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Dixie Chicks

Guest Skyechild91

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Guest Skyechild91
What do you think about the Dixie Chicks situation? Personaly I think they need to get theri attidutes under control. They said that they arent part of the country music industry cuz none of the other artists agree that President Bush did the wrong thing going into Afghanistan. I like the song, Marty Emily and natalie, becasue it disses them big time! Whats your opion?
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I don't remember which comedian said it, but one of them said...

"Somehow, I don't think badmouthing the President of the United States (in a foreign land, during a time of war) sits well with the Nascar crowd."

As Americans, they have the right to say whatever they want about their own government (even if it means they disagree with a decision such as occupying a country in the Middle East). However, they knew who their fanbase was, and they should've known that Toby Keith and about a dozen other Country singers were going to attack them for saying what they said.

However, the controversy should increase their record sales (worked for Eminem), so let's just hope they know what they're doing.
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Since they're famous, people will actually pay attention to their stupid, self-involved, unthought-out opinions (to make myself more clear, I'm not referring to their specific opinion, but just that idea in general). That's all it comes down to, and I'm sure they know it.

I've met a million people proclaiming things like this, some even just weirdos on street corners, and I don't even give them a second thought. I feel no differently about these three... but that's mostly because I don't really care what they, or most people in their shoes, feel about such things. They've never done anything to make me think I should actually value their opinions on the matter.
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Heh, the funny thing is the dixie chicks are so anti bush they are losing fans.

Bush had reasoning to do it, if he didn't we most likly would have attacked us sooner or later.

No bush didn't find anything so the dixie chicks can complain a little but, they are the ones suffering.....each crud thing they say either helps them or causes the lose of sales.

And from what I see they have had a lose in sales.
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[color=#707875]Since when do the "Dixie Chicks" know anything about politics? They don't. Based on what I've heard them say...they're about as ignorant as most celebrities who make comments about such things.

I think that if you listen to a celebrity about politics or whatever, you know you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel. I mean, they have the right to say what they want...but who is going to take their political stance seriously? Moreover, who really cares what they think about politics? lol.

*shrug* I assume most people simply don't care. Enjoy 'em for their music...that's what they're there for.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B][color=#707875]Since when do the "Dixie Chicks" know anything about politics? They don't. Based on what I've heard them say...they're about as ignorant as most celebrities who make comments about such things.

I think that if you listen to a celebrity about politics or whatever, you know you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel. I mean, they have the right to say what they want...but who is going to take their political stance seriously? Moreover, who really cares what they think about politics? lol.

*shrug* I assume most people simply don't care. Enjoy 'em for their music...that's what they're there for.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

One of the only celebrities I respect regarding his views on the situation is Martin Sheen. Now, I know people say "he's just a Hollywood person. he doesn't know anything about war and politics!11!!111"

You know what really frosts my pumpkin? How when celebrities are in favor of the "War on terror," the public loves them. However, when a celebrity expresses their disgust for what is going on, the public shuns them...I notice a disturbing trend here.

Are we THAT MUCH of a cattle culture now? That much to the extent of having this double standard view of Hollywood? To where those we agree with are genius and those who disagree are uneducated morons? It's (pardon the language), ******* ridiculous to hear that.

Now, about Martin Sheen. Apocalypse Now. Yes, it's a movie. However, they went through hell filming it. They dealt with the same problems and catastrophes that a military force had to deal with. Health issues, mental instabilities, weather (typhoons devastated their set, supplies...everything).

Granted, Dixie Chicks are morons, but not all celebrities are ill-informed, simply because they're in Hollywood. Martin Sheen knows firsthand how horrific a war situation can be. I think he's got room to talk when he vocalizes his disgust for what Bush is doing.

EDIT: I notice my reply can be construed as virulent. Tis not. Only ill will is directed toward the country music bimbo trio, Dixie Chicks.
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[color=#707875]I agree 100%, PT. I guess my overall point is that one should not necessarily look at a celebrity and say "Hey, that guy is a celebrity...he knows what he's talking about!"

That goes for both pro and anti-Bush people.

My feeling is simply that you should be up on the news yourself...and not rely on people who are, generally, misinformed. I think that most of Hollywood (either pro or anti) are pretty misinformed about the real world as it is. So, my comments are pretty general in that regard.[/color]
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I have to agree with Poison Tongue, that not all celebrity talk is drabble. As for the Dixie Chicks, I am not a big fan of theirs, I only happen to like a couple of their songs, and I can tell they are not the most informed. But just because they didn't support Bush, doesn't mean they should get all the crap they did. To tell the truth, I don't know if I supported Bush or not! I definitly don't agree with him on a lot of things. Has this country come to the conclusion that everyone who doesn't support Bush is a moron? Or unpatriotic? I don't blame the Dixie Chicks for shying away from the country fandom. Why should they stay if they are going to get hounded for expressing an oppinion? Which IS ONLY an oppinion, I might add.
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Guest Skyechild91
Basically, the Dixie Chicks are not popular... With anyone. Kicks 101.5 still plays their music, but only cuz its good. Like I said, additude ajustment needed badly. YOu guys made a good point, though.
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