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Well this is the second version of my hex wall, its quite alot different although it stil has some stuff from the old one.

[url=http://revergenic.250free.com/hex.jpg]Version 1[/url]

[url=http://revergenic.250free.com/hexv2.jpg]Version 2[/url]

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[size=1][color=firebrick] I like them both Psychotik. I especially like the glow effect on version 2.

I guess the thing I like most about them is, those vine type 3d things *wishes he knew how to make them* I've been trying for ages to do those things :bluesweat

well done. [/size][/color]
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They're both solid, as usual. I personally prefer the second one.

My only "complaint" is that a lot of your wallpapers seem to be using the same elements repeatedly. I recognize parts of these from ones you've shown in the past. Regardless, it works rather well anyway.
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The first one caught me at a bad moment, and it's a bit too...eh, technical?...for me. Everything's rather all over the place, so it makes me think of organized chaos.

I thoroughly enjoy the second one. The optical illusion thing you sorta have going in the second is also fun (just stare at the hexagons and scroll up and down the screen for a moment--you'll see what I mean).

I take it you have some sort of 3D image maker? *is thwacked* Heh, duh.
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Thanx for all your comments

Well I usually re-use my logo mainly because I can't be bothered to make a new one and the rest was taken from version one of the wallpaper, I decided to add them as if I didn't there wouldn't be much of a connection betwen the two wallpapers.

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you don't seem to be making any quantum leaps in your skills =\. Your cramming your wallpapers up with stuff just to take up space, when you should be working on creating a focal point so that everything on the wallpaper has a clear and concise point. What i'd really like to see is you start applying some textures to your renders -_o you have to start doing that. Or atleast try airbrsuhing over them. Anyway I like the second one better.:sleep:
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