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What is wrong with this picture?


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Hello all! While trying to find something to do, i drew this picture, hoping that it would be the main character in the manga that me and my friends are making for the contest that it seems everyone else is in. The only problem is...i know there is something wrong with it. The picture is in the attachment.

I think that my main problem is that her face does not match the proportions of her body. But that is my main problem. I can never draw the body right. It never seems to match.

I was hoping that you could tell me what you thought of the picture, and then if you knew of any styles or techniques to use to get the body to match please let me know. Also, if you have any suggestions, please say so. I'm open to any and all critisism, so fire away!
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Guest karrari
Im not exactly the best young artist on this site, but i'll try to help you. the head is just way to big, to start with. also the neck is to big and needs to either be covered, for example with hair or just smaller. Alsoher body isnt curvy enough for even average manga art. Now, thats my opinion, so dont go and get mad and try to hunt me down and destroy me. O-KAY?...
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Yeah, I'd say the main issue here is simply that the head is the size of an adult's while the body is the size of a toddler's. They don't correspond at all.

I also think the angle the body is at is extremely strange. It's the angle someone would be at if they were shot out of a cannon or something.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi [/i]
[B]Also, the hair's too flat. Anime characters are known for having really big hair. [/B][/QUOTE]

I wouldn't say that. There are so many characters with flat normal hair it'd be impossible to list them. My only problem with it is as everyone else has stated - the head's too big.
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Why don't you try making the shoulders broader? Not manlike though. *shudders at scary image of girl at his school*. That's the problem I usually have with characters with huge heads, when drawing shoulders I've made them too narrow and the rest of the body has conformed to the size of the shoulders.
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[size=1] Getting proportions correctly when drawing tends to be the hardest thing artists get past when they start out. All I can really offer to you is to broaden the shoulders for this picture. For future pictures, though, it helps if you study the human body. The head is never supposed to be bigger than the width of one's shoulder's, and then again should never be too small.

What I suggest is to draw very simple sketches of a human's body without the head, and then after you've drawn the outline, draw in the head's outline making sure that it is NOT bigger than the shoulders. After you get the hang of it and receive a good idea of bodily proportions, you could try again. At the very least, you should draw the head first, and then make sure the shoulders are bigger than her head. That's all I can think of, anyway. Good Luck![/size]
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