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Sanity's Gift [M-LV possible S]


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[Color=DarkBlue]Daniel left through the front door and hopped into his car. The answer to the problem was not lying in his house, and staying there would only bring up tender memories. Driving on its own wouldn?t help Daniel either, but he had a feeling he knew where to go to get help.

He walked outside, and shut the door. It was the last time he would enter the house again. He locked the door, and forced a tear back. He wouldn?t let Lucifer win whatever game he was playing.

Jamming the key into the ignition and pulling out, Daniel didn?t glance at the house again. He had to focus on getting away, and working, and finding that girl. The other two?d be fine together, but if being alone was how they got to you, then Daniel had to act quickly. He knew she was in Asia, but where exactly still escaped him.

Gabe was conncected with enough people to get Daniel at least halfway there. From there, he?d hitchhike, or whatever else was needed to get to her. Before she died, he had to touch her. Before he died even. There was no other way. If he didn?t do anything, he was as good as dead, and if he did there was a good chance he die, so active is always the best way to go.

Daniel slammed on the breaks as he passed a loud almost vibrating house. Gabe was having a party, and if not for the things that had happened, Daniel would have been there. He jumped out of the car, and ran up to the door, which was opened by the host himself. ?Yo, Daniel! Where you been? We?ve been at this for like four hours already. You want some tequila??

?Dude, you, Gabe, my, oh god?? Daniel started all at once.

?Daniel, calm down, come inside and explain everything.? Gabe said, gesturing Daniel inside.

The pair walked into the pounding beat of the song, and into the kitchen where the sound couldn?t be heard anymore. ?What the fuck??? Daniel asked as he sat down.

?I?ve had the den and that area soundproofed, nothing but the vibrations of the beat get through.? Gabe said, smiling, ?It was a hook up from??

?One of your sources, yeah, I know. Look, can you get me to China?? Daniel asked, looking around.

?Dude, why go there? Japan is so much cooler?? Gabe said.

?I need to get to China. I think there?s someone there I need to speak with. I?m not sure where she is exactly. China?s the biggest, so I figured I start there, and move on.? Daniel said, looking Gabe in the eye.

?I can get you over the boarder with passport, but don?t you think I should go with?? Gabe asked, concern all over his face.

?I never stopped to think about it. Can we leave tonight?? Daniel asked, looking around again.

?Yup, the next plane is at 12 AM out of the schoolyard.? Gabe said, walking off to the den. ?Wait here, and we?ll head out as soon as I tell my brother.?

Daniel didn?t stop to think about why Gabe would know so much, and about the plane?[/color]

[B]Chapter 7: Touch and Tell[/B]

[B]Players[/B]: Corey, Sakura

[B]Big Picture[/B]: Corey and Sakura are in France at the ?place?. Really, there?s only one thing standing between Hell getting their way, and them failing horribly. A touch. A simple skin on skin contact could set off a whole new set of events. All Corey and Sakura have to do is touch, and they?ll change everything?.

[B]Notes[/B]: Huge note for this one is here!!!

Corey and Sakura: This post?ll be two totally different perspectives on one event. Corey you can write the actual touch any way you like, but once it happens, things change. From there, each character will get flashbacks from their past in which Lucifer, or his minions were there and interfered.

An example: Sakura?s riding her little bike, and something about the person that knocked her off and broke her leg seemed out of place. Ergo, Lucifer.

If anyone has anymore questions I point you to the dead Underground thread. XD Sorry about the wait. Hehe.
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[size=1]OOC: My apologies everyone.
Corey ran a hand across his face. The restaurant had a pompous air. He felt out of place in it's back booth, but the maitre d' became more than friendly when he handed him twenty bucks, American. Corey had come into this place hoping to find an end to this insanity, be it men in white coats, or a loaded pistol with his name on it. But it didn't feel like an end. Meeting this girl, Sakura, felt like just another step on the long winding road of insanity.

He took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one up with a wooden match, savoring the scent of sulfur. The tip of the cigarette glowed brightly for a long time before he removed it from his mouth and exhaled a cloud of blueish grey smoke. He closed his eyes and imagined for a moment that it was all a dream. He'd wake up at a friends house finding out this had been one terrible LSD trip. His father would be alive. He wouldn't have lost twenty pounds in the last two days. And he wouldn't be in France. He stuck the cigarette back between his lips and opened his eyes. Sakura was watching him from the other side of the table.

[b]Sakura-[/b] "Are you ok?" What a foolish question. He hit his cigarette again snubbed it out in the ashtray.

[b]Corey-[/b] "No, I'm not. Neither are you, so it seems." He could feel the emotion bottled inside beginning to expand, like a soda can shaken up. It wouldn't take much to explode right now...

[b]Sakura-[/b] "What do you mean?" He looked at her for a long time. She dropped her gaze and a waiter walked up to the table.

[b]Waiter-[/b] "What can I get for you?" Corey shifted his harrowed stare to the waiter.

[b]Corey-[/b] "Coffee, black."

[b]Waiter-[/b] "Anything to eat Sir?" Corey shook his head, looking back at Sakura. "And you Madame?"

[b]Sakura-[/b] "Just water please..." The waiter nodded and walked away to get the drinks. Corey breathed deeply.

[b]Corey-[/b] "I assume you're family has been destroyed." She nodded, surprised. "As has mine, or at least I assume. My father was killed in front of my eyes. I can only surmise that whatever is behind this has taken care of the rest of my family too." He felt tears close in back of his eyes and fought them off. "You asked if I was ok," he pulled a cigarette out of the pack and lit it. "The answer, like I said before, is no. I feel like a coward for coming here. I should be back in my hometown BURYING MY FUCKING FAMILY!" He suddenly surged at her, the poptop on his soda can flicked open. Her eyes shot into an 'O' of surprise. "I followed some [i]fucking[/i] voice halfway across the damn world! I've been in three airports! I haven't eaten since before this shit started! I lost my family! I lost my life! And now I'm sitting here with some [i]fucking girl[/i], wondering what the hell she is supposed to help me wi-"

Corey sat down hard, having stood up at some point. She had slapped him. Hard. He could still feel it. He ran his hand over his cheek. It felt tender. Sakura stood in front of him fuming.

[b]Sakura-[/b] "You think I feel the same things?! I do! I feel exactly the way..." Her voice had trailed off to nothingness in his ears. He could still see her lips moving, but all he heard was white noise. It took him a moment to register that his face was beginning to hurt more. He could clearly feel the outline of her hand where it struck him. In fact, it felt on fire. He rubbed the side of his face very roughly, hoping to dull the pain. It didn't work. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes and squeezed out onto his face. It hurt so bad, like having an iron pressed against your cheek. He threw a glass of water on himself, but the pain didn't stop. It crawled up his face and all around his head, until his skull was one gigantic globe of white-hot pain. He contorted his face and screamed.

Then all at once, it stopped. He opened his clenched eyes and found himself in front of the first house he live in. They had moved out only a few years back. He had the indulgence of hope for one fleeting second that the last four years of his life had been a dream. But then he caught sight of himself walking home from down the block. He remembered this day, how the sun hadn't seemed exactly bright enough for such a sunny day. He put it off as simply being tired. A man stepped out of an alleyway and spoke to the younger version of himself. The man had been a drug dealer. Well known around the neighborhood as one, but no one ever had enough evidence to take him down. He had offered Corey four orange pills with little smiley faces stamped on them, told him they would make him have a good time. Corey had been tempted for a moment, having tried pot only a few weeks ago for the first time. He thought of his mother, and how much it would hurt her to know he did any kind of drugs, and declined. He could almost feel corporeal rage pouring out of the man. He could have almost swore his eyes had flashed red. But that was just kid stuff, making monsters out of mice.


He opened his eyes on the floor, with the waiter and maitre d' standing over him.

[b]Corey-[/b] "I'm ok..." He could taste dried vomit in his mouth. "I'm... Uhh... Epileptic. Yeah, forgot to take my meds..." He stood up and saw Sakura also on the ground, he rushed over to her.[/size]
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[color=Navy]I watched Corey from across the table, he seemed deep in thought. When he lit the cigarette, I pulled a face of disgust and covered my nose and mouth from the putrid odour, I was never a fan of smoking. I coughed lightly and kept my eyes trained on him.

[b]"Are you ok?" [/b]I said, trying not to inhale the smoke spewing forth from his mouth as he exhaled.

He chose to take another drag before smashing the head of the cancer stick into the ashtray on the table.

[b]"No, I'm not. Neither are you, so it seems." [/b]he said, his voice sounded strained as if he were holding something in.

[b]"What do you mean?" [/b]I asked, I was confused of what he was implying.

He stared at me, our eyes locked for a long time, before I pulled my gaze from his as a waiter approached the table. He took their orders, Corey got a black coffee, I just requested water.

Corey took an unusually deep breath and opened his mouth.
[/color][size=2][color=Navy][b]"I assume your family has been destroyed." [/b]I nodded, shocked that he knew such a thing.
"As has mine, or at least I assume. My father was killed in front of my eyes. I can only surmise that whatever is behind this has taken care of the rest of my family too. You asked if I was ok," [/b]Corey pulled another cigarette out of the pack and lit it.[b]

"The answer, like I said before, is no. I feel like a coward for coming here. I should be back in my hometown BURYING MY FUCKING FAMILY!" [/b]I was in complete shock, I didn't even care about the smoke he was breathing out, my eyes widened to their extent. I knew he had been holding something in, his anger. And now he had unleashed it on her.
"I followed some [i]fucking[/i] voice halfway across the damn world! I've been in three airports! I haven't eaten since before this shit started! I lost my family! I lost my life! And now I'm sitting here with some [i]fucking girl[/i], wondering what the hell she is supposed to help me wi-"

[/b]I was angry too, what right did he have to say these things to me. I stood as he had and slapped him hard across the cheek with my right hand. It made a resounding noise and his head snapped to the side, a red hand print very visible on his left cheek.

[/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy][b]"You think I don't feel the same things?! I do! I feel exactly the way you do! [i]My [/i]parents were killed by some invisible force and I've been haunted by a voice through this thing!" [/b]I yelled, throwing my phone onto the table.

[b]"I've been through three airports too! And don't you dare call me a 'fucking girl'!" [/b]I shouted at him.

She had noticed him start to zone out as she spoke.

[b]"Hey! Are you paying attention?!" [/b]Many people had turned to see what the commotion was.

Corey rubbed the red cheek and tears spilled from his eyes. He grabbed my glass of water and threw it on his face. I didn't think I had hit him that hard. Then suddenly he let out a piercing scream and he fell from his chair, lying on the floor.

I crouched beside him and touched his forehead, with my right hand, suddenly it felt like it hand been plunged into icy cold water, it went numb and I couldn't feel anything in it. I tried rubbing them together, but it didn't help at all. I tried blowing warm air onto it, and nothing. Slowly the coldness spread up my arm, and around my body, I took a gasp of air before...

I stood in a dark alley way, looking out into the street. I wondered where I was, I walked out of the alley and I saw another me. I was talking with my friends, that was back when I wore bright colours, that night I had on a powder blue t-shirt and beige cargo pants.

My friends stopped where their car was and asked me if I was sure that I didn't want a lift home. I shook it off, it was a fine night, perfect weather to walk home. They said goodbye and drove off, when they were out of sight, I continued my walk down the street.

I recognised what was going to happen and ran out to follow the other me, I wanted to stop her, but I knew I couldn't.

As the other me walked past another alley, a man stepped out from behind me and wrapped his arm around my neck. I fought but he shoved a syringe into my neck. I fell limp and he looked around quickly before picking me up bridal style and carrying me into the alley he had emerged from.

I followed my past self reluctantly, I saw what was happening, and I felt like I was going through it all over again.

I couldn't move, the drug he had injected me with had stopped my body from moving. I tried telling him to stop, but I felt so dizzy, everything was out of focus. He stripped me of my clothes and that night I was raped, and I could have avoided it if I only took a lift home with my friends.

That's why I wear black, I lost my innocence and my happiness on that night, and I gained my fear of needles.

Though I never noticed until now that the man had red eyes and sharper teeth than normal, they looked like...fangs.

The street disappeared, along with myself sobbing in the alley after I had been violated.

I opened my eyes, I was staring at the ceiling, back at the restaurant, Corey was over me checking to see if I was ok. I pushed him away and sat up.

[b]"I'm fine." [/b]I said coldly, my attitude from right after the incident happened had returned, I was cold toward everyone.

The maitre'd asked if I was ok too.

[b]"I said I'm fine! I just have fainting spells." [/b]I repeated.
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[B]Chapter 8: Flying and Dying[/B]

[B]Players:[/B]Zehn Sun, Daniel

[B]Big Picture:[/B] Zehn Sun, while out and about, is kidnapped and dropped in Russia with nothing more than the clothes on her back and a cell phone. An agent of Envy then befriends her, although she doesn?t realize it. From there, they begin to journey through Russia.

Daniel, meanwhile, finds out the Gabe had been replaced by a minion of Lust?s, and he then abandons him at an airport in Poland. He then hitchhikes to the Russian border, where he gets into a spot of trouble?

[B]Notes:[/B] Obviously, this chapter?s going to be a bit longer than most. Alot is going on, I realize, but we?re starting to drag a bit. ^_^;;

Revelation, three key points need to be hit upon in your post.

1. Zehn Sun will receive a call from the voices telling her that her family?s been slaughtered.

2. Envy?s agent can look like any person, it doesn?t matter. But he does have a passport for Zehn.

3. Your transportation doesn?t matter. Just make it interesting. ;)

Questions should be directed to the Underground thread.

PS: Sorry I didn?t make Corey?s and Sakura?s meeting more interesting, but I have plans for you two?. .

(The only reason this wasn't up yesterday was because I was out of town. ;)
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[size=1][color=#E3170D]The streets were crowded as usual and people were rushing, buying groceries, selling food, clothes, and whatever else they can find. The smells of spices, sweets, and different kinds of vegetables arose into the air and wafted against Zhen?s nose, filling with the familiar aroma that she had once known years ago, before she had departed from her family and the emotional torment she had endured from them. Yet, the familiarity had once again given way to sadness of leaving her family and only speaking with them for brief moments and only meeting on birthdays and special occasions, other than that never seeing them for social meetings. It almost pained her to walk through the streets, reminiscing the times she spent with her siblings, holding their hands as they walked with their mother on a beautiful spring afternoon, taking in the bright sunshine and cool breeze. But, there wasn?t much that she could do since it was her decision to leave her family behind and start a new life without pain and grief.

Still walking through, Zhen began to think as to how naïve she was to think she could leave the pain behind with her family when it would only be a gray cloud that hovered above her head. It didn?t matter where she went, that guilt would still linger in her heart, the guilt that showed how ignorant she was to her mother?s pleas and her sisters? cries, the ones that cut through her like a blade into her heart. It was almost too much to bear until her cell phone rang. The number that was shown was unknown and there was no number determining where it came from, so with a skeptical thought, Zhen picked it up, cautious as to who called.

?Feels good to be out and about, right, to be away from the cold sweats, the abrupt mornings... the [i]nightmares[/i]?? Confusion began to set in and Zhen furrowed her brows slightly, listening to this voice, which sounded masculine. ?I know everything about you, Zhen. I know you have two younger, female siblings- twins, if I?m correct. You also have one biological parent, a mother, and a stepfather, who your mother married two years after your father?s death. And then I know that you were with your father the morning he died. You held onto the white cat doll that your father gave you for your birthday and when they stormed into your house, he threw you into the closet and told you to stay quiet and not to leave the room until the police came because your father was with the police, the chief of them actually. You also saw what they did to him, how they tortured him into giving him information but he wouldn?t say anything right? Then they killed him and you wanted to scream but knew that if you did, you?d be killed too. Am I right?? A chuckle came from the voice that sent chills down her spine but that wasn?t what made her become cold, it was the fact that he knew all of this when she had never told anyone, not even the police or her mother. ?From the silence, I?ll say I?m right and move on.?

Before the voice could say anything again, Zhen quickly spoke. ?Whoever you are, don?t call me. I don?t know what you want but if I find out who this is, I?m coming after you. I?ll make you pay thinking you can pull this ?funny shit.?

?Cute, Zhen, cute. Now, I think you should know that before you start making accusations and assumptions that your family has been killed. They?re dead and by the way, it?s your fault.? At that moment, Zhen?s eyes widened to the extreme, she gripped the phone tightly and held it, knowing that the blood within her was boiling and warming the shivers that she took one minutes before. There wasn?t a bit of sorrow or angst, nor was there disbelief just anger and the want to kill, the dark feeling of grasping whoever was speaking to her and strangling him, making him wish he had never spoke with her, a feeling not felt so long since the past. ?You should calm down, my Chinese delicacy. I mean, wasn?t it you that wished your family was dead and no longer in your life? Isn?t that what you wanted?? Silence beheld the words that Zhen could not say. The voice found this amusing and almost took it in with great satisfaction. ?Well, it doesn?t matter anyways. I?ll talk to you again soon, my little Jade dragon.?

Zhen held onto the phone with anger, there was fire burning in her eyes but people around her didn?t notice. She turned her cell phone off and walked through the crowd, not knowing where she would go. She kept walking and walking, across overpasses, through streets, and finally onto a bus which took her to the local cemetery. It was here that she knelt before her father for the first time in many years. She willed herself not to cry for it would bring tears to his eyes if she did, knowing the pain.

?Hello, baba. It?s nice to see you again. I?m turning eighteen this month, the same day you were killed and mama and the little ones were out getting my birthday food. I know I shouldn?t be talking about it but I thought it might help for some closure, just to help me sleep better at night.? A sharp sigh exited her throat, bringing on the falling tears but not the sobs. ?I miss you, baba. I wish you were here with me, telling me that it?ll be ok but... you?re not here and you won?t be.? Zhen stopped the tears and looked up, only to see a shadow and faint reflection against her father?s grave mark. ?Who the hell??? were the last words that she spoke before she was drugged and taken away from her father and the grief she wanted to leave.

[center]+ + + + + +[/center]
With an unfocused vision, Zhen realized that she wasn?t kneeling in front of her father?s grave any longer. She awoke cold and with nothing more than the clothes on her back and a cell phone in her hand. A groan barely escapes her breath beneath the harsh winds. Her eyes began to focus and the rush of blood returned to her with the companion of anger rushing along with it. There was not much she could do except find a way back home or at least figure out where she was.

After a sharp sigh and push, Zhen was now up again, regaining consciousness and balance, as well as warming herself even though the temperature was nearly twice as cold as it would have been in her hometown in China. It was something she was never fully able to neither understand nor explain, it was just something that happened without her knowledge. Yet, that wasn?t the case at the moment, what was more concerning was to figure out where she would go for shelter. Her cell phone was in full service but she didn?t bother to call anyone if she didn?t know where she was. With another groan, Zhen finally decided to venture forth to wherever her feet took her and would settle for just about somewhere but not anywhere.

The cold winds began to die down and the whipping winds were starting to gently wrap their wisps around Zhen instead of pushing and pulling her. It didn?t matter though because dehydration and fatigue was beginning to take over and her vision was once again unfocused and waving in and out. She willed herself not to stop though for stopping would result in hypothermia or even bring her body to a neural paralysis, which happened once in her lifetime. Albeit, her will was strong, her body was weak and because it was weak, it began to fail her. She slowly fell to the ground again and she was beginning to lose consciousness but before she fell unconscious, a pair of feet appeared before her and she soon felt herself being carried away.

[center]+ + + + + +[/center]
A voice started to ring in her ears and she thought she was hearing the voice from the cell phone but this was different it was kinder and as if answering someone?s call. When she groaned, she could hear a slight shift in his movement and when she pushed herself off of leather, she held her head and began to open her eyes. He was speaking in Russian, a language that she learned when she had traveled. She couldn?t understand everything that the man had said but she understood enough to know that he was speaking of her. His accent was strong except he appeared Asian, what nationality was difficult to say. He hung up the phone and looked to Zhen, seeing that she was still a bit groggy from her fall. She wasn?t the least bit scared; it wasn?t the least of her worries. Her worry was how dry her throat had become and getting something to drink without being skeptical as to what she was drinking.

?Here, drink some water.?

The man handed her a glass of water and she drank it. His eyes were kept on her, as if he was studying her. This made Zhen feel a bit uncomfortable for the reason that she wasn?t a big fan of people watching her when she was the only one doing something unless it was absolutely needed. But luckily, he spoke to her.

?I know that it?s none of my business but is it ok if I ask why you were on the outskirts of Khabarovsk??

Still a bit confused, Zhen tried to remember where Khabarovsk was and realized where she was. Her reply to the man was quiet and a bit scratchy due to the sudden rush of liquid against her dry throat. ?Are we in Russia?? He nodded and her face became pale white but the quick temper that she grew up with soon took over and her face became flushed in red. ?Where are we exactly? Why am I here? Who are you? What do you want? Do you know anything about my being here? I want to know!?
The man chuckled and spoke in a kind voice that was warm, similar to her father?s, ?My name is Anthony Schweiss and we?re staying at an Inn in Irkutsk before we head to Moscow, the Capital of Russia.? Turning around, the man began to pour himself something into a cup. When he turned, Zhen was already up with a knife in hand that she picked up off of the table before her. The man before her wasn?t the least bit frightened, only calm.

?You will tell me [i]everything[/i].?

?I can only give you what you wish to know because I?m not even sure myself. Now please, calm yourself and sit, please.? His words were almost entrancing, as if he meant for this to happen. ?I?m not sure why you were left on the outskirts of Russia nor do I know anything about you being here. All I know is that you were drugged and left here to die. If I had not come along, you might have.?

At the same time, Zhen was ungrateful and ashamed of what she had done yet at the same time, she felt like Anthony was hiding something. She didn?t want to pry, fear of having him leaving her somewhere to fend for herself. Looking down, Zhen merely played with the knife she had in her hand and then realized how far she had fallen after her leave from her family and soon started to think if it was her fault all the things that had happened.

Anthony stood and took the knife from her as well as the cup and placed his own in the sink. He set up a bed for her in the bedroom and escorted her into it, telling her that they were to leave in the morning to Moscow but he never said how. She just merely smiled slightly and laid herself into the bed but didn?t fall asleep until she began to reminisce again and silent tears filled in her eyes and they began to fall like the rain drops fell from the sky.

?What have I done?? were the only words that whispered into the air before her dull sleep.

[B]OOC-[/B] I'm not sure if this is what you want but I tried. It's long, I know ^_^;;.[/size][/color]
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