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About sweetie_rei

  • Birthday 06/15/1988

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    Yeah you get the that feeling that someone is watching over you, and I am that voice of reason in your head.
  • Biography
    Im a person that is easy going and very happy! Plus im nice!
  • Occupation
    looking for work.

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  1. sweetie_rei


    [color="#FF0000"][/color][font="Arial Black"][/font] I actually really enjoyed the movie, but I hated the ending. I had to go back and see it again, and i am still confused.
  2. I don't find them pointless, just a lot of work and most of the time they don't even look all that cool. My friend has a whole sleeve that goes into his chest, and turnes in to like a dreamcatcher that says "Chaos"
  3. "Leave out the rest" Linkin Park, brings a tear to my eye. Kinda in a senstive mood at the moment and ready to go home for the night
  4. Cartoons have taught me that it is okay to have an imagination, and that only in that fanasty land can I ecaspe and just get away with anything that I want and not suffer the consequences. That is an awesome thought and feeling, it is just too bad that doesn't work out in the real world
  5. I use it every day at work, I need something else to listen to other than ppl asking for tools and hazmat and quiet. My station is Bad Romance Radio, but it is very diverse.
  6. I usually listen to anything that helps me zone out on the world and helps me focus on the task at hand, and it kinda depends on my mood.
  7. sweetie_rei


    No i haven't heard of them, what genre are they, perhaps I can look them up and listen to see if I like them
  8. I listen to lots of stuff. When I am at work people are amazed by how diverse my Pandora account is, one min it is techno, then rock, the hard rock, the old school rock, then pop, rap, r&b, some country, and oldies. I am pretty diverse in my music selection. I have music for every mood, so that is good for me. Right now I am listening to pitbull then who knows what is going to pop up on the player and since I am in a pretty good mood, I don't really care what comes on.
  9. Well actually this is ls_gurl, I found out my other screen name, I did some researching, now I just need to know how to delete the ls_gurl profile, so then people don't get confused on which one I use.
  10. i finally remebered my password! now i can go delete my other one that i just created!

  11. well I don't like hosptials either, I try to advoid them at all possible costs. In fact a new study that just came out said that the average ER room for the United States doesn't rate any better than a C-. If the Us were to have a major problem or a national emergency the ER rooms would never be equipt for it. Of course the blame it on the lack of money...so yeah...I will try to advoid them at all possible...it ridiclous what they do....oh well.
  12. wow...I listen to a lot of hard rock and stuff liek that...I dont even know them! Man now I have to go investigate!
  13. okay here we go. Everyone has a name right? Everyone has a story behind how they got their names. This is just to see what kind of names we get and they can be nicknames. This is just a thread to tell the stories of how you got your name/nickname. Here is mine my name is Alisha Michelle Greenlee I am named after my fathers friend. My mom wanted to name me michelle but as you can tell that didnt work out at all, that is how I got my middle name. Greenlee is my fathers last name because my parernts never wedd. My last name was my mothers: Reily, but that only lasted for six hours. My nickname is Pisha. My friend Sam gave me this name. We were sitting in World Studies sophomore year bored out of our mind and then she poppes off and says, " alisha I have the perfect name for you! Pisha! Ya take off the Al and put a P. It is so perfect cuz it has nothing to do with you." Then about a year after that a girl named Ashley Prettio thought she was orginial and called me Pisha and started to call me that and then everyone caught on to it. It was a week and everyone was calling me that, so that is how I became Pisha. :sweat:
  14. Well my background eh? Well I am primarily Italian. 1/8 to be exact. I've got almost all of Europe in me I think. I havent been able to track it all though. I have some native american in me, cheeroke and black foot sue. And that is it I believe. Im a very mixed up girlie.
  15. well as we all know audioslave has out a new CD. What do you all think of it? I believe that it is more laid back and not as kickin as the new one. It is sorta driving me nuts. Maybe they are trying something new.
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