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Matrix: Armageddon | Underground [M-VLS]


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The End of a saga is only the beginning of another.


It has been 12 years since Neo, being the One, formed a truce with the machines for a lasting peace between man and machine.

Nothing lasts forever, as the machines were about to find out.....

[/size][/color][/i][color=Gray][size=1][b]Well, this[/b] is a remake of one of my old RPG's (see original [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=33182"]here[/url])
which was set after Revolutions, before I saw that movie, and as such, the plot is redundant.[/size][/color]
[/size][/color][color=Teal][size=1][color=Gray]This thread is designed to discuss possible plot developments that could occur after revolutions, how a new conflict could arise, and the feasability of Smith survivng (by downloading a copy of himself into a freed mind again?) and what his role woudl be now, in a post-neo world when his adversary is gone, and how he would cope witht that.

Oh yeah, and if you'd like to fulfil a position in the RPG, feel free to discuss your potential role here.

I'm open to suggestions on anythign plot-wise etc, it'sd be nice to produce an RPG sucess for a change, lol.[/color][/size][/color][color=Teal][size=1][color=Gray]

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I think this looks like a really good idea, as long as it is done well. Here are a couple of ideas about the plot.

Maybe the machines had saved a backup copy of Smith which hadn't been destroyed by Neo, and this backup has gotten out somehow, released into the world.

I don't think you should have The One appear at any point, as this would limit other characters as to what they can do, and also he/she would be the most awesome power in the universe, so it would make the entire thing seem a bit pointless.

You could start with certain people being unplugged by the machines, who would now be working alongside the humans, so they could jack in and try to stop Smith.

Anyway, I would definitely sign up for this one if it got off the ground.

Hope my input helps
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I don't think you should have The One appear at any point, as this would limit other characters as to what they can do, and also he/she would be the most awesome power in the universe, so it would make the entire thing seem a bit pointless.[/QUOTE]
[b]I agree.
The basic plot of M:A is moving more away from the One, who's character comes into fulfilment in Revolutions, and there really is no point for the machines in continuing the lineages of "Neo's"

I liked all the ideas that you had for this RPG, like Smith being kept by the machines in backup form. At first I thought about why they would keep something like Smith around, if there was the slightest chance he would one day be downloaded back into the mainframe of the Matrix.

That can actually be used as a mirror to real life, where laboratories keep smallpox under lock and key, for goodness knows what reason, even if there is a risk of the disease gettign out somehow once again, perhaps a rebel Zion militia could seek to release Smith?[/color][/size]
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Alright, here goes.

The machines and mankind had fought a bitter war, man and it's creation. This violent and long-lasting war culminated in two cataclysmic events: The scorching of the sky and the enslavement of mankind into an energy sourcing program called The Matrix. The Matrix on a subconscious level was made to resemble past-day earth, and keep the humans in check, and submission.

Therein lay a deeper level to the machines thinking. Give the humans hope for a better future. and so, it was done. the Machines created a system by which the humans could have hope, in the form of being freed by an entity simpyl titled "The One"

And for a while... It was good......

Machine created smith, in it's own image. Smith was an agent of the system, created to chase down renegade programs and virtuous hackers. Smith was one of the machines top programs, unfortunately, Smith failed.

The One had violated his being, and the two of them had exchanged certain abilities and strengths. Smith had now become a renegade agent. The machines had not claculated this into their plans, and ultimately their Matrix came crumbling down around them.

The machines, in a desperate bid to retain their power, brokered a deal with The One and mankind, a lasting truce was formed in Machine city, with the One successfuly brokering a deal allowing all people to be enlightened tot he truth, and those willing to stay in the Matrix could. And for a time, it was good.

Nothing lasts forever, as the machines were about to find out. A culture of the smith program, that had been kept for archival purposes, had been leaked into the hands of Zionist hackers, who's only though was complete destruction of the mechanical lie that was the matrix. They released the Smith program back into the mainframe, much to the dismay of the machines.

There was no neo to save the day. The One had fulfilled it's purpose and hadn't been continued so. With time running out, the Machines turned to both human fighters and Agents of the system, to come together as one and eliminate Smith once and for all.

How does that sound?[/color][/size]
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Yeah, that sounds like a good story, I like the way the people are trying to destroy the Matrix because it is a lie-I would have had a hard time coming up with that. So, good thinking, and I hope to see this one up in the near future.
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