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Well, I've been working on this story for a little while and I wanted to see if anyone liked it. I guess, I'll put the rest up if there should be enough demand for it.


I could feel a thin, hot numbness bubbling in the deepest bowls of my stomach. Everything was so....dim. Yet, I wasn't scared anymore. At least, that's what I told myself. Was I subconscious, unconscious, tossing left and right? Was I beating helpless tunes in the air with sleeping limbs? I..... just wanted to play ball. The feeling before a game--there's nothing like it. It's that tight feeling, like.....a rubber band being squeezed around your forehead.

You feel your Adam's apple doing an up an'-down act--gulp, gulp, gulp--and you feel great--great damnit! So fine, so smooth. I liked that feeling of being air-light, with my head tight. When you feel that, you know that you have begun to think with your heart instead of the swarming blurs in your mind that pass for intelligent thought.


Windows with no view, washed out walls closing in, a chorus of ticks, humming machines and clicking foot steps drowned me in a sea of utter despair. It's Ironic that I was there to have my life [I]saved[/I], no? By all means, I should have been thankful. Would you be thankful? After all, hospital care was rare. Only celebrities or athletes like myself were worthy of being saved.

Was it because we were valuable citizens? Not really. The hot excitement of the game had the power to melt reality away; it was the brief escape we provided for the masses that made us worthy of being saved. When we stopped providing that escape, that lapse in reality, we knew that the sterilized air and waxed floors wouldn't be there for us anymore.


I had become the host of pain. It was a parasite that ate at my very sanity. My mind was a balloon. I had to let the string go....allow my mind to float away. I remembered starlight nights and pillow fights; times when things were easier. Flooding into my brain, floating on brown water, rippling with white bubbles, were dreams that I had long thought forgotten.

It was hot as hell, and dry. Dry like my courage, in the face of the Devil. The room was a peaceful desert. So barren, so devoid of life, it offered no intimidation. Nothing here to end me. Nothing here to take away all that I hold dear. But yet? it wasn't somewhere I?d ever want to be. Why is that?

I always thought that tolerance was the scale that showed one's level of dedication, but my faith was wavering. In between the empty ticks of the clock, the hour glass above my head, nearby moans of agony grew louder. They were mine.

Why couldn't I move?

[I]Beep.......Beep........Beep.........Beep... [/I]

"God," I whispered, "please don't let that 'beeping' stop."

Strangers on the wall looked down on me with crooked smiles and deceitful eyes. Bold, white lettering read "When you open your heart to giving, angels fly at your door."

I asked myself what more I could give, though I knew the ultimate answer.

A faint knock at the door, followed by slow, hesitant footsteps, joined the chorus of ticks, clicks, beeping and humming that swarmed in my ears.

The endless void slowly rose away as the nearby curtain was drawn back revealing a grassy knoll with a singular, weeping willow tree standing at its peak. With its long, buoyant, downy branches hanging down on all sides, the tree was in many ways comparable to the mighty mushroom cloud. The clear navy sky of night displayed the shining beacon of earth's first satellite, shining down onto us as the only glimmer of light.


With the "click-clock" of the closing door, I was alone once again. Why was the window opened? What was the point? Who needs a view at night? Drifting back into my own personal solitude, I gathered that doctors and nurses partook in "The Game" too. Yes, even those who "save" need to be "saved" now and then. I didn't know whether to feel insulted or flattered that someone would pull back a curtain for an excuse to get a glimpse of me. Was I a trophy? Something on display? At least I wasn't gathering dust. I was the prime exhibit.

Another poster caught my eye. This one read, in large, empty lettering, "One Cannot Expect A Blind Man To Walk A Straight Path." What the hell was this one advertising? The rest of the wording was too vague to make out. The splintering glow from the full moon above, its slivered rays of light cut through my dense sense of self worthlessness on that clear, starlit night. I fell asleep riding atop a wave of my own creation, crashing down and lapping at my consciousness, slowly eroding it away. Empty sleep was more bearable than the pain of living an empty existence, I suppose.

So, Do you see a man?

Do you see a [I]Superman[/I]?

Do you see someone more than a man?

Do you see [I]everyman[/I]?

Do you see [B]nothingman[/B]?

Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners? Go ahead and have a leg. You didn't come to this barbecue to hear my stories, I'm sure. Today really is the perfect day for a gathering like this. Just look at the wind, carrying everyone's' laughter through the leaves of dancing trees. Oh, what kind of host am I? Would you like dark meat or light meat?

One wouldn't expect things to remain peaceful, not this long. Ever since the overpopulation crisis of 2085. Wasn't it just awful? It felt like everyone was closing in. I'm sorry, if I equivocate a bit, but, even the simple intricacies of life were unbearable. The requiem of comfort. Hot breath burned my neck on every hover car, bodies bumped and writhed under the pressure of it all. I couldn't think. No one could. Can't you surrender a brief understanding of this situation? Yes, the game did offer a viable solution. That's why we're able to gather here today isn't it?

Sporting events had always tied in with society. Our perceptions of grandeur, role models, who we want to be--it all tied in with sports and celebrities. The artificial, plastic, two dimensional, made in fantasy land, million dollar smiles tell us what we should be. It was only a matter of time until government and sporting events merged, birthing a new set of rules and values for us to live by.

Put some hot sauce on that thigh, it adds to the flavor.

We thought that there would be riots, picketing, even Armageddon when the President declared his plans for depopulating our land. China's failure in dealing with the crisis at hand, so many years ago, proved that swift action was necessary, even at the cost of further corrupting American morals.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Renamon [/i]

I have no comments on the story

No offense, but I don't understand a word in that story [/B][/QUOTE]

Hehe, I forgot that I even posted this. Anyway, it's written in English, so I don't see why you would have trouble. :drunk:

I dunno, perhaps it is my fault. I get too complicated sometimes. :confused:
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i]
[B][COLOR=seagreen]No, it's not you. I can understand it. Your story is more advanced than alot of the stories and poems that people post here. Don't feel bad. I like it.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]

Thanks! Really, that makes me feel a lot better. I was actually thinking about altering my style after that one comment, but this makes up for it. :toothy:
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i]
[B]I want to see the rest of this story, CWB. I advise you post it... :devil: :devil: :devil:

-Justin [/B][/QUOTE]

lol, Okay I'll do that. I didn't think that anyone was really interested in "Nothingman" at first, so I neglected to write the conclusion. A little time and that sucker'll be completed and up. :)
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Guest DeusTheSnail
Oh, Oh. I am interested. It was kind-of strange. But for me strange is good. Keep it coming please. So far this is the only thing that after reading it felt it was worth the time.
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