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[COLOR=royalblue]Lidan: HELLO IN THERE!!!

Drake: Huh?

[i]He turned around to find Lidan, straddling a mutant man, driving her blade up into his heart. She fliped off his still form, and pulled out her second blade.[/i]

Drake: :therock: Not bad.

Lidan: ;) I had plenty of practice.

[i]She whirled around, flinging the blade behind her back....[/i][/COLOR]
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It's not my fault if I can't tell time............
The giant bird creature swooped again at Craig's jet. His foul stench re4aking the air about him. He clamped his slimy, decaying beak onto Craig's left wing.

Craig: Hey....... get off of there!!!

Craig reached under his right arm with his left hand, and drew out a sawn off shotgun. He grabs his bag of supplies with the other hand. He opens the cockpit cover, and it slides back to a vertical position. Craig extended his left arm, the shotgun pointed right in the creatures face.

Craig: ou want to eat my plane......... well EAT THIS!!

Craig fired the shotgun right between the creatures eyes. It coiled backwards, eyes turned inwards, blood streaming down his face. He cocks his head back violently, taking half the wing with him.

Craig: I should have seen that coming........... EJECT!!!

Craig slammed his fist into the eject button that lay behind the glass. He shot into the air, then pulled a grenade from his bag. He threw it into the cockpit of the plane, and it blew up, the creature exploding with it, blood and decayed parts flying everywhere.

Craig soon landed on the roof of a building, infront of some biker type dude. Craig unstrapped himself, stood up, and dusted himself off.

Craig: Evening ma'am.....

Andrew: You calling me a woman?

Craig: Ugh....... no ;)

Andrew: Riiiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhhhhttttttt.......... well can you fight.

Craig: Lets just say this bag ain't full of clothes........
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Andrew flips his shotgun round, reloading it and then he points it straight at Craig.

Craig: Whoa! I didn't mean the woman thing.

Andrew ignores the comment and pulls the trigger exploding the head of a mutated creature behind Craig. He then flips it back round and then under his coat somewhere.

Andrew: Let's get the **** out of here!

Craig: Ok then.

Both of them dive down the fire escape of the building until they see the horde of rats at the bottom.

Andrew: **** that!

They both dive through the 2nd floor window and continue running through the building.
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Butler: *looks around* . . . I should have stayed with them, bah. .

*he turns around and fires his multi melta at a large purple demon like creature, the demon shudders, and expands. The demon smiles lopsidedly and lumbers forward, long claws extending out of its hands, Butler pulls out his two desert eagles firing all of his ammo into it, but to no avail. .The whole town is filled with the sound of his gunfire, and then silence. .Butlers dead body falls to the ground and his soul drifts around the claws of the demon. .*
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[color=darkred]Drake: Well, if you want to go, then by all means.

[i]Saying that, he walking in his apartment, grabbing a big, black bag..heavy. He then looked at Lidan as he stopped. Continuing on, he slowly began to climb down the stairs. Lidan rolled her eyes, before nimbily jumping down to the plateau, directly in front of Drake. He simply continued to walk. Lidan stayed swift, looking at him every now-and-then, as she literally pinged down the steps.[/i]

Lidan: So, whatcha got in the bag?

Drake:........Clothes, toothbrush, hair gel(Just in case...O_o'), some shoes, two silenced .45s, an M-79, extra ammo, and of course..*points to holstered HK-5* this.

Lidan: Boys and their toys.....:rolleyes:[/color]
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[i]Drake scrattched his head, wondering what to do. But he decided to wait. Lidan leapt off the last five steps, basically knocking the door off of it's hinges. Silence. Drake moved forward again, completely obliterating the door with a walking punch. He looked around, only to see Lidan sitting seductivly on a Diablo SV, which was parked a good twenty feet from the door.

Drake's face brightened up, as Lidan's face turned in tune with his motions. Opening the door with a violent tug, he began to work his ways.

With a roar, the engire sprang to life. A perfect car, this was.[/i]

Drake: Well, at least you have good taste..

Lidan: In more ways than you know..

Drake: Hmm?

Lidan: Never mind. Just drive...:rolleyes:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
*prays Raiy won't decapitate him*
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[COLOR=royalblue]Lidan: ;) BTW........we have a shadow.

Drake: Huh? *looks over his shoulder* Oh.

Lidan: *selects bullet* Hmm.....Destroyer or caster?

Drake: Destroyer.

Lidan: As you wish....*narrows eyes* *fires*


Lidan: :demon:[/COLOR]
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Drake: Now that you've had your fun...........I think we should be going. Or would you like to blow some more things up?

Lidan: No, I've had my share of fun for now...

Drake: Then I suggest you get in the car now before THAT thing comes.

Lidan: Oh, Jesus.

Drake: Exactly, now GET IN!

[i]Lidan fluidly slid over Drake, climbing into the passenger's seat quickly. Drake slammed the door, gunning the engine. From zero to sixty in fourteen point seven seconds. Roaring down 5th Avenue, the pair sorta panicked as a red-black Wing'd Death chased them. Yelling over the whipping wind, and screaming engne, Drake told Lidan what to do.[/i]


[i]Drake slammed on the brakes, letting the car pull off a full 540. A flipped garbage truck blocked their path. But the Wing'd Death didn't stop. With a shriek, a line a meter long appeared in the hood of the Diablo. Drake's eyes buldged, as the Wing'd Death circled around. He gunned the engine again, turning off the headlights. He had a crazy idea.

As soon as the car came near the Flying Doom, Drake switched on the high-beams. Crying out insanely, the Wing'd Death pulled up, avading what it saw as a threat. Drake smiled confidenly, knowing his plan had worked. He watch with great pleasure as the creature crammed into the garbage truck, making it explode in a fireball.

But Lidan wouldn't sit still. She kept grabbing for Drake's arm, a worried mess.[/i]

Lidan: Drake.. DRAKE! DRAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!!

Drake: Dammit, what?!

Lidan: More! Here come more!

Drake: ****, this is so not my day! Ok, get out more shells, and prepare to take the wheel! *lowers top*
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*Butler looks around, eyerything is tinted red, his soul must be tethered to the demon. He looks around, and sees other people, marines, civilians and children. This creature must feed on souls. .*

M1: a new one. .this creature must die for us to escape and return to our bodies. .Or pass on. .

*Butler looks out the creatures eyes, and sees the others he met before. .Lidan and Drake, both unaware of the creaure behind them. .*

Butler: LOOK OUT!

M2: they cant hear you. .soon they will be here with us. .
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Andrew and Craig practically flew down the stairs and out of the door at the bottom. They smashed through it and into the alley outside. There were no creatures in site, things were too quiet. They rushed out into the street to see a car speed past and following it a very large, fat creature. Andrew whipped out his shotgun and began pumping the f*ck full of lead. Craig did the same and the creature soon directed it's attention towards them.

Craig: HOLY SH*T!

Andrew: Let's get the f*ck outta here!

They both turn and run back into the alley only to be cornered from one side by the creatyre and many rat creatures in the alley.

Andrew: Any bright ideas?

Craig: ???
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siren rolls and a bullet hits the ground were she was

siren: hey!!hey!calm down!! i'm not dangerous at the molment...

zack: who are you?

siren: me?!?...i'm siren... who are you to be asking me who i am?!?


i'm filling in till kanti decides to bring himself in and save my flamed ***
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Abob turned the corner and walked into a old deli, the glass windows were shattered and the place was a mess. He reached over the counter and tok a sandwich . as he was eating a small snake, able to change colors like a chameleon side up his chair and bit his arm, he yelled and shot it repeatedly. then he began to weaken and the world went black.......................................
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[i]Pressing his right hand on the barrel of the M-79, Drake rolled onto the trunk.


The first Demon Bird suddenly had no upper body. It crashed onto the ground, splattering blood along the ground. Two more to go. Another shell was in the chamber, the "sweet spot" was held down, and another round was pumped out.


The second Wing'd Death dropped from the sky, a hole the size of a Ford F-350 where it's gut should be. The third one was a bit wary now. But Drake was not going to be out-done. Using the third shell, he aimed right above the creature. A sure hit. Lidan screamed something, but Drake couldn't make it out, so he shruged it off. But as soon as he pulled the trigger, the car bounced. A pothole. The round's aim went off, clearing the Wing'd Death's body completely. But it did hit a gas station tanker.....which was next to the gas station.

Drake flipped back into the passenger's seat, face white. He looked at Lidan, and said two words.[/i]

Drake: Drive faster.
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[I]Levyn turned the corner . . .

. . . and came face to face-well, acutally, face to waist-with a demon.[/I] HOLY GOD!!! [I]Firing off rounds from her Eagles, she quickly wacked the button to her headset.

A voice came crackling through the earpiece.[/I] Hey babe, how ya doin?

[I]Levyn growled, pulled out a (borrowed) rocket launcher, and started firing.[/I] It's Levyn, McCloud, and WHY in the HELL didn't you TELL me 'bout this thing?!

McCloud: Thing? What thing? [I]Levyn heard a small chuckle over the headset.[/I] Oh . . . [I]that[/I] thing Levie?

[I]Levyn growled into the microphone.[/I] It's LEVYN, and yes, [I]that[/I] thing!

[I]Slowly, very slowly, did the demon swung to greet Levyn, several oozing holes in its tremendous hide. It took a giant step towards Levyn, then reached down.

Levyn turned and started running.[/I] Hey, hate to break it to ya McCloud, but this thing isn't dying!!!

McCloud: Whadda mean 'it isn't dying'? Of course it's dying!!

[I]Levyn dodged another swipe from the demon's claws, and started shooting at the demon again.

That didn't help at all.[/I] Now I REALLY hate to tell ya, but IT ISN'T DYING!!!!

McCloud: Well where did you shoot it?!

Levyn: Anywhere I could stick a bullet in it!!!![I]Levyn stumbled, landed on her hands and did a graceful flip. She landed facing the creature, and dodged another swipe of its claws.[/I] McCloud . . . WHAT DO I DO NOW?!?!

McCloud: I'll only tell if you promise--

Levyn: No way Micheal . . . I'd rather kiss a shark than that . . .

[I]The demon took another swipe at Levyn's head, and this time made contact. She fell to the ground . . .

. . . and ended up seeing something really strange.

Thousands of human souls surrounded the demon. Levyn laid there, seemingly stuck to the stone, as the souls flew around her.

She could hear them, and she could see them, but she couldn't do anything about it.

The only thing that snapped her back to reality was the small voice crackling from the earpiece.[/I]

McCloud: Babe? Hey babe! Something wrong?

Levyn: Uh huh . . . [I]She dodged another attack at her head, and stood.[/I] You know Cloudie-boy . . . I don't need your help after all!

[I]She fired one shot, and one shot only. The bullet landed right in the Achilles' heel of the monster, and then there was a gust of smoke.

Levyn covered her eyes. She opened them again, and started wiping demon guts off of her.[/I] Oh god . . . that's just nasty . . .

McCloud: How in the world did you kill that thing?!

Levyn: A little birdie to--[I]She stopped, as one of the spirits floated past her.[/I]

Soul: Much obliged ma'am . . .[I]He tipped his hat, then disappeared.

Levyn stared, her mouth hanging open, then regained her senses. She quickly headed in the direction of the control base, guns pulled and alert . . .[/I]
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Craig: Okay... time to play boys!

Craig unzipped his bag, and let it go. As it fell, he reached inside it, and pulled out two DK 5's. He pointed it at the rat creatures.#

Craig: Ah, the advantages of being a Marine Commando!

Craig opened fire with his DK 5's, wiping out several rat's, knocking them flying back.

Andrew: Anything for me in that bag?

Craig: If Uzi's are your thing..... then yes.

Andrew: Sweet.........

With the Bird thing now taken down, Craig and Andrew focused all their fire on the Rat's. They kept launching out from the sewers, like a WW1 charge from the Trenches.

Craig and Andrew looked at each other and nooded, then turned and ran away, Craig grabbing his bag as he did so.

Andrew: We need wheels!!!!

Craig: Yeah.......... there!!!

Craig ran over to a truck. He put his fist straight through the window, and opened the door. He leapt in, and ripped the plastic down from under the driving seat. He took the red wire, and he took the black wire, and he joined them together, and the truck's ignition started.

Craig: Okay, you get in the back, and waste anything that tails us.

Andrew: Okay........
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*Butler smiled at the sight of all the souls leaving, geting there bodies back. He floated over to the young woman that saved them all and put out his hand*

Levyn: :eek:

*Butlers body suddenly glows and takes back its original form, his SGF uniform, multimelta and desert eagles back also. As he looked around, other pillars of light flashed and dissapeared*

Butler: very much oblidged miss, My name is Butler and I was on a recon mission for the SGF, when that, demon, took me. .

Levyn: I'm Levyn. .
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i]
[B][color=crimson]I think only I could get lost in an RPG he created...

Someone tell me where the **** I am...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

You're still in NYC
[i]Drake's face had long since turned to his normal indifferent look. Lidan and he were in Buffalo, New York, looking at a cheesy, greasy bar as they rode up in the Diablo.

Stepping out, Drake still held his HK-5 close, but he also slipped a .45 in the back of his belt, letting his lose shirt cover it up. Lidan slipped one of her 9MMs in a holster in her back. Together they walked in the bar, Drake being as kind enough to open the door for Lidan.

They sat side-by-side, each ordering a drink. A dusty biker approached them after about twenty minutes or so, leaning on the bar next to Lidan.[/i]

Biker: So, baby...you with this fåg, or just sittin there?

Lidan: :therock:

Drake: Hey buddy. I think you best take a walk into on-coming traffic.


Drake: Ya..... Now, I'm not saying that I could kick your åss all the way to Chicago [size=1]even though I can, but that's beside the point.[/size] What I AM saying is that this lovely lady right cha' can do it all by herself. So I suggest you beat it. Or get beaten.

Biker: *pulling out a switchblade* You wanna say that again, to my little friend here?

Drake: *sigh* Ok, apparently you don't get hints, or take kindly to warnings. So here's a brief lesson. *punches Biker into wall* "Shut... *slams Biker onto table, corner first* ...up"

[i]The Biker slowly staggered up, picking up his little toy again. He staggered over towards Drake, but Lidan stood, giving him a swift right boot to the jaw...without jumping or anything.[/i]

Lidan: Ok, here's another lesson... *elbows Biker in the side of the neck* "Get... *left kick to Biker's face, sending him through a window, not jumping again*...stuffed."

[i]After a few minutes, the Biker and his friends ran off, speeding away on choppers. Lidan sat again, next to the still-calm Drake, who was seated, eyes closed, sipping a Miller.[/i]

Drake: Remind me to never piss you off.
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[COLOR=royalblue]Lidan: Don't ever piss me off. *lits a cigarette*

Drake: Thankx.

Bartender: Here ya are lady.

Lidan: *takes drink* Thanks.

Bartender: If I were you, I'd get out of here, that guy's friends aren't to happy.

Lidan: Sure.......

Bartender: Just a warning....*walks off*

Drake: What do you think?

Lidan: If they think they can rape this pretty peice of flesh, they're pretty stupid.[/COLOR]
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Drake: Naw, I wouldn't let them

Lidan: What was that?

Drake: I said ummmmmmm.........."Naw, they too stupid to know how to rape".

Lidan: Sounded different the first timr. Sounded kinda funny too.

Drake: :o

Lidan: Embarrassed? :smirk:

Drake: Hell, let's just get out of here....I call driver!

Lidan: :demon:

Drake: *comicly* Or maybe you should drive, yeah.

Lidan: Smart boy..
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Lidan and Drake got in the car and drove off quickly. The Biker looked at them leave, and growled to himself.[/i]

Lidan: Pff......that guy has issues.

Drake: No kidding.

Lidan: You'd think he would get the picture that I'm not interested.

Drake: Maybe you should stop wearing spaghettie strap dresses.

Lidan: Hey, it's hot out here, and they're fashionable.....and they're also useful when you need to motivate a guy.

Drake: Motivate?

Lidan: Yeah, the straps come down, information comes up.[/COLOR]
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