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Flying High

Baron Samedi

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Hey, Very Cool looking. Interesting to just stare at lol. You made a nice border also, I think it complements the banner and avi very well.

I don't like the Avitar as much as the banner because I don't think it matches, but thats kinda a personally thing. Another thing that is cool about the banner is the faded text.

Nice job.
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Wow, that's great! It's really abstract and sharp - I don't know what it looks like to other people, but the two foreground shapes kinda' look like little demon heads with plucky ickle horns. The background's good, too. It's not too complex to completely overwhelm the foreground, but it's still nice and intricate. The colours also suit one another very well. I also love the "echoing" shadow of the text ... how did you manage it so that the grey text was translucent? Or is it just that the font has lots of holes in it or something?

I personally like the avatar - the colours are the same, and after all, it has a similar border. ^_^ Well done!
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[size=1][color=chocolate]This banner is good. I like the font a lot, and the banner itself is so interesting to look at. (Mainly because of the...er..blotchy things?)
The border for your avatar and banner is cool too. Overall, you did a great job on this.[/size][/color]
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Those 'blotchy' things are actually faces. As you can see on the black one, they are like big demon-type faces. I only lowered the opacity on the grey text, it is a somewhat holey font and looks awesome. I am quite happy with this set overall, and will likely be keeping it for a while. I have anothe rone complete, but I'll add that one whenever I get sick of the current.

I got some parts of the image from other places, such as the demon-heads and the type-text in the very background. The rest I added in myself, basing it roughly on a picture I had seen. It came out quite good, IMO. I am especially happy with the chunky border- i think it fits the feel I wanted for this banner quite well.

The avatar is just a picture I found online and cropped. I thought it went reasonably well with the banner, and it turned out OK.
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Ah, i've been waiting for you to make a topic on this.

I personally think this is your best banner yet. Its....Icant explain what I like about it .... its ... chaotic and yet.....organised. I love how you used the greys and reds, the left side is my favourite part though, the circles really finish it off and give the impression of great detail and care being taken over the banner.

an all round 9/10 ^_^
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