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FFIV Cecil Banner


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[color=indigo]Well, I decided to go with a Cecil-themed sig, along with the avatar, so that meant making a banner. Here's what I came up with:


It goes with the bit talking about Cecil in the Legend of Mysidia. Specifically, it fits directly into it, as seen in my sig.

So, any good?[/color]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]That font is amazing. Though, I'm not too bigova fan of sprite-ish backgrounds and pixely characters. It's cute, though I don't think sprites look very good on banners. :bluesweat

6/10.[/color] [/size]
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[color=indigo]About the banner being pixelated, well, there's not much that can be done about that. I mean, it is an old (and I mean [i]old,[/i] one of the earliest ones) SNES game, so it's going to be pixelated. Especially since I had to make everything a little bigger to fit the banner.

So, yeah, there is no way to "make it clearer" or anything. I could have resized the sprites differently so that they ended up really fuzzy innstead of pixelated, but trust me, that looks way worse.

To really appreciate the banner, though, I suppose you'd have to have played FFIV (US FFII) at least up to the point where Cecil becomes a paladin. Since, well, the scene in the banner is taken almost directly from that part in the game. So yeah, if you haven't played FFIV up to that point, you probably won't really know what's going on it in. And what's going on there is pretty much the main point of the banner. :cross:[/color]
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