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.hack The world's core

Guest ChaosTwilighter

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Guest ChaosTwilighter
Disclaimer: I don't own ANY .hack stuff (besides stuff you can get at the stores)

Story: Its about a year before the video games start but a year after the anime. The only player that r well known that play (like from the anime) are Bt, Sora, Bear and Helba(did I spell that right?).
Some freaky stuff is going on such as new place are just being found.. new monsters called Shdow Knight are appearing and these monsters odd mutate and adpt to any attack. And now you have stumbled across a message that reads this

Title: The core of the world

Message: Hiya, my name in THIS world is Arch the feind, I'm setting up a party of 7 player to help me kill the "shadow knights" and find the core of the world, if it dose exist. I have something for anyone who joins... but if you leave my party the actions I take to keep this a quite are ... deadly! Meet me at Mac Annu soon..... I know where to go first...

The message ends and now it time to deside to join or what?

Register Info:
Name: (world name plz)
Type of charater: (Twin blade and so on)
Type of player: (Like player killer rare hunter and so on)
Level: All start on level 1 plz tnks
Weapon of choice: (you know what to do)
Sex: Don't put "yes please" ok? and its the real gender outside of the world AND inside. ^^

My info:
Name: Arch the feind
Type of char: Twin blade
Type of player: rare hunter/ player killer
Level: 1
Weapon of choice: Assiasan's blades
Discription: He wears a black strait-jacket suit like sora's with a red head band. He has black hair and silver eyes. Hes about 5 ft. 3 in. He has black versions of his weapon , *cough* spray paint *cough*.
Bio: Hes will do anything for info or rares even kill.. the only way to tell if its him if if you see a red band and two silver orbs off in the distance.... He nice... IF you in his party LOL
Sex: Hes a guy outside of the world but inside..... well you'll find out sooner or later..
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This sounds Like fun, I love the show and game of .hack//sign!!!

My Info:
Name: Hayato Nebula
Type of Character: Wavemaster
Type of Player: Healer
Level: 1
Weapon of Choice: Earth Staff
Description: About 5'6'' with short red hair to match his ruby-red eyes. HE wears black sweat pants and a type of red belly shirt attached to long sleeves.
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This sounds Like fun, I love the show and game of .hack//sign!!!

My Info:
Name: Hayato Nebula
Type of Character: Wavemaster
Type of Player: Healer
Level: 1
Weapon of Choice: Earth Staff
Description: About 5'6'' with short red hair to match his ruby-red eyes. HE wears black sweat pants and a type of red belly shirt attached to long sleeves. Over that he wears a black vest the same length as his shirt. HAs a belt around his weist that carries potions and other items, the only rare item he has is Holy Water.
Bio: He's basically the helpful type, though he will fight if he is provoked to. Hayato mostly spends his time in Mac Anu (the water city), in the local pub (he is a light drinker).
Sex: Male on both inside and out of the world.

(sorry about the post before this, acidentaly pressed enter too soon)
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