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Mog Banner


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Hiya! I am looking for a mog banner (and possibly an avitar, mine is getting a little old). I am, more or less, obsessed with moogles, especially the ones from Final Fantasty VI. I want a good banner that has a mog on it, then have the words Kupo! (the official moogle language), posted in pink or red towards the bottom. I am a little more flexible towards the avitar, but I would like the words Kupo to be somewhere on the avitar as well. I hope this isnt too challenging. Oh! by the way, dont use the Moogles from Crystal Chronicals, those just kinda scared me...Thank you!
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[color=gray][size=1]They are [i]Moogles[/i], [i]Mog[/i] is mostly the name of either a character or as in [i]Final Fantasy: Tactics Advance[/i] it's part of a job name. Sorry couldn't resist XD

I'm on it, if I can't make it, I'll delete this post to let you know ^^;[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hmm...never played FF, so I'm acting fully on Boo's saying they're called Moogles...but I hope this is what you mean...



Hope you like them![/COLOR]
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Ozy, I really really like what you did! I love what you did with the blue shadings...I can only see one problem. And that problem is that you have on the banner Kapu, at least thats what it looks like. I think I said before that it is Kupo. I am sorry if this seems to be aggressive or insulting, but I think that it looks kind of odd. Do you think you can change it? Other than that, I believe that the Banner and Avitar are perfect. Keep up the good work! :animesmil
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[COLOR=DarkOrange]*Looks at original post* *looks at banner* *hits self on forehead. Repeatedly*

I am sooo sorry! I did put the wrong word on... :animeswea :animeshy:



Eheh. Sorry about that.

EDIT: [SIZE=1]this part is for entertainment value only! [/SIZE] And pleeease don't pick Retribution's! Please! He's secretly trying to steal your soul!!! My banners are safe![/COLOR]
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The battle begins, Ozy. :animesmil
Anyway, is this what you wanted?



EDIT: Mu-ha. Ozy's only afraid my banner might be picked. It's our personal competition.
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Oh no! I feared something like this would happen! I love both of the banners and avitars, but I cant pick just one! I am not to sure what to do. Retribution, I really really, really like the moogles on yours. Extremely cute. I also like the color scheme. Although, it is kinda odd how Ozy states you will steal my soul... I am still undecided...Give me time.

Thanks Both of you!

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[COLOR=DarkOrange]You could always altenate...use his set one week, use my set the next two weeks, use his set half a week, my set two weeks...:p...

In all seriousness, switching between both works. Lots of people *cough*me*cough* switch theirs more than once a week... :rolleyes:

[SIZE=1]And I won't compromise on them all, Trib...just watch[/SIZE].[/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]Heh. Looks like you're wearing the better set. But yeah, it'll count as a tie. My l33t banner making skills will soon rule the boards. And besides, there's nothing like a good competitive spirit to make even better banners. ^_^

And my signature will hold the record. Heh.[/SIZE]
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