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Mnemosyne [Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi]


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[SIZE="1"]Allow me to get this out right now: Mnemosyne is a [b]mature[/b] series for [b]mature[/b] audiences. So if you go googling it right after this and scream and run off like a frightened little girl, don't say I didn't warn you.

That being said...wow. The series revolves around Rin Asougi, PI, and her [strike]lolicon fanservice[/strike] partner, Mimi. Seems relatively normal, outside of the fact that they are both immortal and therefore cannot die [well, to be fair, they do technically "die" but they regenerate shortly thereafter, with the exception of [spoiler]Rin falling into an airplane turbine fan thingamajig and spends roughly 20/25 years regenerating at the bottom of the sea[/spoiler]]. The series takes place in a span of 60-something years, each episode being a new year/decade [with the exception of the final two]. ...And er, I fail at summarizing things, so please do pardon my crappy retelling.

One interesting thing about the series is that it is only six episodes long, however, it was televised, so it is not an actual OVA. And remember the bit where I said it's for mature audiences? Oh-ho, I mean it. Every episode pushes the bar on violence and sexuality [yuri fans, take note], in what I suspect is a not-so-subtle "EFF YOU" to TV censorship. Myself, my guilty conscience has been riding up on me lately and I'm tempted to delete it off my computer, lawl.

So anyway, anyone else here seen this? I know at least two people have seen some of it *casts a glance at Shin and Dagger in particular*, but the fandom is really small, undoubtedly the smallest I've been in.

...Oh, in case you didn't get it the first three times, this is a mature anime. Just getting that out there. *cough* [/SIZE]
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Haha, I went back and forth on making this thread -- thanks for doing my work for me!

I like this series quite a bit. The main thing that stands out to me [b]Mnemosyne's[/b] sexuality is how it is used to craft character and is not just a tool of exploitation. For instance, there's the informant Rin and Mimi contact every so often -- she [spoiler]takes sex as her payment rather than money. She values the pure pleasure of it, but it also seems to me that she (and those who take over for her later in the series) values the closeness and comfort between people that a sexual relationship can provide.[/spoiler] It shows what she holds dear in her heart, which is interesting. Then, of course, there's Sayara Yamanobe, who [spoiler]uses sex as but one part of her sadistic tortures. It's just one more tool she can use to inflict physical and emotional damage on her victims.[/spoiler]

Another cool thing about the series is how the world evolves through the six episodes (or, five, I guess, since the final two episodes take place in the same timeframe). [b]Mnemosyne[/b] starts in 1990 and ends in 2055 -- it's funny to see technology go from clunky laptops and floppy disks to [spoiler]entire virtual worlds that apparently overlap with reality.[/spoiler] Seeing some of the characters grow older while Rin and Mimi stayed -- physically, anyway -- the same age also brought me closer to them, even though vast periods in their lives are skipped as a consequence of the series relative shortness. (Each episode is 45 minutes, however, so [b]Mnemosyne[/b] would be about 11-13 episodes if it was a normal 22-24 minute anime, haha.)

Besides all that fun stuff, I now have a huge thing for Rin. It's ridiculous. Let's just say a Moe Points post about her would probably get a few strange looks sent in my direction. >_>;

Last thing -- is it just me, or is it [i]really[/i] fun to hate on Eipos? That little bastard has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, so I had a good time rooting against the little **** at every time. Nice to have a villain every once in a while where your only thought about him or her is, "Man, **** that *******."
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[quote name='Shinmaru']Besides all that fun stuff, I now have a huge thing for Rin. It's ridiculous. Let's just say a Moe Points post about her would probably get a few strange looks sent in my direction. >_>;[/QUOTE]

[SIZE="1"]Dude, if you don't, I will. I adore Rin as well and feh, people can look at me weird all they want. [strike]Although I'm certain that wouldn't score me any points with the people spreading around my supposed lesbianism, but I digress[/strike]

Seriously though, Rin's just too dang intriguing. She's just got that allure. I dunno what it is.

Also, good point on the Informants, I hadn't ever thought of it that way before. [spoiler]I just thought of them as a bunch of lesbo prostitutes. :P[/spoiler] That's not to say I hated them, though, I rather liked them. [spoiler]Shame we never learn their names.[/spoiler][/SIZE]
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I actually found this series good to up the wtf factor within my life. While it started off seeming like a whole neo-noir type thing the changes between each episode, the storyline with the angel's, the whole immortality thing and a bunch of other points really added up to blowing my mind away.

However while I thought Rin was great my favourite character was Mimi.
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[quote name='Paramount'][SIZE="1"]Dude, if you don't, I will. I adore Rin as well and feh, people can look at me weird all they want. [strike]Although I'm certain that wouldn't score me any points with the people spreading around my supposed lesbianism, but I digress[/strike][/SIZE][/QUOTE]

lol, you might as well, especially since I don't feel like doing the whole "delete + add in new stuff to bump the thread" thing. Post so that I can legally freak out about more characters!! :p

As for the Informants, I started getting my impression of them when [spoiler]Mimi went to them for information; the Informant was fairly intimate with Mimi, and Mimi actually returns that intimacy a bit when she sleeps with the second Informant. Methinks Mimi would not be getting that comfy with someone unless something were actually there.[/spoiler]
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