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Family Guy Seasons 1 & 2 DVD


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I got this 4 disc dvd set for Xmas and its AMAZIN! I can watch my favorite show whenever I want!

I love the commentary because they talk about mistakes in the episode and they swear and all. its funny!

Does anyone out there have it? If so waddya think? AND whats your favorite episode??
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Heh, I like Family Guy and all, but I don't have the DVDs of it. My parents refused to get it for me for Christmas, and I'm completely broke. :P

I want to get them later, along with Season 3. Since I had seen Family Guy, I keep on watching and watching and watching it, not caring or repeats.

Good News: Since many many Family Guy DVDs were sold, the creator decided the make 35 new episodes of it. Not sure when it will start though; I think 2005 or something. *Waits another year*[/size][/color]
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I love Family Guy and i really wish I could buy the DVD's. I keep telling my brother that we need to spilt the cost, but he won't go in with me on it. *slaps brother* I keep seeing it at work, and keep wishing i could buy it. I mean, it's really not that expensive, plus I get a 10% discount, so that's saving even more.

I really don't have a favorite eposide...i love them all! I can't wait till we get to see new eposides. I can just imagine it....i finally get home from work to watch them...and the good thing is....no early morning school the next day!
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[size=1]I have seasons 1, 2, and 3 on DVD. My favorite episode, though it's rather descriminatory, is When You Wish Upon a Weinstein. I love the part when [spoiler]Meg asks Louis to get laser eye surgery, and when Louis says she doesn't think it's safe, It shows Luke Skywalker saying to a woman who is strapped to a chair, "I just have to make a small inscision here," with his lightsaber out, and Obi-Wan Kanobe says, "Luke, use the force." So Luke lifts up his lightsaber with the force, and stabs the screaming woman through her eye. Luke then says to Obi-Wan, "Are you happy?" Then Obi-Wan says, "I've never been happy..."[/spoiler] I'm sure there was another I liked better, but I can't remember it.[/size]
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I didn't know the 3rd season was on DVD. I just thought that the 1st and 2nd seasons were just released in stored on DVD. Guess I was mistaken. I will get the 3rd Season soon.
I like the episode where [Spoiler]Peter and Lois go against eachother for a Drama play and Peter does this huge fart on stage... Lois says "This BLOWS!" and peter says "......UUMMM......"*farts for l1 min*.[/Spoiler] I laugh so hard. I forget what the episode is called. Do you remember it?? if so please tell me.
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