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Yeah I realized that too... just not on Otaku... I do that on another board I go to... I always watch it I just rarely post anymore... I was an admin there... now I'm like a super mod... but whatever.... so I just look at the boards and if I feel I should respond or post I do, if not then I just read it and move on...
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[SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]for those of you who know my AIM name... im on probably 8 hours a day average... yet i barely aveage 11 posts a day... and i made like 100 in the first 2 days... so it really less after that... but im here... moding and watching... and it is more fun than when i had about 100 posts a day back on v2... dang 500 in like a week was sicking... now im just watching a bunch of people argue over which FF7 char is the best... lol... and watch the ?s come and try to help people if i know the game... since i play them while on here lolol... *watches andy whip olaf* (advanced wars) lol[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[color=rainbow] I actually try to post everyday. If I miss a day, I go on extra time to make up the time I was away....sure, call me an adict......but I will continue to try to post every single day, and nothing you can say will stop me....I even was on the day I broke my arm![/color]
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Guest Deranged Gerbil
I posted a lot when I registered under this name, but now I'm on whenever I feel like it, and since I'm lazy then I can sometimes be gone for a loooong time!
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