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Original Characters added to DBZ


How do you like Son Asa?  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you like Son Asa?

    • I love it!!!
    • Its alright
    • it sux
    • dont ever post it again

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You wont believe it, but my browser is so tempermental. It wouldnt work because it didnt have [url]www.[/url] before the [url]http://[/url] .
stupid browser.

Anyway, as for the pic, I think its great, and Asa is quite hot, make a bigger colored version quick quick!

*Votes : I LOVE IT!!!*
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Black pants, yellow belt, dark grey glove things, black top with yellow outline if you what I mean, black hair (because all DBZ characters have black hair) Thats cool, but she might look a lot like a shexeh batwoman type person =/
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[color=teal]*Posts deleted and edited to prevent spam[/color]

I thought the same thing as Neph; is she naked? I suppose that she isn't, but that is quite a lot of fan service. Just keep in mind that there are younger members on the boards as well. ;)

As for the pic itself, it's good. I don't know if it really goes along with the Dragonball look, but it's good nonetheless. Just to let you know, I think that this thread should just be about rating your drawing(s), rather than having other people post theirs. I don't think there are enough members who have drawn their own characters, and those who did could just make a new thread for it.

My rating: [b]7/10[/b]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by VegetasGirl420 [/i]
[B]i wasnt aiming too much for the dbz look, its my drawing style, every artist has their own. [/B][/QUOTE]
I see, I was just noting from the fact that you said in the beginning that this was a new character that you would like to have seen added to DBZ. In that case, I had the impression you were going for a style that was similar to Dragonball Z.
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the original idea of this thread was to post pics that people drew/modified whatever, you know. some could have been added to fanfics, webpages, stuff like that. thats my whole idea.

[color=teal]EDIT:[/color] also, to add, it is to post reviews of the pics intact in this thread. Feel free to post your own pics.

[color=teal]Please do NOT double post. I suggest that you take a look at both the rules in the main banner as well as those at the top of the forum. It is against the rules, and I don't want to see anymore of it. -Syk3[/color]
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Hm, I don't think you should double-post....

Anyways, I don't think I have a position to say than ^_^, so I'll get with my post. I like your new chracter, but the picture in the bottom right hand corner seems a bit out of proportion. I think her head's a bit too big and her legs a bit to short. Other than that, I really like them. Except for the one in the top corner...it's kinda scaring me..
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