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Ed Wood


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I've been looking to see Ed Wood for a long time now, and I just finished watching it. I was [i]really[/i] impressed with it, and it might be my new favorite Tim Burton film... I'd have to think about that a bit more, though. Johnny Depp was really good as Ed Wood, and it was interesting to see how Johnny Depp's performance as Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory draws more than a bit from his performance as Ed Wood eleven years ago. Martin Landau was really good as Bela Lugosi, too; I felt so bad for he and Ed through the whole movie. It's even sadder when you know that [spoiler]Ed never really does succeed making movies, and he lives a crappy life even after trying his hardest to do what he loved the most.[/spoiler]

Anyway, I'm pretty sure other people here have seen Ed Wood... what are your thoughts on it? Like it? Dislike it? I'll give more thoughts later when I've had a bit more time to think about it lol.
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It's a good film. In many ways I think it's one of Burton's weaker ones, but who cares. It works well anyway.

I was waiting for the new DVD set back when it was supposed to originally release. It went to stores and was recalled. No one knows why. It took another six months after that before it was released again with absolutely no differences. I never wound up buying it lol.

Ed Wood is an interesting guy in general. I'd recommend watching his actual films because they really are some of the worst things in cinema, but at the same time they're so ridiculously entertaining.
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I loved this movie myself, I cried during it ha. Actually I think it was very interesting to see a movie about Ed Wood. I've known about him because I'm technically a fan of bad movies, so of course I had to see it because it's Ed Wood as done by Tim Burton.

I don't think it's his worst film but it's not his best either. I'd rate it inbetween (on the Burton scale!) For me, it was a role only Johnny Depp could do too thanks to some of Ed's uh...quirks. I don't think anyone else could have played such a strange man as well as Mr. Depp did. I liked how it was in black and white too, I don't know why, I just did.

I think I will buy it, I saw it at Suncoast on the wall of Burton (that's what I call it, the left wall has every Tim Burton movie on it) and all those movies were pretty cheap anyway. It's a good movie, I'd say to anyone who hasn't seen it to watch it ^^
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