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Do you trust japenese duelests?

Guest XxDrAgOnxX

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Guest XxDrAgOnxX
Im just curious to this question. because I played one and I got beaten because he had a japenese deck :(
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Well Japanese players have more of a card variety than English players. Just because their decks are filled with different (and soemtimes better) cards doesn't mean they aren't untrustworthy.

Although there are some duelists, Japanese and English who I don't trust.
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An american duelist at my school told me that a card gave his "Dragon Zombie" the power to regenrate every time it went to the graveyard,but I did resarch and load&behold it olny gave his Zombie 300 Attack & Defense points.

Now I do trust all american duelist with japaneses card because I own A few Japan card myself.
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That just sounded totally unfair Darkenshadow. I have dueled against people who duel with JP cards and I always am near a site that gives the full translations of cards. So really I don't think that saying they have a lack of gameplay. If anything they have an advantage of gameplay.
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I am sorry that you think i target all japanese duelists and I am sorry because of that but I didn't mean that there all "bad" I know some are quite nice and honest but there are occasions that they cheated correct? I did not mean to offend them but in a way I ahve and I am sorry for that.
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I play with a Japanese deck and there are a better variety of cards like Hyper said. Im always on this site [url]http://www.stormpages.com/edhrzic/Yugioh.htm[/url]
it has all translations about every card. I actually printed out every booster pack that was there and put it in a binder. So if someone uses a card and i think its wrong id just bust out my binder. But yea you should just learn to trust the Japanese peeps. Everybody can make an honest mistake, even if its crucial to the match.
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The store i play cards at dosen't allow japanses cards in there tourments, but some of us play with japanses cards because we'll the ones who always play the japanses cards are ethier from japan or learned japanses so we can read the cards.
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Guest visser 3
I trudst them all the way because after i duel i check out the card on a website and if anything about the card is different i kick their a**
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I don't trust American duelists w/ Japanese decks, b/c if they start to lose, they'll lie about effects. Like I knew one guy who had japanese Magical Hats, and tried to tell me that if I hit one of the non-monster cards, it'd activate it. But that's not how it works.
I do trust Japanese duelists, b/c they usually (atleast the ones I duel) have enough skill and honor to not lie about cards. (And some say their tactics are partly the reason SORL are limited.)
But usually, I'd just ask them to use only recognizable Japanese cards (i.e the Magnet Warriors, SORL, GAF, HFD.)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i]
[B]The gods are banned --; [/B][/QUOTE]

Technically yes, but I'm sure some people would and do still use them despite that.

I think Domon has the best advice here: stay near a site or something with a list of translations on it. Or make sure you have an up-to-date patch on YVD or whatever you're duelling online with. Although I don't suppose it would matter that much unless you're trading or in a competition, but even then Japanese cards can't be used in US tournaments (and US ones can't be used in the UK *grumbles*). So I can't see the harm unless they say 'This card allows me to do 6 million damage to your LP' or something like that, when you have a suspicion that they may be cheating. Especially if it's at a crucial time in the game.

Mind you, I have enough problems like that duelling with English cards sometimes. Card rulings are bizarre at times. It's a case of being able to pick out the real from the bogus.
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  • 4 weeks later...
The god cards are only banned at official tournament stuff. If they're just dueling another duelist for fun, there are no rules stopping them from putting the gods in. For that matter, in an unnoffical duel, there are no rules concerning limited cards. Other than the rule of only having three of a particular card.
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Guest Altron Gundam
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ben [/i]
[B]The god cards are only banned at official tournament stuff. If they're just dueling another duelist for fun, there are no rules stopping them from putting the gods in. For that matter, in an unnoffical duel, there are no rules concerning limited cards. Other than the rule of only having three of a particular card. [/B][/QUOTE]

Whoa whoa whoa. No rules containing restricted cards? Even in fun duels ppl play with the restrictions because they're just as important as the base rules of dueling. Its to keep the duel fair and balanced. To have someone with three Raigekis in there deck would just make it cheap and boring.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i]
[B]Whoa whoa whoa. No rules containing restricted cards? Even in fun duels ppl play with the restrictions because they're just as important as the base rules of dueling. Its to keep the duel fair and balanced. To have someone with three Raigekis in there deck would just make it cheap and boring. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue]Yeah, my cousins tried to teach me how to play by using those rules to cheat....but I knew the rules by heart by that time, and I was able to win even with my cousin haviong Slifer and my other cousin having the Winged Dragon of Ra. I won those from 'em...it wasn't hard...[/COLOR]
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Guest Altron Gundam
--; Because they are extremely bad players and their decks are so slow that they allowed you to pile up three mons for you to sac for your g-card..
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