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Controversey of Metal

Guest Alchemist

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Guest Alchemist
I admit i listen to metal. But you always hear about these racist metal bands like screwdriver and hatecore type music. Do you think metral promotes neo-nazi crap or not connected to it?
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Oh, so now the Neo-Nazis are crap, huh? I think you are the racist here man. What did the Nazis ever do to anyone?

Nah, I don't think there are a lot of racist groups out there. If they sound like it they are probably just trying to draw publicity or act like they don't care what anyone thinks. They're rebels man!!!
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There's racists everywhere and they all listen to different types of music, therefore pretty much any genre is going to have at least several artists that promote those ideas.

Metal in general doesn't promote the idea in any sense, really. It's just something that happens to be out there and not much can be done about it. As long as people want to make it and others want to listen to it, music with that sort of theme is going to exist.

Metal is already less accessible to the general public, especially the types of sounds that groups like this generally adopt. Combining abrasive music with racial or sexist lyrics just results in something that people wind up complaining about far more.
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Guest Alchemist
[QUOTE=Gravy Train]Oh, so now the Neo-Nazis are crap, huh? I think you are the racist here man. What did the Nazis ever do to anyone?
I hope you were just kidding but if you were not. Let see i am black and neo-nazis hate blacks, jews and non-aryan. tha t is what they did to me.
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[quote name='Sepiroth']I hope you were just kidding but if you were not. Let see i am black and neo-nazis hate blacks, jews and non-aryan. tha t is what they did to me.[/quote]
Um... Nazis also committed massive genocide by eliminating millions of European Jewish folk. Besides, I'm sure Gravy was being sarcastic.

I think some people confuse Neo-Nazis who listen to metal with metal that advocates Neo-Nazis. It's a matter of basic logicistics. Just because some A are B, that doesn't mean all B are A. There are bound to be some Neo-Nazis who listen to metal (it's a widely listened to genre), but that in no way means metal is Nazi music.
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[FONT=Times New Roman]If the powers that be hear anything they don't like, they'll be quick to slap something negative on it, for instance, that metal promotes Neo-Naziism. Very little metal does so, and, like Gravy Train said, a lot of groups do something controversial like that just to get them publicity.

As for everything else negative that's been pinned on metal, take this example: The biggest metalhead at my school is also the nicest, kindest, funniest, most tolerant person I know. He goes to church, is vehemently against drugs, and rocks out on the guitar to boot. But he has shoulder-length hair and wears black and chains, so he gets a lot of crap from people. How is this fair?[/FONT]
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[size=1][color=DimGray][b]It's not fair.[/b]

There are many different levels of Metal and varying messages behind it also, I'm quite a big fan of Christian metal bands like Day Of Fire (anyone into Drowning Pool should chek them out) and they're not neo-nazi's at all.

I'm sure that Nazi music can, and does, come in all forms. Nazism is a political movement and thus, there's bound to be varying peoples with diffrent tastes adhering to their philosopihies.

But people are quick to label music and fit it into a box. Wheras soem believe that only certain types of people like certain types of music, the result is really shades of gray rather than black and white.
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[color=red][size=1]Actually I want to quickly mention there is a genre in Black Metal, that is called NSBM, National Socialist Black Metal and it supports such ideas in it's lyrics and the memebers are basically convicited to the idea. There are quite a bit of underground black metal bands that do this in places like Russia, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and all over the Scandinavian countries. It's obviously not common to general public, but I see it all the time in bands from those regions, it's common for me. Despite the fact that I do not support the ideas in any one way, it always seems to show up around me.

Just wanted to clear that up, it is there in metal even if you don't see it. But don't let that misguide you, most metal obviously does not center around this idea, it makes up a small part of metal and of course it shows up in other music as well.[/color][/size]
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