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Questions, and Curios about the state of Otakudom.

Guest Ryani

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Guest Ryani
A few questions.
If you want, I will answer them myself, also.

1. What do you feel makes an Otaku? Does a collection of anime have anything to do with it? Does cosplaying? Does frequent watching? Does reading manga? Does collecting manga? Does collecting merchandise? Does knowing everything about the animes they watch?

2. Is it alright to discriminate when watching anime? What if a fan does not watch Evangelion, Hellsing, or Beserk, for various reasons, but knows everything about her fandoms?

3. Is it alright for a fan to watch 'Americanized' anime? This refers to Yu-gi-oh!, Pokemon, Shaman King, etc. What if they watch it uncut? What if they refuse to?

4. Should all anime fans know, or be in the process of learning Japanese, romanized Japanese, and kanji?

5. Is it alright for a fan to watch Pseudo-Anime? (Teen Titans, Totally Spies, Shinzo, Avatar)

6. If an Otaku is discriminate about violence, and sexual activity in anime, is that alright?

7. Do you feel that there are many female Otaku who watch mainly non-shoujo anime?

8. And lastly, how do you feel about Otaku below the age of 15?
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1. If you're gonna be an [I]Otaku[/I] I think you'll have to at least: Have seen a few Anime (complete) Watch frequent and know something about Anime in general.

2. Discriminate.. dunno.. I for one doesn't watch Evangelion because I hate Mecha, but I watch all kinds of other series, do I discriminate? Watch what you like.

3. Why wouldn't it be? If they like that, they should watch it. But.. You can't be an Anime otaku with only Americanized series, imho.

4. Hell no! Do you know how much effort and time you're gonna spend learning it? If you want, you can do it, but it's not a need.

5.Duh..I mean, watch what you like, even if it isn't Anime. If you're gonna limit you vision to the only 'true' anime, you're not an otaku at all.

6. Yup, that's your choice. If you don't wanna watch something, who's gonna make ya?

7. I wouldn't know, wouldn't care.

8. They're awesome.

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Guest Ryani
I'm sorry...I should of been clearer.

As for 2, Discriminate basically means..Be picky. For example...I also don't watch any shows with Mechas..but I stay away from most Shoujos, and..I end up not watching alot of popular shows. For example, I refuse to watch Hellsing because of the violence, even though I like some characters, and the story. Or, if I think an anime is too silly, or really any little thing..I tend to be amazingly picky. I'm not asking for approval..just want to know opinions.

Question 6, basically means, is sexual or violent content a valid reason to not watch an anime?
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1. Labels are unimportant. There should be nothing stopping anyone from thinking of himself or herself as a fan. That having been said, I personally harbor a lot more respect for people who buy/rent most or all of their anime than people who order bootlegs or rely solely on torrents.

2. While openness is a great quality, no one should be forced to watch a series that she or he is not interested in. End of story.

3. I don't see why not. Different strokes for different folks, right?

4. No. And to be frank it makes me pretty nervous when I encounter someone who says he/she is taking Japanese [i]just[/i] because of anime. In my opinion there are better reasons to start learning a difficult foreign language, though I guess being an anime fan can certainly play into the decision, at least to a certain extent.

5. My answer: whatever floats your boat. That's a pretty nonsensical question, akin to asking if it's "alright" for a fan of animation to also enjoy live-action shows. Of course it's alright.

6. Why wouldn't it be? It's not as if every anime is a work of art, and people need some way to screen things.

7. Yes. In fact, I wish more of them would give shoujo a chance. Too many female fans seem to feel that watching series aimed at their demographic is uncool--never mind the fact that there are also plenty of shounen anime dripping with sparkles, sugary sap and overdone romance. It makes me want to sit in a corner and weep when it's suggested that superb titles like Kaleido Star and Princess Tutu are selling poorly because they target girls. In the R1 market, shoujo has really gotten the short end of the stick.

8. More power to them. Seems like a rather arbitrary cut-off age, but no matter.

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Here are my opinions:

1. An Otaku to me is just a fan of anime. They watch anime and/or read manga. I don't think that being an Otaku means you have to watch every single anime, know the script by heart in Japanese or dress and act like your favorite character. An Otaku is an anime fan.

2. To each their own. If you don't like a certain type of anime then I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Enjoy the anime you like and someone else will enjoy the other stuff.

3. Again, to each their own. I find nothing wrong with watching the "main stream" anime programing that can be viewed on American television. If these hook people then maybe they will seek out more anime that isn't so Americanized.

4. Oh boy. I have actually had a person try to compete with on my "Japanese-ness". It actually drives me a bit batty. So what if you can speak or write Japanese? Does that make you more of an anime fan in my eyes, no. Many people learn the language with no connection to anime so it really doesn't hold any weight with me if they are learning Japanese or not. Learning Japanese doesn't make you more a fan.

5. I see nothing wrong with watching other animated programing. If I decide to watch a Disney animated film doesn't negate my anime fandom. Watch what you find entertaining.

6. I think being a bit more picky about your anime is fine. It's hard to think that someone would find ever single anime appealing. I am not into the magical girl anime stuff but I am not going to knock anyone who does enjoy it. To each their own. Watch what you like.

7. Again, I think people will watch what they enjoy watching. I watch everything from mecha stuff to shonen-ai to horror based storylines. This of course doesn't mean I don't watch "girly" anime programs either. To each their own, watch what you like.

8. I have no problems with younger fans. I am friends with many anime fans below the age of 15. I don't think age has anything to do with someones fandom.
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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]1. [b]What do you feel makes an Otaku? Does a collection of anime have anything to do with it? Does cosplaying? Does frequent watching? Does reading manga? Does collecting manga? Does collecting merchandise? Does knowing everything about the animes they watch?[/b]
An Otaku is anyone who wants to call him/herself an otaku. He/She may have an entire library's worth of manga or just a list of program schedules but is an Otaku anyway. His/Her forte may span a range of titles or have only Earth Shoujo Arjuna in his/her arsenal but he/she's still an otaku.

2. [b]Is it alright to discriminate when watching anime? What if a fan does not watch Evangelion, Hellsing, or Beserk, for various reasons, but knows everything about her fandoms?[/b]
It's never wrong to specialize in a particular anime series. Perhaps he/she hasn't heard of it, perhaps he/she isnot a fan of that genre; one cannot possibly know everything about every anime in creation.

3. [b]Is it alright for a fan to watch 'Americanized' anime? This refers to Yu-gi-oh!, Pokemon, Shaman King, etc. What if they watch it uncut? What if they refuse to?[/b]
What the--of course, nothing's wrong with "Americanized" anime. Heck, it could be in Swahili but I'll still watch it. (provided that a) it is good; and b) it is subbed)

4. [b]Should all anime fans know, or be in the process of learning Japanese, romanized Japanese, and kanji?[/b]
I say "nay!" If we all did, Tokyopop and them dubbing companies will have to close shop soon. Learning Japanese ain't a requirement to truly enjoy anime. See, even if you can speak Japanese but knew zilch about the culture then you can't possibly get the point of an anime like [i]Yakumo Tatsu[/i]. If you still want to learn Japanese, I suggest you learn about the culture first.

5. [b]Is it alright for a fan to watch Pseudo-Anime? (Teen Titans, Totally Spies, Shinzo, Avatar)[/b]
Aha. Those aren't "Pseudo-Anime". That is still technically anime--[i]animated[/i], if you may. ;) I *heart* Totally Spies.

6. [b]If an Otaku is discriminate about violence, and sexual activity in anime, is that alright?[/b]
Different strokes for different folks. I *heart* bloody anime yet cannot bring myself to watch hentai.

7. [b]Do you feel that there are many female Otaku who watch mainly non-shoujo anime?[/b]
"Many" is a good term. I, for one, am not a follower of shoujo anime.

8. [b]And lastly, how do you feel about Otaku below the age of 15?[/b]
Alright, kiddo; how do I feel about 40+ year old anime fans? A bit of a trick question there. Many otakus would say that there are different anime/manga to suit different age groups. I agree.

Pretty much what everybody else said. [/SIZE][/COLOR] :animesigh
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1. What I believe makes an Otaku is, if it makes you happy, then it makes you Otaku. I don't believe that you have to own or collect the anime, but if watching it, talking about it, or thinking of it makes you very happy, or even giggle then yes I believe you are an Otaku. I also don't believe that you have to know everything there is to know about the animes you watch, after all how much is it to have a conversation with someone who knows all.

2.I believe in discriminating animes that you don't watch, for example I have a serious problem with Blood the last Vampire, and Berserk. No offense to those who do enjoy them. I just don't like alot of the stuff in them.

3. I LOVE POKEMON, does that answer the question?

4.You don't need to know japanese to love there cartoons.

5. If you like Teen Titans, or whatever, then watch it. My sister LOVES teen titans but I don't shun her for it.

6. If you don't want SEX in your anime, thats okay, or if you don't like people being blown apart and their guts going everywhere, then thats okay to.

7. I know tons of Female Otaku, who only watch action animes... its not uncommon.

8. I don't care if your 8 or if your 80 if you want to be Otaku thengo for it! :animeknow
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  • 2 weeks later...
1. to me, bein an otaku is just having a love for anime, plain and simple. oh, and knowing something about it too

2. descrimination isnt nesecary to me, i watch a wide range of anime(from flcl, to serial experiments lain, to escaflowne, back to excel saga, over to dnangel), but i seem to gravitate towards the comedy/action/romance-ish types (i think fruits basket has all 3 in it)

3. yeah, yeah, but i dont care for some of it. oh, wait, shaman king? i saw that once, thought it was interesting (translation: PUT IT BACK ON TV!!!)

4. im teaching myself japanese. it isnt neseccary, but hey, i want to go to japan and be able to speak some of the lingo over there, and know what im ordering at mcdonalds international.
and read some of the sound effects in manga, lol.

5.i cant descriminate because i watch teen titans, so sure, why not?

6. not really sure how to answer this

7. i would hope

8. under 15.....well i started in the...8th grade, and that would put me at....i dunno, roughly 13-14 with a love hina AMV, so...hell ya!
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[COLOR=Navy][B]1. What do you feel makes an Otaku? Does a collection of anime have anything to do with it? Does cosplaying? Does frequent watching? Does reading manga? Does collecting manga? Does collecting merchandise? Does knowing everything about the animes they watch?[/B]
As long as they like anime, they are an otaku.

[B]2. Is it alright to discriminate when watching anime? What if a fan does not watch Evangelion, Hellsing, or Beserk, for various reasons, but knows everything about her fandoms? [/B]
I don't care what they like and don't like. I'd hate it if someone did that me. I like what I like, and hate what I hate. You can't change that.

[B]3. Is it alright for a fan to watch 'Americanized' anime? This refers to Yu-gi-oh!, Pokemon, Shaman King, etc. What if they watch it uncut? What if they refuse to?[/B]
Whatever floats their boat. I like the Pokemon movies, thank you very much.

[B]4. Should all anime fans know, or be in the process of learning Japanese, romanized Japanese, and kanji?[/B]
They don't have to. I am currently learning the language, but not because I love anime. I love everything Japan...food, culture, etc. It [I]is[/I] hard...especially when you start learning the kanji. ¬_¬

[B]5. Is it alright for a fan to watch Pseudo-Anime? (Teen Titans, Totally Spies, Shinzo, Avatar)[/B]

They can be entertaining. Though I am not into Teen Titans all that much, and the others not at all, I still find them somewhat interesting. I personally prefer actual anime.

[B]6. If an Otaku is discriminate about violence, and sexual activity in anime, is that alright?[/B]

Whatever floats their boat.

[B]7. Do you feel that there are many female Otaku who watch mainly non-shoujo anime?[/B]

Yes. I am one of them. I enjoy all types and genres of anime (no hentai of course) From Sailor Moon to Akira.

[B]8. And lastly, how do you feel about Otaku below the age of 15?[/B]

I doesn't matter what age they are. If they like anime, let them enjoy it....that is....not letting a seven year old watch Akira. I believe that you should stick to the age ratings somewhat. I started when I was twelve, so no biggy.[/COLOR]
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[b]1. What do you feel makes an Otaku? Does a collection of anime have anything to do with it? Does cosplaying? Does frequent watching? Does reading manga? Does collecting manga? Does collecting merchandise? Does knowing everything about the animes they watch?[/b]

Otaku = anime fan. If you like anime in general, you're an otaku.

[b]2. Is it alright to discriminate when watching anime? What if a fan does not watch Evangelion, Hellsing, or Beserk, for various reasons, but knows everything about her fandoms?[/b]

I suppose that fan bases can tell you something about a series. If you're getting a lot 13-year-old fans, you can almost guarantee that its going to be a fast based joy ride. If everybody but the so-called "true otakus" hate it, its probably slower. If only the ladies like it, its probably a romance. However, if you get something that has a huge fanbase covering many different types of people, like Berserk and NGE, you really should check it out. It had to do something right to develope such a broad fanbase.

[b]3. Is it alright for a fan to watch 'Americanized' anime? This refers to Yu-gi-oh!, Pokemon, Shaman King, etc. What if they watch it uncut? What if they refuse to?[/b]

Whatever. I don't like dumbed down anime personally (obvious edits are funny at first, but quickly become irritating), but if other want to watch it, its their deal.

[b]4. Should all anime fans know, or be in the process of learning Japanese, romanized Japanese, and kanji?[/b]

Should people learn to speak French just because they like old romantic French movies? Should people from other countries learn English just because they like American movies? Should people learn to write the old Greek alphebet just because they like Greek mythology? No, no, and no! That's too much work for such a small thing! Anime and manga fall under the same umbrella. Don't spend long months learning the language just so that you can watch anime in Japanese and understand it. Its too minor of a thing to throw away so much time, money, and work into it.

[b]5. Is it alright for a fan to watch Pseudo-Anime? (Teen Titans, Totally Spies, Shinzo, Avatar)[/b]

When there's trouble you know who to call... TEEN TITANS! From their tower they can see it all... TEEN TITANS! I love Teen Titans!

[b]6. If an Otaku is discriminate about violence, and sexual activity in anime, is that alright?[/b]

Its kinda stupid, but so long as it doesn't start any sort of movement, I really don't care. Some people don't like that stuff in their media. But best of luck on finding enough good anime to keep you occupied for the next couple of years! Anime devoid of violence and sexual activity is pretty damned rare!

[b]7. Do you feel that there are many female Otaku who watch mainly non-shoujo anime?[/b]

Again, whatever floats their boat. Nobody ever said that girls HAVE to be into romantic media. I actually prefer a girl that's not into that stuff.

[b]8. And lastly, how do you feel about Otaku below the age of 15?[/b]

I'm trying to get my 5-year-old little brother into it at a young age. He loves Inuyasha!
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