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Man & Woman [PG - SV]


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Lexiana sat with the others in the dining hall. Everyone was talking comfortably and getting along. [I]Granted they were the select few who had bonded over the battle and injuries, but it was interesting progress.[/I] Axel was even relaxed and talking with October. Lex had never had anyone vow to protect her before;[I] it was weird that it would be a man.[/I]

There was an announcement over the loud speaker. [I]Landing? Perfect timing, they were living off protein rations, it?s be nice to get some fruit and other real food.[/I] Lex got up to take her dishes to the sink and felt a deep throbbing pain run from her hand into her head. She closed her eyes and shook her head trying to concentrate the pain away.

[B]?Well? looks like the doc?s pain meds have worn off.? [/B] She set down her dishes and turned toward the infirmary.

Axel stood up [B]?Need a hand??[/B]

[B]?Na, I got it, finish your dinner.?[/B]

Lex made her way down the hall toward the infirmary. She heard two men talking, [I]no women. But she had to get the pain meds,[/I] she pushed the door open and walked in.
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OOC: Do you mean I put Allen names in place of Axel?s name? While I reread I have noticed my mistake. Oops, it might be due with them having such a similar name. Axel and Allen both starting with the letter ?A? maybe next time I try putting characters with two different beginning letters XD. I apologize for my mix up?

[SIZE=1]Axel looked at his food swirling his portions around in his plate. He wasn?t hungry which was new for him. His stomach always took over his brain; he didn?t have much of a brain. He wondered how long it will take until his debt to Lex was done. Three days, months, maybe even years of battle until he could make it even. Back at Rasm he owed many of his friends a good sum of money. He wondered how they could stand been friends with him. Yet this wasn?t over money this was over [I]bravery[/I].

He wondered when he will get a nice night of sleep. There really wasn?t a day and night on the ship. He wasn?t up for a twenty four hour job. [I]?Ohh Axel what did you get yourself into?? [/I] What did he get himself into, he always lead a life of a vagabond.

[B]?There weren?t any seats left?? [/B] October said sitting next to him.

Axel looked up from his plate. October didn?t seem too happy with sitting next to a man. That was extremely recognizable. Been aboard the Obsession felt like they were some huge experiment, seen how long it take until everyone in the ship killed each other off. He wondered who would be victorious in this battle. [I]?The men of course?no help from me of course.?[/I]

He tried to pay attention to the woman on his side. Axel felt more cautious then afraid now. He had to be careful how he spoke, body language, and greatly take care of his nervous smiling. One false move or signal and he was surely to get October or the other women angry. Woman like hounds can smell fear, this was Axel?s logic.

[B]?Uhh, so Lex is doing better correct?" [/B] Axel said trying to keep cool.

[B]?Yes??[/B] October said, and then murmured [B]?Maybe if there was a female doctor??[/B]

[B]?Good, good??[/B]

[B]?Quite a show?protecting a woman? [/B]

[B]?I bet she doesn?t need much protection?? [/B] Axel laughed trying to hide any hint of nervousness but it the laugh came out simply and fake.

[B]?Not from a man?maybe we need to protect her from-? [/B]

[B]?I do not wish to harm her in any way. I understand the little confidence?? [/B] Axel paused for a moment then changed the subject [B]"hank you for helping me carry her to the doc?s? [/B]

[B]??I wasn?t going to let you carry her alone. That would be too?suspicious? [/B]

[B]?Ha, right??[/B] Axel simply said ending conversation.

On Axel the other side of him Lex was quietly eating her food. It wasn't too long tgat she sat down, how much of the conversation did she hear? She seemed to be pondering about something. It wouldn?t be a surprise if it was the loyalty in Axel?s words to protect her. It could be the awkwardness or hidden irony in the whole ordeal. Axel himself wondered his own loyalty as well.

An announcement was made, they were landing soon.[I] ?Maybe this would be end with a nice sleep?? [/I] This was soon disturbed by Lex getting up holding her plate. As she took one step Lex face showed an unpleasant feeling. Most likely she was in pain as she closed her eyes and shook her head.

[b]?Well?looks like the doc?s pain meds have worn off.?[/b] Lex said setting down her plate heading to the doc?s .

Axel saw this as an opportunity. He stood up from his seat and said in a non-pushing manner [B]?Need a hand?? [/B]

[B]Na, I got it, finish your dinner.?[/B]

This almost felt like a command. Axel sat down back in his chair and watched as Lex walked off to the doc?s place. How annoying was it to owe something to someone. Even if it was annoying to Axel, he owed a lot to too many people. He just wished that he could repay this debt soon. Yet how can he gain bravery in such a small amount of time?

[B]?I just wish she allowed me to help her?I feel responsible?? [/B]

[B]?Is that comment made for a response?? [/B] October said placing down her fork

[B]?Why not??[/B]Axel sighed now feeling weary [B]?How independent are the woman, seriously? Maybe I should take a lesson in independence?? [/B] [/SIZE]
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