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Very different


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Im really proud of this. Its a little bit of pic editing I did of Rikku, well not pic editing as such, just a random rikku graphic I suppose. I assume most of you have seen that image, the original I mean. This is probably the most different thing in my whole protfolio (if I had a portfolio it would be the most different thing anyway)

So anyway, here it is.
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Well there are obviousley subtle things that he did to the picture, but err Kenji b0yee heres a tip, stop worrying about different styles and just make graphics. I never concentrated on making a style, but after a while you just have a tendency to do things a certain way and people start saying you've got your own style *_*. Anyway I don't quite like this picture =\. If you've noticed this whole monotone color scheme type thing is something i've strayed from and personally don't like anymore.
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