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well , i hope this post goes in the right place, im intrested to know peoples opinion about what is better, sketches or colur drawings?

i personally prefer sketches, because of the affects that are put in the shadows and different between the grey colors. what is your fav?
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Probably sketches because I think they look better (and I mean sketchy sketches =) ). I think they kinda look more prof.

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Hum... tough one, Well personally I'm With D_A on this one, really sketchy sketches are the BEST, but if itsl ike an naime, andh ow they do the sketches some times insteda moving pics, the moving pics (drawings) Are WAYYYY Better, but as I said, pends on if its anime. If not, then usually sketches are much better looking, in my own opinion.
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Guest Steiner
I like sketches aswell i find coloring in a pictre takes away some of its appeal, but thats ony in some cases :)
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I'm an artist myself, and i think that it really depends on WHAT you are trying to express with the art. If you just want to show a person and their expressions/ emotions then sketching is perfect. But maybe if its a landscape or you want to show extreme emotions eg: hatred, love etc. then colour is perfect. Most of the time i like sketches, mainly because it is hella easier, cheaper and less time consuming hehe, but also i think it portrays what i want to express with my art the best.......
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[size=1]It can be really hard to color an image well, but when you do...it's phenomenal.

Sketches often lose something about them when you clean them up, and it's hard to get that [i]something[/i] backinto them when you color...if you can do it, though, wow...[/size]
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I have to say I used to like sketches best...
in fact, now I've found out that usually u could better leave it nice and sketchy if u want it to look realistic, and (but that depends on how good u can draw... :smirk: ) natural, because the shadows are always better... However I've seen some amazing grunge art lately, and that made my also try some new things, and actually, u can make amazing pics if u don't mind if ur pic get's different then what u had in mind. U can make pics look really cool if u just mix the right colors, and that's someting a sketch will [U]never[/U] have!

so I think the answer is not quite simple, coz u can make both stunning sketches and also amazing colored pics...

I've added one of my grunge pics... I hope u can see what I mean. I know it isn't a great pic, but if u just imagine some who [U]does[/U] know how to use photoshop properly, u will see that there's a lot of style in it...

(as usual, I just don't dare to say 'yes' or 'no'...)
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