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Sing M-LS


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OOC: Ok my past rps havn't been so succesful. Only Perfection witch was a very good idea well any ways this rp is dedicated to all you Koreans!

An intertwining line leads to a building where thousands of voices filled the air. The excitement built up as the doors closed and the last person entered the concert. The girls went crazy as the first group called Dongbangshinki came onto stage. Then their female counterparts, The Ladybugs, followed behind them.

? Turn off the lights?
I see your face?
Turn off the lights?
I feel your hand..?

In the year 2007 these two Korean pop groups are all the rage. Their new song ?Turn Off the Lights? has made them so popular their music spread to China and even Japan. There are rumors that the groups are rivaling each other in vocals. This all started at the Korean music awards. When both groups were supposed to perform The Ladybugs did not show up. This obviously made Donangshinki very mad. Now they say that they only perform together to keep their fans happy.

But, there are things that happen between the groups that fans nor the media knows about. Secrets the groups keep to themselves. These secrets are to never to be let out of their mouths as long as they live. Though these secrets are kept somewhere, somewhere hidden but written down. In journals, these journals contain ALL the secrets within the group.

The journals are called Katipo?s. The Katipo?s are never to be touched unless a secret is revealed.

Ok here are the sign-ups

Name: I will provide names for the band members.
Age: 16-22
Appearance: Pictures are fine.
Position: Only if you are NOT in a band. These are some positions, band manager, fans, etc.
What band are you in: Dongbangshinki, or The Ladybugs
Bio: At least a good paragraph.

Ok here are the names for the bands

Dongbangshinki: Mickey (taken by Innocent), Hero (taken by XYZ) Max, Xia, U-No

The Ladybugs: BoA (taken by me), Liam (taken by Lilt), Min-Chyung, Uriko (taken by Jung-Woo)
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Well, I got your PM and I'm willing to give this a try. Even if I'm not Korean. :p

Name: Uriko
Age: 21 (Drinking age...hehe...)
Appearance: - See Below -
What band are you in: The Ladybugs
Bio: Uriko was a young girl when her family decided to educate her musically. She was brought up by her sister and father to sing and play piano/keyboards. Uriko's mother died giving birth to her, and so she never knew the wonderful woman that her mother was. She grew up in a loving family, and had many friends when she was young. When she performed with her local select chorus, a scout picked her up and set her up with a studio. One thing lead to another and now, she is a Ladybug.

[CENTER][IMG]http://home.wxs.nl/~deswijger/images/DOA3/Personages/Lei_Fang/lei_fang_c4_1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]

There...this pic should be a lot better. :D
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Name: Micky

Age: 19

Appearance: [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:jCAMeHeOZQQJ:img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/dian9783/dong%2520bang%2520shin%2520ki/mickey/micky01.jpg[/IMG]

What band are you in: Dongbangshinki

Bio: Micky has a great singing voice and he always singed. One day his friend, U-Know had giving him a stop to try out for singing and so he took it. He made it and now he's in a band with his friends.

OOC: Here's the picture of the real Dongbankshinki
[IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:SeeW71PO-FwJ:img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/dian9783/dong%2520bang%2520shin%2520ki/max/max07.jpg[/IMG] < Max [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:_g66duBkirEJ:img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/dian9783/dong%2520bang%2520shin%2520ki/u-know/uno10.jpg[/IMG] < U-Know
[IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:VFvzUEIoffkJ:img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/dian9783/dong%2520bang%2520shin%2520ki/hero/hero13.jpg[/IMG] < Hero Xia>[IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:uBYDN4-5rPMJ:img2.photobucket.com/albums/v112/KawaiiTouki/Xiah/Xiah26.jpg[/IMG]

My bio's short sorry....
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Name: Hero
Age: 21
Appearance: [IMG]http://www.clubzen.com/img_photo/profile/x0001929_01.jpg[/IMG] ((I hope this is ok, I don't like that real picture, this guy looks a bit cooler.))
What band are you in: Dongbangshinki
Bio: Was raised in a small town in Korea. Nothing big ever happened. But there was one thing that was special to the town. That was Hero's singing. Everyone in the town knew he was talented. But no one knew just how talented. One day he decided to enter a talent compitition and was sent to the final round. He won it and recieved a large money prize. But more importantly he was spotted by an agent, which eventually led to him being in the band.
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Name: Kwon Boa (last name, first)

Age: 20

Appearance: [URL=http://www.boa-nation.com/album_pic.php?pic_id=121&sid=be6ea7c50ef5dac3856e623a4e5c1b7a]Boa[/URL]

What band are you in: The Ladybugs

Bio: Boa grew up in the big city of Seoul, Korea. Always wandering around with her friends and having small adventures of her own almost everyday. She used to put on little plays for her parents while they recorded her. Boa would dress up in little pop girl outfits, and then would sing a song and dance. This was recognized when one of her videos was sent into Tae-Kim celebrity agency.

Boa was one of 100 young adults drafted to be in the two new pop groups called The Ladybugs and Dongbangshinki. She started hanging out with Hero and developed odd feelings for him, She isn?t sure but he is trying to tell her he has feelings for her as well.
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