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The Quiz for pokemon champs!


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[COLOR=darkblue] I have a quiz for all you pokemon fans out there!
OK, heres the qestoin;

1.What was garys first pokemon?
2.Why did govarni create MEWTWO?
3.In the organal episodes, what was the name of the pokemon trainer with a bulbasaur?
4.who was blues rival?
5.Were did clafairy come from?
6.Name the two lightest pokemon.
7.This is a hard qestion. Don't worry if you get it wrong....What is the name of the most aceint pokemon in the world?
8.what happens to a charmander if the flame on its tail goes out?
9.How many pokemon are there all togher?
10.Name a pokemon that could make you rich.

Well, thats all. Heres your rate;

0. Do you even watch TV?
1-3. .......
4-6. Not bad.
7-8. Silk!
9. Brill!


Why has no one tried this quiz? To hard for ya!!!!????[/color]

[color=indigo]Combined the double post. If you want to add something, please use the "Edit" button instead of posting another message. - Desbreko[/color]
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No, because you only gave it 2 hours. People haven't had much time to try it. I'm giving it a go, though.

1: Eevee (In Pokemon Yellow. In Red & Blue it was the starter yours was weak against).
2: He wanted the world's strongest Pokemon under his control.
3: No clue.
4: Red.
5: Nobody knows for sure, but in one episode (Clefairy Tales), it's implied that they came from outer space.
6: No clue.
7: I'm thinking Mew.
8: It dies.
9: 351.
10: In one episode, James was conned into buying a Magikarp because he was told it could make him rich.
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You got 6. That good because on the 9th qestion i found that I was wrong! The most acient pokemon is ormeni (you proble never heard of it). The 3rd answer was red. The 6th one was hunter and gastly, there weight is 0. The last one was meowth, when it uses payday it makes coins and if you keep on useing this move you'll be rich!


If some one can get 10 I would be so happy. So, you think you got what it takes???? I don't think ya do!!!

[color=indigo]Another double post... I also suggest you read the rules. - Desbreko[/color]
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[size=1]I'd find it quite easy, since you gave away all the answers that Takuya didn't have. There's really not much point to this anymore.[/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tasis [/i]
[B][size=1]I'd find it quite easy, since you gave away all the answers that Takuya didn't have. There's really not much point to this anymore.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE]
[color=indigo]Indeed, there doesn't seem to be any point left to this thread. If you have more questions, vicky, you can use them in the Pokémon Quiz thread, though.

[img]http://www.angelfire.com/alt/desbreko/Lock.gif[/img] Thread Closed[/color]
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