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japanese version of dbz


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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i]
[B]yeah, that shirt is funny and vegeta thinks its craap!!!!!!!!!!!!1 [/B][/QUOTE]

Will you take a chill pill and shut the hell up... we don't need a Captain Obvious here....

Navi, I don't recal Vegita wearing a shirt with Any Hiragana or Kanji on it... I know Kururin and Gokou did.... I don't remember Vegita doing so though... All I remember was the "Bad Man" Shirt.... the rest was blue spandex or whatever... on the other hand, Sano did have Kanji on his back that said Aku.... but thats another anime series heheh :p
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[QUOTE]Will you take a chill pill and shut the hell up... we don't need a Captain Obvious here.... [/QUOTE]

does that mean.......captain obvious is me? yay, no thats poo.
you want me to stop being captain obvious, awww....
and shut my hell up, k.i will neva be annoying.eva eva eva again
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i]

does that mean.......captain obvious is me? yay, no thats poo.
you want me to stop being captain obvious, awww....
and shut my hell up, k.i will neva be annoying.eva eva eva again [/B][/QUOTE]

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm lost
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i dont wanto by a pink shirt chib,

transtic can i jus say something:

don't give me another warning, plz dont. yeh, i jus wanna say that until i reach 500, i will hav to post alot. so tommoro, i won't post on every single topic, only ones that are relevant to me, k?
"Will you take a chill pill and shut the hell up... we don't need a Captain Obvious here...." and plz dont be so hard on me, i know that i am very annoying, and i am sorry for that. i am very sorry, plz don't ban me just for who i am.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by piccolo [/i]
[B]I get it, you guys talking about Vegeta pink shirt. Transtic, are you Japanese, you seem to know a lot Japanese? [/B][/QUOTE]

I'm part Japanese...

Shadow.... you as a person cannot be annoying... it's not who you are.... if you just calm down a little, stop over reacting, take control of yourself you'll be fine.... I had your same problem.... but you can learn to control... if your strong enough....
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]Navi, I don't recal Vegita wearing a shirt with Any Hiragana or Kanji on it... I know Kururin and Gokou did.... I don't remember Vegita doing so though... All I remember was the "Bad Man" Shirt.... the rest was blue spandex or whatever... on the other hand, Sano did have Kanji on his back that said Aku.... but thats another anime series heheh :p [/B][/QUOTE]

ah ok. i remember you saying youd have the kanji aku on the back of your gi if you could. what is aku?
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ok, i will calm down.
Transtic, are you really part japanese? because thats kool and im gonna start to learn japanese, is it hard to learn?
sorry i got over reaction-ed...

Trunks no dama, no genki son gokou, aku freeza, no genki no dama no son gohan no mirari.
what does that mean, its jibberish!!!!!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i]
[B]ok, i will calm down.
Transtic, are you really part japanese? because thats kool and im gonna start to learn japanese, is it hard to learn?
sorry i got over reaction-ed...

Trunks no dama, no genki son gokou, aku freeza, no genki no dama no son gohan no mirari.
what does that mean, its jibberish!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE]

Yes and No... it depends... sentence structure you have to get used to, same with verb endings and the sort...

And yes, thats a buncha jibberish.... Aku is a noun... not an adjective...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i]
[B]"i dont wanto by a pink shirt chib..."

chib as i said earlier i do not want one, + i do not like them, + plus do not be annoying. [/B][/QUOTE]

Annoying:flaming: Hey! you said you look like Trunks and Trunks like to look at Vegeta shirt, so I think you should get one to be "like father like son" :laugh:

"I think you will look very cute in it" :blush: :love:
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chib [/i]

Annoying:flaming: Hey! you said you look like Trunks and Trunks like to look at Vegeta shirt, so I think you should get one to be "like father like son" :laugh:

"I think you will look very cute in it" :blush: :love: [/B][/QUOTE]

hey i have a personallity like vegita's, don't make me use it.
and why the heck are you blushing, i HATE the colour pink, just as vegita does. can i buy a black shirt instead, or blue?:rolleyes:
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i]

hey i have a personallity like vegita's, don't make me use it.
and why the heck are you blushing, i HATE the colour pink, just as vegita does. can i buy a black shirt instead, or blue?:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]

OK, but get a light blue one, if you want it to be better, get a light violet, purple, and the best is lavander. :blush:
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