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Is it worth the risk?


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A catchy common phrase used by many, especially when trying to convince someone to not take a risk. What are your thoughts on risks? Everyone has taken [i]atleast[/i] one in their lifetime. Usually for me it leads to trouble, but sometimes it seems the benefits of taking one outweigh the actual penalty. My questions are How do you deal with them and what usually happens to you when you do take a risk? Has there ever been a time where the benefits were too great for you to ever turn it down? What happened? Explain Your thoughts.
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[b]Heh- anyone who's ever eaten at a fast-food restaurant is a risk-taker...[/b]

[b]I believe we all take risks-- with our actions and with our emotions.[/b]

[b]We tell people how we feel, making us, in a sense, vulnerable to their rejection; we don't wear masks when we're sick in America, running the risk of infecting others; we use public restrooms; we climb into buses and cars-- fully aware that we could get into an accident and be killed, etc...[/b]

[b]Life is full of risks that every one of us takes. Since we choose to take them, then I'd say that the benefits must outweigh the risk...(except in the case of fast food and public restrooms...tee hee)[/b]

[b]As far as out-of-the-ordinary risks, I guess I do take those, as well. I enjoy things that are considered a bit risky... such as skateboarding and being out in the ocean when the surf's up (waves with a 20-ft face) [/b]

[b]Give me a well-packed parachute and a plane to jump out of, and I'm ready to go...I do love my adrenaline high.:animesmil [/b]

[b]But when I do take risks, I try to make sure that I take them with a certain degree of responsibility. There's no sense in being a fool about it.[/b]
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In reality, everything is a risk. Standing up is a risk, because you can fall down. Getting online is a risk because someone could put a virus on my computer. Eating is a risk, becaus eit may make me sick.

I try not to think about most risks. There is a name for poeple that think about every risk they take: Paranoid. I don't want to be like that.

I usually don't take big risks. One risk I'm really jumpy about is not going to college. Stand-up and web design are hard fields, but I'm trying to get a nice long head start.
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[QUOTE=elfpirate][b]Heh- anyone who's ever eaten at a fast-food restaurant is a risk-taker...[/b]

[b]I believe we all take risks-- with our actions and with our emotions.[/b]

[b]We tell people how we feel, making us, in a sense, vulnerable to their rejection; we don't wear masks when we're sick in America, running the risk of infecting others; we use public restrooms; we climb into buses and cars-- fully aware that we could get into an accident and be killed, etc...[/b]

[b]Life is full of risks that every one of us takes. Since we choose to take them, then I'd say that the benefits must outweigh the risk...(except in the case of fast food and public restrooms...tee hee)[/b]

[b]As far as out-of-the-ordinary risks, I guess I do take those, as well. I enjoy things that are considered a bit risky... such as skateboarding and being out in the ocean when the surf's up (waves with a 20-ft face) [/b]

[b]Give me a well-packed parachute and a plane to jump out of, and I'm ready to go...I do love my adrenaline high.:animesmil [/b]

[b]But when I do take risks, I try to make sure that I take them with a certain degree of responsibility. There's no sense in being a fool about it.[/b][/QUOTE]

I guess you make a really good point about the fastfood (I go to school and have been forced to eat icky mcdonalds everyday yuck! bad huh?) but the risks I was trying to get at were mainly the big ones not daily ones. (although that was helpful as you sometimes forget about those since everyone does it daily). So the question is are you a big risktaker? and what is your view on people who do take big risks? This applies to everyone. And yes you will be paranoid if you worry about the simple stuff like Morpheus said.
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[quote name='Pumpkin']So the question is are you a big risktaker? and what is your view on people who do take big risks? This applies to everyone. And yes you will be paranoid if you worry about the simple stuff like Morpheus said.[/quote]
[b]Sorry, but this question is really vague. It all depends on what you consider to be a "big risk".[/b]

[b]Some people would think tricking off a 6-stair (skateboarding) is a "big risk".[/b]

[b]I think unprotected sex is a "big risk".[/b]

[b]I mean, when you say "big risk"--do you mean unnecessary, brainless, foolish risk-taking behavior? [/b]

[b]Or do you mean activities that are simply inherently risky-- such as going into battle or jumping out of a plane?[/b]

[b]There's a huge difference, so maybe a little clarification is in order.[/b]
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[color=indigo]Maybe it is just me, but this seems like a very broad question. Everyday the average person takes countless risks, after all, driving over the speed limit (driving period for that matter) is a risk. Just about any risk has the potential to be drastically life altering.

Obviously we only focus on those risks that had large, visible consequences or large, visible payoffs. I guess what I am trying to hint at is that there are no risks, only decisions. Every decision you make effects every subsequent decision you make.

Realistically, however, I view certain decisions to be risky, though I have found it is usually much more hazardous to postpone making a decision because of the potential ?risk? involved. [/color]
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All my risks involve possible death. :animesigh
I am physically unable to turn down a dare.
I have eaten plants, mushrooms, weeds, that were picked out of my schools grounds, which is very large.
Drunk a concotion my friend created..It was thick and green.
Allowed myself to be completely burried in snow for 10 mins
Drunk cups of puddle water
Tested the "No not exceed this dosage" of Paracetamol


They were worth the risk. I now have a realistic idea of what doing dumbarse things will do to me...
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I tend to be more keen on taking a bigger risk, because if it goes all good, the benifit is big. I don't think of the consequences.. and that sometimes can be a problem, because taking these risks sometimes end up very bad, leaving me unprepared for everything.
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[QUOTE=Morpheus]In reality, everything is a risk. Standing up is a risk, because you can fall down. Getting online is a risk because someone could put a virus on my computer. Eating is a risk, becaus eit may make me sick.

I try not to think about most risks. There is a name for poeple that think about every risk they take: Paranoid. I don't want to be like that.

I usually don't take big risks. One risk I'm really jumpy about is not going to college. Stand-up and web design are hard fields, but I'm trying to get a nice long head start.[/QUOTE]

That's exactly right... Everything we do is a risk, in one way or another.

I don't want to be paranoid, because then it'll keep me from doing a lot of fun things in life.
I usually don't take big risks either, because I don't like the idea of getting hurt. But if no one ever got hurt, the doctors wouldn't get any money... If no one ever got hurt, this would kinda be a boring world. People would do whatever they want whenever they want, because there isn't any real risk. That would suck.

Risk is one of the things that makes life worth living. It's thrill.
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First off, I'm sorry but I love my Wendys thank you very much. :D
On the note of taking risks its really a matter of personal standards as to how to deal with them. You know yourself better then anybody else and your ability to deal with the consequences of certain risks. I don't follow my own advice all the time and it lands me in trouble sometimes :( . Sometimes I do admit the positive seems too desirable to allow even the worst of consequences to prevent you from taking that risk but I've always gotten by through good and bad even though I've landed in some vulnerable positions and took my share of emotional beatings. No matter what, I was always able to persevere and somewhat be expectant of failures in these situations which is why ESPECIALLY in relationships I am quite the pessimist which is a bad thing I prepare myself for failure thus perhaps making it inevitable but what can ya do. The type of risks that generally mean trouble are the ones that you find yourself too caught up in the moment to even consider the negative outcomes then you can do some stupid things that can land you in pretty bad spot (heh speaking from experience). :animeswea
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