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Scriptwriter- Ancient Cloud

Dragon Warrior

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Welcome, the four who have made it. I am pleased to present you with Scriptwriter's first production (if there will be more). I'll explain how to do this and what the story will be about. First...

[b]What to do:[/b]

It's simple to post in this RPG. Firstly, to make sure there's no arguments in posting, when you wanna post a piece of the script (you cannot double post, of course), simply post a post that says "reserved", then edit the post with your piece of the script. But do not reserve and not post the script.

Next, make sure to write the script like I said to write it back in the recruitment thread. Like this, for example:

Gavynn: Dum dee dum dum dum... (eats his apple) That's good stuff.

[i]Suddenly, Gavynn is spotted by airplanes of deathness! Ho no![/i]

Gavynn: Bring it airplanes!

That's how it's done if you wanted to remember. Next, try to not be crazy with what you write. This is not a comedy (I know. Me and no comedy is scary), but it can have humorous stuff. Just keep it smart funny. No wild antics funny.

Also try to follow the storyline. If you make the characters go off topic and stuff, it just ruins the whole thing. I will inform if a post is not right. But that won't be often, let's hope :) Now then, in Scriptwriter, I have made it so this RPG has three chapters. Each Chapter has a title and we've somehow gotta get the storyline to match it. But it has to be smoothly molded in. Don't just twist the story around suddenly. Like, if the chapter is called "Banana of Death", don't make it so the first post of that chapter is the heroes are attacked by a banana of death. That'd be crazy. Let's just let it slowly progress into it. Plus, before submitting any post, please run it through spellcheck/grammar check. Thanks.

And what I believe to be lastly, don't throw yourselves into the story. We might be able to use names, but ourselves would mess it up. I'm not gonna be in it even if my name is one of the characters. Okay, he's the main character, but I needed a name and I was talking to Shinmaru about our sitcom and so bam. That was the name that came to me.

Next, the story.

[b]The Story[/b]

The RPG we will be doing is called "Ancient Cloud" and is about sky pirates and the battle to slay an ancient evil. The people of the story live on floating islands in the sky which all make up Cloudus, a magical word that has a pirate theme.

Sky Pirates are like our kind of pirates that plunder Cloudus with their magical flying pirate ships that are propelled by propellers :)

Our main character, Gavynn, is the captain of a sky pirate vessel called The Sky Lass. Him and his pirate buddies will later on supposedly be the reason why am ancient flying demon is released into Cloudus. I'll help you guys with forming that part, but for now, let's get this game going! BOOYAH!

Just another note: You'll notice in the beginning of my first post (when the script actually starts) that Gavynn has a bad thing happen to him. This event changes him forever and is the reason why he's captain. He's now not such a nice person, but also doesn't always kill for no reason. ;)



[i]It's a dark night and smoke is rising from the chimneys of the peaceful houses on the sky island of Toronos. Everyone is snug in their beds and did not even hear the rowdy comings of buccaneers on horseback. It was about 2 in the morning when those gangly pirates road into town with flaming torches, guns, swords, and a plan to destroy all in sight.

It all started when one man was taking out his chickens to their pen. He looked up and saw the first of the pirates riding on a black stallion.[/i]


[i]He was shot on the spot. But his simple call awoke the neighbors who woke their neighbors and so forth. The presence of the pirates was known. People scurried all over to try to escape them, but they were either shot or slain by sword.

Houses, occupied or not, were burnt to the ground by the torches clutched in most of the pirates' hands. The place went up in smoke.[/i]

Pirate: Toronos is ours, boys! HA HA!

[i]Up on a hill, not even a half a mile from the town the pirates were plundering was the dark captain of the ruthless buccaneers. His name was Captain Jackson Dane. He chucked his cigar to the ground, stepped on it with his heel, and walked away from the burning mass that was once a happy village. But to his surprise, men hid in the bushes. He was shot then and there.

Stunned and wounded, he stumbled backward right off the hill. He tumbled downward towards the village, hitting tree stumps and rocks alike, until he finally came to rest at the bottom of the hill where he lay bloody and dying.

Gavynn was the first to spot him there.[/i]

Gavynn: FATHER! (runs towards Captain Jackson) Father!

Pirate: (looks up) Cap'n?

Pirate2: Cap'n's wounded!

[i]The pirates rushed over to meet Gavynn at their captain's side, but were just attacked and knocked out by more men in the bushes. Gavynn as well.


Once they were awake, they were given a trial. They were seated in the courthouse where their trial would take place. They all knew it was going to be death.[/i]

Judge: (bangs gobbet) Order! Order, I say!

[i]The room grew dead silent.[/i]

Judge: May God have mercy on your souls. You scoundrels attacked poor Maryden of Toronos and killed almost all it's residents. I hope you do think you are going to get out of here alive, you greedy barbarians. (skims through papers) You are charged with so many offences, it hurts my brain to think about them. You should be shot on sight. (looks at the pirate group) All of you!

Jury: We already have decided.

Judge: I wouldn't see why not. What is your verdict?

Gavynn: (stands up) Wait!

Judge: Sit down, young man or be shot on sight.

Gavynn: Let me speak!

Judge: Don't test me, bo--

Gavynn: This is unfair!

Judge: That's it. Men, take him out!

Gavynn: (pulls out a pistol and aims it at the judge's head) Hold it right there.

Judge: (shocked) You didn't search for weapons, you fools?

Guard: He didn't have any when we checked him.

Gavynn: I snuck this one in myself. Now let us go.

Judge: Fat chance. There's more of us with guns than you.

Gavynn: Go ahead. Shoot. It'll be the last thing you'll do. (sets his gun)

Court Audience: (chatters)

Guard: He's bluffing, sir. (readies his gun)

Judge: I know he is. Shoot him!

Gavynn: Don't even.

[i]A man from the audience behind Gavynn pulls out a pistol of his own and readies to fire at Gavynn. Gavynn notices and shoots the man down, then makes a mad dash for the door as the crowd goes up in a rush. The other surviving pirates follow.

Gavynn leads his buccaneer friends out to the docks where their ship is.[/i]

Guard: (looks up) Hey! HEY! Stop! No one gets on these docks unless you have--

Gavynn: (shoots him) Yeah. Permission. We know. (jumps onto the ship)

[i]The pirates follow and get on board. Men from the courthouse come rushing towards the ship, pistols loaded and ready to take aim. Unfortunately for them, the ship's sails are already set and the propellers are started. The Sky Lass has set off with Gavynn at the helm. The men from the courthouse watch. Even the mayor is there.[/i]

Mayor: (takes off his hat and throws it to the ground) Damnit!


[b]7 years later...[/b]

[i]The Sky Lass docks at the town of Marra of the sky island Janus. It's a peaceful island and Gavynn's crew aren't really looking for trouble. Just to load up on new supplies.[/i]

Gavynn: (peers down the hold) Got the money for the supplies, Pete?

Pete: Aye, Cap'n. How much we be needin'?

Gavynn: Ohhh... get about... 900 pieces of eight out. That should buy whatever we need.

Pete: Aye, aye, sir!

[i]Gavynn walked down off the ship and onto the docks to meet his first mate, Jake the Cutter. Jake is an expert at knife fighting. To challenge him meant death. Even Gavynn couldn't beat him. With swords is different.[/i]

Gavynn: How long has it been since you've been to Marra, Jake? Seven? Eight years?

Jake: Make that nine, Cap'n Gavynn. Nine whole years.

Gavynn: Business?

Jake: No. Marra just happened to have the best fish and chips. That's all.

Gavynn: Oh. Aye. I can agree to that. I was just recently here when I took one of my one man business trips. I just had to try some.

Jake: Yep. Best in all of Cloudus.

Pete: (approaches Gavynn) Got the 900 pieces of eight, cap'n.

Gavynn: Good. Let's go get some cloth to patch up the sails. They've gotten holes in them from the last lightning storm.

[i]So, the three of them went off into the busy markets of Marra to look for a shop carrying sail cloth.[/i]


OOC: There ya go, people. A couple of notes here... pieces of eight is money back in pirate times. So I used it in this. A piece of eight is like a dollar or maybe a gold coin. Remember that. Also, since Cloudus is in the sky, that means there's gotta be a world below the clouds, right? Don't make the characters go there. They call it the WorldUnder and no one knows what it's like down there. People just assume it's an endless skyship burial ground.

Have fun!
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Okay, Gav, I'm not gonna start this quite yet. I just wanna say that this is sounding a lot like Skies of Arkadia for Dreamcast. Not that that's a bad thing! ;) And that, my friend is why I cannot reply quite yet.
*digs out Dreamcast and blows some dust of it*
Now, where is Arkadia?
*digs some more*
Ah. here we go.
*starts up game. Opens saved file of newer game. Looks on in confusion*
Where the heck am I and what was I doing!?
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Gavynn: Jake, come here... (He motions Jake up next to him) I want you to go back to the ship and grab Lorn for me. Bring another 200 pieces of eight too.

Jake: Aye, sir.

[i]Above a sail shop, one of the many on Marra, was a kind of woven metal sail. It looked silver, but when the light caught it just right a gleam of orangered shot across the sail. It billowed up and creaked the tethers it was wrapped against. Lorn appeared by his side.[/i]

Lorn: Sir?

[i]The captain pointed to the silver sail.[/i]

Gavynn: What do you make of that? It's not silver, I can tell you that much. (His gaze switched to the awestruck eyes of Lorn) Lorn?

Lorn: Sir... It's a Solar Sail... I don't believe it. The last one went down over ten years ago, with the pirate ship Trollova. This sail takes sunlight energy and transmits it directly to the propellers! There's no need for any liquid fuel! We have to get it! There'll be no more running out of fuel and having to coast to a port or asking for assistance! We'll never be stranded again!

[i]The captains face darkened. If such a thing was so rare, then it was extremely expensive. Perhaps some rough negotiating will be in order.[/i]

Gavynn: How much do you think it will cost?

Lorn: (He scratches his chin) I'd say easily 5000 pieces of eight. Maybe as low as 3000 if we barter a bit... Our old sail... A few weapons... Maybe some propeller repair kits. I don't know captain... It won't be cheap.

Gavynn: I know... (He runs a hand through his hair and turns his face to the sun) I know Lorn... I want you to go get that thing you scavanged a few years ago. I don't remember what it's called... Tase or something...

Lorn: Taser?

[i]The captain nods.[/i]

Gavynn: Yes. We might have to do a bit of tourture if things don't go our way.
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[i]Lorn runs back to the ship to retrieve the taser.[/i]

Lorn: Ha ha...good 'ole Cap'n Gavynn...if anyone can barter out the Solar Sail, he can...

[i]Lorn streaks across the ground as fast as he can, the sun shining in his face. He fights the glare as he runs inside of the massive Sky Lass.[/i]

[i][b]Back at the store...[/i][/b]

[i]Gavynn, Jake and Pete stroll inside the store and start looking around, as if they wanted to buy something other than the Solar Sail. The store owner noted this suspicious behavior, as well as their clothing. After all, regular people didn't wear clothes with pirate insignias on them, right?[/i]

Shopkeeper: Er...is there something in particular that you boys were looking fer?

Gavynn: Now that you mention it...

[i]Gavynn motions over to the Solar Sail.[/i]

Gavynn: ...that Solar Sail is looking very nice.

Shopkeeper: Hmm...I dunno...that'll cost you a pretty penny...

Jake: And how much would that be?

Shopkeeper: I'm afraid I can't let it go fer any less than 6,000 pieces of eight.

All Three: What?!

Gavynn: You must be out of your mind!

Pete: Nobody would pay 6,000 pieces of eight for a simple sail!

Shopkeeper: Yes, but this is a very rare sail. This sail has the power to use light to power a ship. 6,000 pieces of eight is a bargain, my friends!

Gavynn(thinking): Drat...so, he knows the capabilities of the sail, eh? We'll have to stall until Lorn gets back...

[i]Jake steps up.[/i]

Jake: How about 2,000?

Shopkeeper: Ha! Do you take me for some kind of fool? 5,500!

[i]Gavynn grimaces.[/i]

Gavynn: 3,000.

Shopkeeper: 4,500 plus some supplies.

Jake: You're practically asking the same price!

Shopkeeper: I have no choice. I'd be a fool to let such a rare and valuable item go for such a low price.

[i]Lorn runs into the room carrying a short black stick.[/i]

Lorn: Any progress, guys?

[i]Gavynn spits on the ground.[/i]

Gavynn: Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Lorn: Shall I?

[i]Gavynn nods at Lorn. Lorn grins and hops over the front desk. He holds the shopkeeper in a choke hold and places the stick at his ribs.[/i]

Shopkeeper: What are you doing?!

Gavynn: If you won't give us the Solar Sail at a reasonable price, then we'll have to take it by force.

Shopkeeper: And if I refuse? Yeouch!

[i]Lorn presses a button on the stick, which sends a small shockwave coursing through the shopkeeper's body.[/i]

Gavynn: That's just a small taste of what's to come. Are you willing to negotiate now?

[i]The shopkeeper nods meekly.[/i]

Gavynn(tapping fingers together): Excellent...
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OOC: Torture, eh? XD
[i]After paying the shopkeep 100 pieces of eight, the group makes their way out of the shop with the miraculous new treasure.[/i]

Gavynn: (admiring the Solar Sail) Quite a treasure. But this can't be relied on. We still may need supplies for patching the sails. Think about it... it works with solar light. What if the clouds cover the sun or it's night. We do tend to travel at night.

Lorn: Very well. (scratches beard) Let's go back in the shop.

Jake: After what we just did? The authorities are probably on our tails.

Gavynn: Let's go there then. (points at a large building at the end of the street)

Pete: Aye. I agree. Looks like a big shop.

Gavynn: We'll find our sail supplies and be hidden from the authorities.

Jake: Then let's not waste a minute. They'll be here at any moment!

[i]The four make a mad dash at the large shop and rush inside through the open doors. They were right. It was very crowded and had it's own section for boat supplies.[/i]

Gavynn: (picking through shelves) Find any cloth, Jake?

Jake: Nah, Gavynn. No good.

Pete: Same here, Cap'n.

Lorn: (picking through women's clothing) I... uh... am having no such luck neither. Heh heh.

Gavynn: Blast! They may not have any.

Lorn: (picks up a large cloth in the women's clothing) Sir... will this do?

Gavynn: (peers over) Yes! That'd be perfect! (grabs cloth) Now, no tasers this time. We don't wanna start trouble in a place full of people. We'll be trapped. Besides, cloth is a simple price.


Gavynn: 800 PIECES OF EIGHT?!

Shopkeep: That's the price.

Gavynn: You've gotta be kidding me!

Pete: Sir... the shopkeep could use a jolt to his brain.

Gavynn: (to Pete) I said none of that! (turns back to shopkeeper) There's got to be some reasoning here. How about 500 pieces of eight.

Shopkeep: Nope.

Gavynn: 800 is robbery.

Shopkeep: For robbers like you, it's only fair, right?

Gavynn: Damnit! That's stereotypical!

Shopkeep: Let it be prejudice! I'm sure all the people in here would agree. (looks over at the door and spots police) Oh! Officers! Over here!

[i]Gavynn turns to see the authorities making their way through the crowd towards him and the three others so he pushes Pete, Jake, and Lorn the other way to the back door.[/i]

Shopkeep: STOP THEM! They're making away with my women's cloth!

[i]The back door happened to lead to a small stream that most likely supplied water for the town. Just around the bend was the street that leads to their ship.[/i]

Gavynn: Let's go.

[i]The four of them run with all their might down the road, but only to be cut off by officers.[/i]

Gavynn: Damnit again!

Officer: Stand still so we can shoot you down.

Gavynn: Ha ha ha! So funny. (pulls out a gun and blasts down the officer)

Officer2: (fires his gun at Gavynn, but it flares into the crowd)

[i]The buccaneers rush back down the road towards the ship, the crowd behind blocking the officers' gunshots. When they were almost onto the ship, Gavynn bumped into a young boy.[/i]

Gavynn: Watch it, kid.

Boy: Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.

[i]Gavynn shook his head and ran onto the ship. It was already set to start flying so the officers, once they were at the docks, had no chance. They fired a couple of rounds, but it never made it past the captain?s cabin. After 5 minutes of flight, they all met on the top deck to discuss matters. Gavynn stood at the helm with Jake the Cutter at his side.[/I]

Gavynn: Okay. That was one of our lesser successful marketing trips, but we did get what we needed.

[I]The pirates cheered in their grunty-like ways.[/I]

Gavynn: We got the sail cloth. (holds up sail cloth) We also got a special item that cost us a bundle. The Solar Sail. (reaches into pocket) Wha? (reaches into bag on his shoulder) Did you have it, Jake?

Jake: No, sir.

Gavynn: Pete?

Pete: Nope.

Gavynn: Lorn?!

Lorn: (hides a bra) Huh? Oh! No, sir. You had it.

Gavynn: (looks pale)

Jake: Gee, Cap?n Gavynn. You look sick.

Gavynn: We lost the Solar Sail.
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Obvious DW. Extremely so.
Gavynn: Damn... What could have happened to it? I had it at the last shop we were in... Where did it-

[i]The captains face drained of color. His left eye began to twitch. Bewilderment was replaced by rage as color slowly came back to the mans face.[/i]

Lorn: Sir?

Gavynn: We're going back, Lorn... Go get your civilian clothes and meet me at the lifeboat in ten minutes. I know who has our prize.
[i]Lorn appeared at the side of the captain in eight minutes flat. He was dressed in a pair of dark maroon pants and a navy blue shirt. The shirt was slightly tattered, but still looked good to the non-discerning eye. Lorn looked up at the captain and saw he had on a black cotton outfit. He wasn't smiling.[/i]

Gavynn: Get in, bring the taser. We might need it. (He get's into the boat after Lorn steps in and starts the single, small propeller)

Lorn: Who is it sir? Who has our sail?

[i]Gavynn shook his head.[/i]

Gavynn: All in good time...

[i]They approached the docks Marra a little afraid. Perhaps they had been tracked with far-sight scope. Or maybe a Ra-Dar. The captain wouldn't have put either past the people of Marra. The docked soundly and paid the fee of one piece of eight. Slowly, the two got out of their ship and made their way, unfollowed, to the houses behind the large sail shop. A few people shot glances their way, but none seemed alramed or concerned. Gavynn carried a simple revolver, Lorn his taser.[/i]

Gavynn: Lorn, do you remember the boy I ran into while we were fleeing to our ship?

Lorn: Yes sir. What about him?

Gavynn: That's who has our sail.

Lorn: Wha- (Lorns face fell) No... Sir... I can't tourture a kid. I just won't be ab-

Gavynn: It's ok Lorn, if everything goes right, all we'll have to do is intimidate. I don't want to hurt him either, he's probably just trying to stay alive with the cash he'd make from it. But we 'bought' it. I just want our property back.

[i]The boy walked out from an alley. He looked at the two men, eyes widening. He ran.[/i]

Gavynn: After him!

[i]Gavynn and Lorn pursued.[/i]
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OOC: So I'm the child torturer of the group, eh? Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!

[i]Gavynn and Lorn continue running through the alleyways, seeking the child whom stole their Solar Sail.[/i]

Gavynn(thinking): How could I have been so damned stupid?! I should've suspected that kid after he bumped into me, but I didn't have time to check myself...

[i]Gavynn and Lorn turn a sharp corner and run into a dead end. The kid is gone.[/i]

Lorn: Damn! Where did that bastard child go?!

Gavynn: We were tailing him pretty closely, so he couldn't have climbed over that wall...

[i]Lorn and Gavynn look at each other.[/i]

Lorn: Secret passageway?

Gavynn(nods): It's the only logical explanation.

[i]Gavynn and Lorn begin scouring the area looking for any hint of a secret passageway. Gavynn searching the walls and Lorn hunts along the ground. Gavynn spots a brick that is barely a shade lighter than the other bricks on the wall.[/i]

Gavynn: Hmm...cliche, yet cleverly hidden. You can barely tell the difference between this brick and the others.

Lorn: Too bad that this kid didn't know he was dealing with experts, eh?

Gavynn: Heh, too bad for the kid. Lucky for us.

[i]Gavynn pushes the brick. In a split-second reaction Gavynn and Lorn dive to the ground, barely avoiding gunshots that ring from the opposite wall.[/i]

Gavynn(looking up): Damn...the kid's smarter than we gave him credit for.

Lorn: Yeah, that was a close call...

[i]A hatch in the ground pops open at that exact moment revealing a set of stairs leading underground.[/i]

Gavynn: Let's get going, Lorn.

Lorn: I'm right behind you, Captain.

[i]Gavynn and Lorn descend the stairs to the underground passageway. They jump down into a sewer-like area. The repulsive smell of sewer sludge permeates the area as Gavynn and Lorn trudge through the filth and slime to find the kid whom stole their Solar Sail.[/i]

Lorn: My God...this is disgusting!

Gavynn: I know...who would possibly live in a filth hole like this?

[i]Gavynn and Lorn see a shadowy figure walking ahead. The figure turns around, sees that he's being followed and runs away with a gasp.[/i]

Gavynn: After him!

[i]Gavynn and Lorn take off after the person.[/i]

OOC: No torture right now :p
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OOC: I probably didn't say this before and I wish I did, but I didn't mark this RPG with a rating of R so please do not swear like it is one. Little kids may read this and see your "displays" like your nice F word there, KOTR :) Please do change them if they aren't damn or hell. Thanks
[i]The kid made his way through the endless tunnels of the sewers, one particular tunnel that smelt like terrible fish. Gavynn and Lorn followed, but found a nice surprise at the end of the last tunnel. Almost falling out and down to the WorldUnder, Gavynn and Lorn noticed their last tunnel led to nothing, but the sky. Where the kid went was unknown.[/i]

Gavynn: Blast! We lost him!

Lorn: But where could he have gone?

Gavynn: I'm not sure. No person would ever think of dropping to their doom in the WorldUnder just for some stupid sail. He's tricking us.

Lorn: Wha?

Gavynn: LOOK OUT!

[i]Gavynn pushed Lorn out of the way just in time as the kid emerged from the shadows and almost pushed Lorn off the cliff. Instead, the kid went off the cliff, but luckily for him, Gavynn grabbed him by the ruff of his shirt. Gavynn slowly pulled the boy back inside the tunnel and chucked him to the floor of the mucky sewers.[/i]

Gavynn: What are you thinking? First committing a robbery, then trying murder.

Kid: What's it to you? You do it all the time. You're pirates, aren't you?

Gavynn: God Damnit! That's stereotypical! Why does everyone--

Lorn: Cap'n, let me handle this. (to the boy) Son, what's your name?

Jakens: Jakens. Now get away you backstabbin' murderers!

Gavynn: (grabs Jakens by the ruff again and holds him out over WorldUnder) What was that?

Lorn: Stop it, sir! Don't do it!

Gavynn; Hmf! (tosses Jakens back down)

Jakens: Thank you... (breathes heavily)

Gavynn: I did it for Lorn... and the Solar Sail.

Lorn: Which you must give over.

Jakens: Never! You'll never get it from me!

Gavynn: Oh... we have ways of getting it from you...


[i]Gavynn, Lorn, and the new company of Jakens made it back to the upper level of the island in one piece. Jakens was "fast asleep" (in other words, knocked out cold) and flung over Lorn's shoulder. They drew eyes, but most people did think of the boy as a sleepy child.[/i]

Gavynn: C'mon, Lorn. Pick up the pace. We've gotta get out of here as fast as we can before the authorities recognize us.

Lorn: I'm comin'. I'm comin'.

[i]But to their surprise, once they got to the docks, they found the Sky Lass almost in ruins, with most of the crew fighting for their lives.[/i]

Lorn: What's going on over there?

Gavynn: Skylards!
OOC: Okay. Skylards. These creatures are a big part of this RPG. I didn't want to explain them until now or whenever I needed to mention them. They are like winged lizards that wear clothing and wield javelins. Nasty buggers that are almost as smart as humans, but not as crafty. Though Skylards attack everyone from child to mother to village, they are huge rivals with the Sky Pirates. They will play a large role in the Battle for Cloudus later on in the story ;)

Remember when using them in the story: They're green winged lizards with clothes and a javelin, pretty smart, not too crafty, quick and agile, hateful towards everyone and sometimes fight one another.
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Lorn: No! Captain! We have to help them! (He drops the kid and begins to run toward the ship)

Gavynnn: (Softly) No Lorn... It's a lost cause...

[i]Lorn turns to the captain and gawks.[/i]

Lorn: What? Wha... Captain! That is [b]your[/b] ship! That is [b]your[/b] crew! You're just going to let them fall?

Gavynn: Lorn, do you know of the Historian Ka'Plai?

[i]Lorn stared angerly at the captain.[/i]

Lorn: Of course! He's famous for his radical idea of a world below the clouds. Now stop wasting time! We have to save them! (Begins to run again)

[i]Gavynn grabs his sholder.[/i]

Gavynn: No, Lorn. It's already going down. See? (Points)

[i]A gigantic blast of blue fire erupts from their port propeller. The ship begins to tilt. The starboard propeller attemps to compensate and explodes from too much stress. The ship begins to fall. The Skylards move away, knowing their job is done.[/i]

Lorn: NO!!! (Turns to the captain, anger flaring in his eyes) It's your fault! you let them die!

Gavynn: No. You see, Lorn. I believe Ka'Plai. I believe there is a world beneath the clouds. That is why I installed a parachute device. As soon as the ship drops below 8000 feet, it will deploy and float them to the bottom. We will get them. Not soon... Be we aren't going to leave them down there forever. For now, we have to get off this city.

[i]Lorn stood dumbfounded. He wasn't sure what he had just heard.[/i]
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OOC: Well done, KOTR :) Nicely played. But dang. I was plannin' on makin' a historian. But what you just did may work out better than I expected =D
[i]There wasn't much for Lorn and Gavynn to do, but take little Jakens to a cold spot in the allies of Marra. Finding some raggedy blankets near a dumpster was their only source of warmth for the night. Jakens only woke up to find himself tied to a pole, his mouth shut up by a cloth.

There was nothing really to eat except for some biscuits left over from the night before when they had a tempting turkey dinner on the main deck. Some party or whatnot. Lorn only scowled at his "captain", if that's what he could even call Gavynn anymore after he didn't do anything for his crew.[/i]

Lorn: I still can't believe you trust in that crack historian's ideas. Now because of you and your wild theories, Jake and the others are probably lying in what is known to be the Universe's larged ship graveyard.

Gavynn: I swear, Lorn... stop it.

Lorn: I just can't believe you... some captain you are...

Gavynn: There's nothing I could do. (sits back against the wall) Two pirates wouldn't make a difference. That was a full fledged skylard army.

[i]Lorn sniffed into the air as an insult, then wrapped himself up into a blanket.[/i]

Gavynn: I promise in the morning, we'll find some place to get a new ship. We'll start off clean and find a way to get to them. Maybe get enough money to get a better ship to fly down there. You'll see.

Lorn: Whatever.

Gavynn: In the morning.

[i]They all went to sleep.[/i]
OOC: Okay, Roxanne, here's Nym. Your chance if you want it :)
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[i]The men laid there asleep, feeling starved. A girl pirate was running around upset as ever cursing at the male pirates about them touching her.[/i]

Nym: Grr...How dare you! You dumb mother's uncle's daughter!

Male Pirate: How dare you speek to me that way...

Nym: [i]picks up an empty bottle of booze, crashing it over the male pirates head.[/i] didn't i just say back off..never listen do ya.

[i]Lorn wakes up, looking up at the girl that was in there cuasing a ruckus. He called out to her some.[/i]

Lorn: Hey...we need to talk to you. You seem civil enough to talk. We need to get a new ship you see. Are you a mechanic or something like that?

Nym: why yes... I am. So you need a ship eh? I'm just they gal you needed to ask. Well here...you need to be free right?

[i]Nym walked behind them all and cut the ropes loose. Letting them free and stood up almost as tall as all of them.[/i]


OOC: I dont want to do too much Becuase i dont know what yo had in mind. Well I did some....was it good?
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