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Please Make It Stop!!!!

Mr. Maul

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I think that the RPG and recruitment sections need to be divided into subcategories. It just gets pretty old when you scroll down looking for fantasy and you see:


So please, we would all appreciate it.
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[size=1]I'm not sure what you're looking for, here. It's not necessary to further divide the forum. And if it were done, every [i]other[/i] type of anime/game/story would be asking for their own subforum.[/size]
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Yeah... I'm thinking that's what he is saying as well.

The best comparison is when the Gaming Section had GTA and Mario sections. Instead of posting in the main Nintendo and Sony forums about these games, it diverted all posts on the subjects to the subforums.

Because of this, there were far less posts in the Nintendo and Sony forums (mostly because those were both big games at the time). At the same time, the GTA and Mario forums never really got that busy either due to their limited subject matter.

So when you divide something up too much, you just encourage a lot less posting and quality, I think.

I don't go in there that much, but I hardly think it's a big deal to sort through the various RPGs in there the way it's set up.
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[color=#808080]There's really nothing we can do to avoid the creation of DBZ/Pokemon type threads. It's bound to happen.

Afterall, we do have a large DBZ/Pokemon fanbase here. If you don't like it, you should invest some time to create a non-DBZ/Pokemon RPG yourself.[/color]
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Guest cloricus
Quote | Mr. Maul-
So please, we would all appreciate it.

Speak for yourself.
Though I don't think any thing needs to be done, except maybe you should invest in a scroll mouse. DBZ and Pokemon rpg's are bond to happen being on an anime boards and all...

Eps - Two days in the sun makes you weird!
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm just saying put them into their own little sub-forums so you can just go there instead of haveing to sort through them to find the topic you want. It's just like in the otaku lounge there's a sub-forum for pictures.
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The thing is, if we divided it up even more, there would be far less posts in each individual subforum. We would soon realize that all or most of the subforums weren't even worth being there, because of lack of activity.

So, even though it's a small inconvenience, it's better if it stays.

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  • 3 weeks later...
[font=Kabel Bk BT]

Sorry, Maul, your outnumbered.

PS: It takes more energy to walk into a room, sit down in a chair, turn on a computer, click a mouse, type in a website address, scroll down, click to get into a forum and post then it does just to scroll down the RPG list.[/font]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryan [/i]
[B][font=Kabel Bk BT]
PS: It takes more energy to walk into a room, sit down in a chair, turn on a computer, click a mouse, type in a website address, scroll down, click to get into a forum and post then it does just to scroll down the RPG list.[/font] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=red][b]omg own3d.

I haven't seen you here in a long time Ryan. :)[/b][/color]
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This topic is pretty much exhausted.

You can't compare a recruitment forum to a social forum. You're either going to be interested in a topic or you're not--just by looking at the title of the thread.

Threads in that area aren't created for the purpose of housing long discussions or debate; they're simply created to organize role-playing games. There's no need to "sift" through the threads. Only a few new ones are created a day. It's not a difficult chore to find something current that interests to you. If you absolutely abhore anything related to DBZ or Pokemon, just pass over RPGs based on those particular series.

The recruitment forum isn't active enough to warrant different categories.
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