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The Last of the Pact Bearers

Darth Vectis

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[size="1"][i]Time is a relative aspect in the world around us; it ebbs and flows without so much as any consideration for the world around it. She is neither cruel nor is she kind, she is simply there and does what she was meant to do. The world however, is cruel and heartless to the beings it creates, as if it was playing a universal game to satisfy some sort of deep desire to see other creatures suffer. The maliciousness of it all curdles the blood and makes every-
The sound of a throat being cleared caused the young man to look up from his writing and look back over his shoulder to a figure looking him in the eyes. The red color of the eyes fluctuated as the light struck them; he saw the mischievous grin on the other manâ??s face and that knowing look behind those crimson gaze that made him sigh.
â??What is it now? You have disturbed me several times since I started this journal.â?[/b] He shrugged his shoulders as he kept his grin on his face.
â??Oh you know, just that you are too serious about what you write. I mean, itâ??s your journal, no one will read it, except me of course. I do need to proof read your work since I know how much you fumble with your words.â?[/b] The young man set down his pen then, looking forward again as he placed a hand to his face and massaged both temples before letting out a heavy sighs. The other man stepped away and put his hands behind his back, leaning against the nearby wall as he waited for the other to get out of his moment.
â??Others will read it, for the next person who gets stuck with you will need to know everything they can about what I know.â?[/b] He rolled his shoulders in a shrug again, the grin never leaving his face, only changing slightly as his eyes showed what his true thoughts were.
â??You can only tell so much; any child of yours who inherits me will have to learn plenty of it on their own. I mean, if you ever have a child that is. It has been quite a long time since you have done well, you know what.â?[/b] He winked at the young man at the table, hearing the exasperated sigh from him before letting out a small laugh. The young man threw up his hands then, the frustration and annoyance clear on his face as he spoke to the red eyed being.
â??I swear, you are far more infuriating then anyone I have ever met!â?

â??Well, I am one of the few people you actually socialize with, so thatâ??s not entirely true.â?

â??By god, you drive me insane Azriath! Let me finish this damn thing already will you?â?[/b] Azriath held up his hands then, disarming the situation with his cool smile and his calm demeanor. The young man going back to his work, picking up the pen again as he look intently at the page, seeing what Azriath had meant and flipped to a blank page. He sat quietly for several moments, no longer paying attention to whatever Azriath was doing or that he was looking over his shoulder from a distance this time. When the words came to him again, he set the pen to paper and began again.
I know this world seems confusing, I know everything can quickly fall apart if youâ??re not looking or it could be torn apart by the closest friend. But you should know that everything gets easier in life, and that for our family, it is much easier at times than others. Iâ??ll start at the beginning, when everything came into existence, when we were all nothing but children to an old world. Back then, when the history of mankind was still fresh and we were still naive to the dangers of the world, we thrived as a community. But, as time went on, as we advanced and we grew as a culture and a society the dangers began to appear in our world. Beings of pure darkness and shadow emerged from the depths of the forest, from the darkest places in our simple cities and towns. The Malagai were monsters we had never seen before, never encountered in any of our conquests or wars. They did not discriminate on who they maimed, slaughtered and fed upon, they simply killed any human they could find, and they took whatever life they could. We advanced and we grew as quickly as we could, as much as we possibly could in order to combat these creatures.

It proved to be futile; our only salvation was the day light hours, when the creatures would recede into their dark world. In time, as things continued to grow worse, the Church appeared then. They promised us salvation, they promised us a way to a safe existence without the Malagai. And for a short time, they came through on their promise; the creatures seemed to lessen in their attacks, they were harder to come across as less people vanished into the night. Our technology, however, continued to grow as the outlaying areas still fought off the monsters, the Church still provided a heavy influence but we continued to advance. But as many skeptics and heretics said, it was only a matter of time before the Malagai appeared again in full force. They tore through our ranks, killing thousands of people every night as scientists and the Church looked for ways to combat the Malagai as they continued to kill without fail. Science soon failed to produce answers; our technology and advancement couldnâ??t fight the monsters. In our time of need and in our final moments of desperation, the Church turned to ancient texts, scrolls of old that showed another method to fight the Malagai[/i].

He pulled away from his writing then, holding the pen casually in his hand as he looked over the words. Doing his best to imagine what had gone through the heads of the clergy when they had rooted through those old books, when they had found the scrolls that spoke of ancient magic that held their salvation. The thought soon turned sour and bitter as he could clearly see how they had turned on their creations without a second thought, simply hoping that they would fade from time. He looked up to Azriath and let out a heavy sigh as he dropped his pen and put his hand to his face again, rubbing his forehead in annoyance.
â??What in the name of the Malagai Darum are you doing?â?[/b] His eyes focusing back on the demon before him, balancing a book on his nose with a candle holder on top of it. Azriath didnâ??t look from his balancing act as he shifted his body every so often to maintain his trick.
â??Iâ??m just trying to keep myself entertained, I mean, I could just do that one thing you hate so much. What was it again?â?

â??Please donâ??t do it, I swear I will send you outside if you-â?[/b] He threw up his hands then as the book and candle holder fell to the ground as an old man stood before him now. He suddenly laid down on the ground, putting the back of his hand to his forehead as he wheezed and spoke in a raspy voice.
â??Iâ??m dying Jim, Iâ??m dying!â?[/b] Azriath did not get any further in his act before he was struck with a book, crashing into his chest as he curled up into a ball as he let out a groan while clutching his chest. His form shifting again as he returned to his previous identity, still lying on the ground as he continued to feign pain and let out a small laugh in between groans.
â??You sir, need to take a nap. You seem rather grumpy, maybe grab a cookie while youâ??re at it Fieri.â?[/b] Another groan escaped Alfieriâ??s lips as he dismissed Azriath, returning back to his work and letting his attention fall back into the telling of the world they lived in. He took up the pen once more, leaning over the leather bound papers and began once more, letting the words flow through him again.
The details of what they found specifically have been covered up and hidden from the public eye, but to those who discovered the texts and those who the power was used on know the truth. In our time of greatest need, it was a worthy cause and a noble idea to continue our species, especially against a threat that seemed indestructible to everything we had. What they found was older then some of the Church's earliest written documents, this alone showed its potency as the spell did not crumble with time. The spell detailed an intricate ritual that, when done right, bonded the soul of a human with a being from another realm. The bond could only be created by a human who had a truly willing spirit and a being that desired to join our world as a physical manifestation. The process of bringing two souls together in this way was met with very little success, the human aspect too weak to maintain the bond or to withstand the overwhelming presence of the other soul.

The ones who were strong enough to survive, showed that their bonded spirit was sometimes ravaged by the other beings powers. So, the spell was crafted with fail safes directed at the foreign entity, conditions being placed on the being that controlled their power to safely flow to the bonded human. These select few people became known as Pact Bearers, and even though their were only six humans who took on this duty, they were more then enough for Malagai. With their power, they ripped apart the creatures, none could find refuge in their dark worlds as the Bearers partners could follow them any where. Now, when they were originally created, the Church believed that the foreign beings were angels descended from the high heavens. But, this was wrong as it became clear that the beings that they used, were of a different origin. Several in the Church, who knew about these events, saw it as divine justice for what they did to the Pact Bearers after their task was done. I believe that they simply found a reason to exile monsters from their â??perfect worldâ?? and did so with extreme prejudice.

They knew they couldnâ??t out right kill the Pact Bearers, being more powerful then any human on the planet. They decreed holy laws upon them, forbidding them from ever passing on their â??curseâ?? to any offspring they might have. Other laws were decreed as well, laws that forbid the use of power when their authority was revoked. Anything they could come up with that would make the Bearers submit to the Churchâ??s rule. Another such law forbid communication between Bearer and their demon counter parts, attempting to remove any temptation. Most of the Pact Bearers followed these laws without question, having been so broken by religious dogma and teachings to go against the Churchâ??s words. But, one Bearer chose to ignore the words of the people who gave him his power, he instead chose to do what the others would have thought was abhorrent to their â??moralâ?? code. He chose to befriend his demon, to learn about him and to understand what he wanted from this pact and what he truly desired in his existence. The demon made his intentions clear to the Bearer, he simply wanted to stay in our world, to live in the sun instead of perpetual darkness and nothingness.

Of course things never start easily, but, as time went on and the other Bearers drifted farther from their demons, he grew closer to his. It didnâ??t take much for the Bearer to break the laws decreed upon him by his Church, starting a family in secret with a woman he had fallen in love with long ago. This Bearer was Eliodoro, and he did what the Church forbid him from doing by passing his power on to his children, and their children and so on and so forth. The other Bearers lived and died as they were told, and because of that their demons vanished from this world along with whatever they had to offer. The demon, known as Azriath, became a guardian for the family of Eliodoro and with time passed he became a dear friend and a member of their family. Now, as time went on and Eliodoro passed on from the world, his children inherited Azriath, the power following with it as they all partook their own journey through life. Some were cautious and sparing with the power given, others used it for selfish needs or whatever they desired. As the family spread out and the blood line thinned out through out the grandchildren, and the great grand children and the other generations born, Azriath would be transferred to the one who was the most worthy.

My name is Alfieri dâ??Eliodoro; I am a descendant of Eliodoro and with the passing of one of my family members years ago I have inherited the power of Azriath and all of the problems with him.[/i][b]

â??Hey, I resent that last remark there Fieri.â?[/b] Azriath looking over his shoulder once more, a puppy dog look on his face as Alfieri looked over his shoulder slightly.
â??You resemble that remark, I only wish their were better words to describe what I truly feel.â?

â??Is it love, compassion, kinship, OH! Maybe it is undying admiration!â?[/b] Alfieri gave a slight smirk then.
â??Close, but try frustrated, aggravated or anything you can think of that follows along that train of thought.â?[/b] Azriath crossed his arms, a pouting face following as he scooted away and plopped down on a chair in the corner, turning away from Alfieri as he hid the grin on his face. Alfieri held on to his victory, knowing that they did not come often but were always memorable when they arrived. He looked back to the journal, his eyes scrolling over the words as he tried to think of anything he could write that did not break the rules of the pact. He sighed once more, this time a more content one as he set the pen down and and closed the book before him. Rising from his seat, the chair slid out form under him and scrapped across the ground, making Azriath turn and rise as well.
â??Iâ??m going for a walk. Care to join me for some time in the cool night air?â?[/b] Azriathâ??s eyes brightened up, and a large smile grew on his face as he tried to straighten his clothes even though he never had a single crease anywhere. As his hands moved, Alfieri could hear the light clink of the blackened metal shackles around his wrists. The broken links on both wrists made the clanking sound, as did the ones around his ankles when he walked. Each shackle was a physical representation of one of the conditions placed on his powers to keep him in check. Once he had finished his inspection of his attire, the two took off into the night, the current Bearer and his demon companion, the demon walking slightly behind him.
â??You know you could use a computer to document everything right?â?[/b] All that could be heard was another groan and a smug smirk on the demons face as the two walked under the pale moonlight.


Welcome to The Last of the Pact Bearers, the world we will be roaming around in is shaped just like our Earth. The continents are the same, the cities are more or less the same, the population is not quite as high as our own as it is closer to 1 billion rather then 7 billion. History has been altered since the Malagai appeared, mankind has only been focused on surviving the creatures and for a long time it has been a hard fight. The Malagai aren't extinct, they are however significantly thinned and reduced to such numbers that they no longer bother major cities or large towns. Methods have been developed through all sorts of means to help defend from the creatures, a means to kill them was only found through the Pact Bearers, the rest of the population was given ways to simply halt or defend against the Malagai.

Now, this rp will be different in the fact that there are only two Protagonist, Alfieri (Vangola) and Azriath (Me). Everyone else who joins, will be against the two for their own reasons and their own purpose in mind. Your lives don't need to revolve around the apprehension of the two (unless of course that is your mission) and can expand whoever you want, but over all your ultimate goal is aimed toward the Pact Bearer and his Demon. Now, Hope you all enjoyed the read and here is your sign-up.

Name:[/b] (Anything will do here, it can be modern it can be ancient, doesnâ??t really matter.)


Power: [/b](This can vary on how you have your powers, were you born with them, did you have to make a deal with some creature to obtain your power? Magic isn't the strongest in this world, extravagant power only comes from making Pacts with demons and only the Church has that information)

[b]Skills:[/b] (Most, if not everyone had a strength somewhere. This world is different than ours, had to survive and thrive in your own way. Cultures also have changed with the Malagai, not everyone is under the thumb of the Church or lives within the major cities.)
Weapons:[/b] (Weapons vary from swords and shields, to pistols and rifles. No weapon is stronger than another; it all just comes down to the person wielding them.)

[b]Motivation/Purpose:[/b] (What is your motivation for hunting the demon and the Pact Bearer? Do you believe it is divine justice, or are you out for personal gain? Whatever you want, you can put it here.)[/size]
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