone scans horribly T_T and a lot of detail was lost, but this was about as good as I could get it without the colors looking horrible. The image is also large for the same reason, so I'm sorry if it takes a while to load >_<

randomly, subject matter based on Gwen Stefani's (sp?) Harajuku girls... who don't really remind me of Harajuku O_o; and thus I did this (though I drew a boy instead of a girl cause I felt like it)

I should have gotten a ruler before taking a knife to it T_T the borders are wonky.

A few people suggested I do a series of these based on other fashion trends, but I'm not sure this one turned out well enough to result in a series (and, you know, screen tone isn't cheap)
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[SIZE=1]Wow! I'm really suprised no one has commented on this yet! This is beyond saying anything; it's that good! Yeah, when I saw the title, I was thinking of Stefani and her LAMB. Yeah, this is an awesome picture! I'll be keeping an eye out for more of your work (which, by the way, is a million times better than mine; I'm serious too, I don't say that too often, you should be proud of yourself. xD) ![/SIZE]
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Once again, GTK, you come packin' the heat.

I don't have that much to say. This is really good. How much time did you spend doing this?

Anyway, the only thing wrong I see with this is the border, which you've already pointed out. The thing (in my opinion) that really makes the picture so good is how you overlayed the guy's body onto the background, so that his clothes blend with it. Awesome idea. But I'm not too fond of the cap -- just not my style.

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Ooh la lah! I promise that when I become the Emperor of the World, you'll get to be my Court Artist (and that's a command, not a request ;) ).

I'm in pretty boy heaven! You have got major talent, and your style appeals to me like flowers to bees. I envy your skill to make the clothes actually look like clothes, not just textures painted on a body.

I think I can see why your professor ignored your art. One word: [B]homophobia[/B].

Keep 'em twinks coming!
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[QUOTE=Retribution] How much time did you spend doing this?

At least 8 hours total, start to finish (and I was able to finish two movies while doing it ^^; go me *shot dead*)

[QUOTE=Sage]Ooh la lah! I promise that when I become the Emperor of the World, you'll get to be my Court Artist (and that's a command, not a request ;) ).

I'm in pretty boy heaven! You have got major talent, and your style appeals to me like flowers to bees. I envy your skill to make the clothes actually look like clothes, not just textures painted on a body.

I think I can see why your professor ignored your art. One word: [B]homophobia[/B].

Keep 'em twinks coming![/QUOTE]

I'm amused XD

and now I totally understand why my professor doesn't like me. It's all the pretty boys. The only work he ever really commented on of mine was actually of a girl XD I see it now~

And thanks for the comments so far guys ^_^ *loves*
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