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Idea, but need help.

Akieen Cloud

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Okay, I have an idea for a new RPG but I just can't figure how to get it going. It's based on a dream I had like two nights ago and I know that you all are think me crazy for dreaming soemthing like this but here it goes.

It's basicly like this, A group of teens go to a mansion on a lake in the back of a small town and most are couples goign for soem time together and just to have some fun with their friends. Well it's peaceful and everything seems to go great till night falls and all of sudden half of the party that they went with is gone, and they come to find, by a huge case of cat and mouse, that the place is a vamp hideout and well the only way out is the gate door in the yard, well the yard has fused together so they can't get out. The only way is to open the door and there's a problem, it's a puzzle. And the puzzle is diffrent for every person, it's tricky. Well in the end everyone but one decides to become a vamp, there's no way out right? Well, unfortuantly I woke up at that point and I never found out the real ending but I can't think of how to really end it or what kind of puzzle to make. So can anyone help me on this one? PLEASE!!!
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Well you have the basis for the RPG in the couples going to the mansion and it being a vampire lair. From there you don't really need much else of what you described because it would control the descisions people make. You just really need to construct an intro storyline.
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1) I have freakishly weird nightmares, so your dream isn't all that bizarre. I'd go into my various nocturnal experiences, but I'll spare you, lol.

2) But as a story concept, I'm not feeling it. I think something to do with the whole part about "trapped in a house with vampires around" just colors the idea as a bit tired and cliched. I do like the idea of the protagonists giving up in the end, though. It's unexpected and could be very satisfying in what would otherwise be a cliched concept.
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[SIZE=1]Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with Siren on this one. The idea is cliche, in the respect that it's a vampire-haunted mansion. Besides, it doesn't sound like it'd last very long... I'd be around four pages and it'd be done.

Besides, your dream isn't very ... logical, therefore the RPG would feel random and pointless. The first sentence sounded like a good beginning to an RPG, however cliched it might be. You had a foundation, but the "building" became sort of lopsided. Get what I mean? I'd recommend going back to your "foundation," and reworking a new story line.[/SIZE]
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Yeah, I think in general, the supernatural scaries angle has been played out.

What may be a pretty interesting spin on the idea is that instead of [insert generic supernatural creature here], why not make the villains of the story humans? And not even make them a cult or anything.

I'm thinking to provide a motivation for the group to stay...how about they've developed a mood enhancer of some type? The pleasing effect of the drug is so good that those who use it can become very addicted very quickly, and can't stand to be without it for an extended period of time. Their bodies start reacting, sometimes violently.

And this way, by making the hosts human, and by introducing this addictive substance, you don't need to have gates welded shut...or however they are.

I think it's a much stronger plot, too. You can still have the conflicts of members of the group wanting to leave vs wanting to stay, and then work in some real themes there of self-control, willpower, etc.

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So basicly drug addiction? Okay....I can think on that I lke everyone, thanks alot, keep the advice comin though. I've only had two good Rp's and they didn't really last long.
So lemme see what I got here.

A group of teens go to a mansion where lets see...mad scientists have been experimenting with drugs and lured them there to test it on them? Well let's see some get addicited very quickly while others say don't and fight the drug. They have large fights and well other things between them becasue of the drug and I geuss some in the end leave while others stay and get so hooked on the drug they...die? Or are never seen or heard from again? I mean that's what I can gather, anything else lemme know and I'll see what I can do, I'm not atarting it anytime soon. I just wanted some ideas on where the hell to go here. You all have great ideas. thanks alot keep em' comin though. Like I said I've only had two really good Rp's and well they were luck.
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No, not even mad scientists...maybe not even scientists at all. Just regular people who have developed a mood stabilizer that makes everything feel just fine. It doesn't take away the pain; it just makes you not care...and the euphoric feeling is so good that you never want it to go away.

And you know...I don't think you even need to have the teens lured there. Teenagers are stupid. They're scatterbrained. They're dense. They're more than capable of finding their way there on their own...all they need to do is stumble across it, after all--and teenagers have stumbling around down to a science.

And yeah. Pretty much every type of addiction side effect could be explored in the RPG.
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