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Well, ok heres the thing, MY ALL TIME FAVROITE Band is Slipknot, I'm just one of many metal heads here so help me out, As any true Slipknot lover would know the lead singer was changed a while ago, and their Cd Iowa has the new singer on it, Well they re-sang Gently. My second fav Slipknot song. I soo think the older one is WAY better. But most my friends say it sounds the same, but theres a BIG obvious diff, and this new singers is horrible compared to the orignal. And well, Dose anyone agree? Gently , the older version, is sooooo much better. I know someone must agree with me!? Right??
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantom's Angel [/i]
[B]MY ALL TIME FAVROITE Band is Slipknot[/quote][/b]

I'm truely sorry for that

[quote][b]As any true Slipknot lover would know the lead singer was changed a while ago[/quote][/b]

You mean their new noise maker.

I'm sorry though, i can't help you, for I've heard songs which I cannot name cause I puked directly after hearing such horrid crap. Although with any new "singer" or whatever you call it, there's going to be a difference, no one person sounds the same as another.

And there's already another Slipknot topic below.
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HEY! THATS MEAN! You prolly on puked because you couldn't handle them. Slipknot is pretty hardcore, but still! Its my fav band, and FYI not all their "singing" is almost inchorent yelling. Listen to MY Plague, until you have you won't understand. Their singer is borderline Puddle of Mudd, sounds almost exactly like him. Don't know it til you hear it.
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Phantom's Angel

HEY! THATS MEAN! [/quote]
thank you, captain obvious.

[quote]Its my fav band, and FYI not all their "singing" is almost inchorent yelling.[/quote]

thats just humorous to me. "...almost incoherent yelling."

[quote]Their singer is borderline Puddle of Mudd, sounds almost exactly like him. Don't know it til you hear it.[/QUOTE]

please dont ever make that comparison again. wes scantlin (puddle of mudd) is a [strike]borderline[/strike] pile of sh*t and sounds nothing like corey taylor who, buy the way is not a new vocalist, but has been with slipknot on all of both of their major label (roadrunner records) releases and has previously fronted other bands.

at least try to know a little about what your talking about before you go running your mouth. thank you.
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well SORRY. Shiezh, I didn't look much in to it, but still, The newer guy does sing the new version of gently and this wasn't SYUPPOSED to be about what u said, i just wanted feed back on that piticular song. Just gently cuz frankl I think the older singer sounds better, I don't care how long the newer singer been with em, he hasen't been with slipknot form the BEGINNING thank you and puddle of Mudd is asome fyi. So your the one who needs to watch your mouth. I made no inslut to you so don't go telling me to know anyhting. I know enough. I have both cd's gently is on and there are 2 verry diffrent people singing them.
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Guest Fiasco
Well uh, what happen to Corey? Is he permantly going to be on Stone Sour or will he swtich back. Plus, too bad Slipknot is only nu-metal, not metal. Eh, I hope it sounds half decent.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantom's Angel [/i]
[B]HEY! THATS MEAN! You prolly on puked because you couldn't handle them. Slipknot is pretty hardcore, but still! [/B][/QUOTE]

You obviously have no idea what music I listen to half the time. YOU probably couldn't handle the stuff I like.

I didn't really puke, it was an exageration. I did however, have a really bad headache for the next 3 hours. Their unique "style" or "music" doesn't appeal to me at all, but then again neither does 90% of American music so there's no surprise there.

If you can handle that crap they put out, then be my guest, but it's hardly what I'd cosider music since it's neither melodic nor does it have any harmony what-so-ever...
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Once again Chris, you grace us all with your opinions... /Everytime/ there's a Slipknot topic, you come along and bash them, the thread-starter gets angry, you retort, and so on. Do you like causing problems? I've been wondering this for awhile now.
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Ah. I see now, thats it. I was thinking he just didn'tl ike me. Well If u just don't like the band, I guess I respect that, but I ask you not to knock it, I don't go around syaing what you like is a worthless piece of crap now do I?
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TN doesn't like most American music in general. Welcome to OB :p

Why it's pointed out on a very constant basis, I have no idea. That's another story for another thread I guess.

Like what you want, listen to what you feel like. I don't see a reason to convince people to like a band or give it a chance when it's clear they never will. Just another person on the internet that you'll never meet. Hardly worth getting into anything over.
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Welcom? Ive been here for a year, lol read my location. Ive been here longer than some otaku's *folds arms* :) I kow how he is but I just recently started posting on this forum, I'm usually in rpg's and art or poetry. hehe
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Speaking of pieces of crap, I haven't seen you around lately, noir...;P

[Please note that was a bad joke that will get me *****-smacked]

I personally like Slipknot...a lot. I find the overall pace and content to suit somewhat to me. Mostly, however, I like [Clean] the most. Mate, Feed, Kill, Repeat was a bit too "Retro" for my tastes, and Iowa wasn't hard enough, with the exception for about three or four songs.

As for the topic title, I like the Iowa version of Gently, but MFKR is still nice.

And I can stand Slipknot much moreso than angry Japanese people screaming into microphones. Eh, well. Can't help that, now can we?
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I think anyone that thinks 90% of American music genuinely sucks or anyone that thinks Slipknot is the best [i]anything[/i] really needs to look into things around here a little deeper.

You're all missing out... and instead we get a bunch of cheap shots over crap, where neither side truly understands the other.

Fun, fun, fun.

Here's hoping this gets closed soon... especially considering there is a somewhat civil thread on it 5 lines down.
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But my question still hasent been asked it got off topic.!! I WANTED TO KNOW BOUT GENTLY The song. Will someo ne please help me on that I don't know the orignal gently singers name but if anyone knows that to, have to be true slipknot otaku thou. :-/
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Anders Colsefni (or something like that, he has a weird name) was the original vocalist for Slipknot on MFKR, so I assume that's the answer you wanted...

He is part of a band called Painface last I heard. I never bothered to check them out, but they might be up your alley.
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*bows to you* THANK YOU!!! BWAH! Now I can back up what I said. Genty WAS sung by 2 diffrent people but now if you notice on their old cd's, just made but old cd's they don't have his name on them! Conspiracy I sware it.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i]
[B]Once again Chris, you grace us all with your opinions... /Everytime/ there's a Slipknot topic, you come along and bash them, the thread-starter gets angry, you retort, and so on. Do you like causing problems? I've been wondering this for awhile now. [/B][/QUOTE]

Don't forget about System of a Down, Rap, and the other 3,000,000 crappy things the American Music Industry throws out to the suckling public. And I do it with Japanese music too. I LOATHE GLAY... If people talked about GLAY here, I'd jump on them too. Or the other 3,000,000 crappy Japanese artists, but they don't... they talk about American Music, which is why it seems I jump on them alot... if there was equal diversity in music here, I'd have equal diversity of objection :p

[quote][b]Please before u judge ALL their music. [/b][/quote]

Now who really does this? Do you really judge a band when you are done listening to ALL their music? No, you judge them from the songs you decide to listen to... If the first 5 or 6 songs i listen to from a band don't appeal to me, chances are, NONE of them are. I don't plan on listening to all of their songs... and even so... Even if by some chance that I liked one song by them, it still doesn't change the fact the rest of their music sucks b@lls.

[quote][b]I don't go around syaing what you like is a worthless piece of crap now do I?[/b][/quote]

You might if I bothered to post topics here... I don't because 98% of the people here have never heard of the music I like and/or have no interest in them.

Yeah thats my responce... as for your topic... I couldn't tell you, but I think it was answered already... I'd just thought I'd give adequet responce.
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