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Jim Carrey!


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Jim Carrey has always been my #1 favorite actor. He has made so many movies and all of them were funny as hell! The first movie I saw of Jim Carrey was The Mask! It was such an amazing movie, and still is! I still crack up whenever I watch it:).

When Jim was young he was poor and living on the streets. Look how much he has changed! He is from Scarburough Ontario Canada!

The best movie he has made so far would have to be Bruce Almighty. He is so funny in the movie and the outtakes are SUPERB! I laugh so hard I cry whenever I watch the Outtakes because he is just too funny!

What do you think of him??? What is your favorite movie by him??
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I liked Bruce Almighty, but I honestly didnt laugh that much at all. I dont know exactly why, things just didnt make me laugh in that movie. I still liked it though. I have been a fan of Jim Carrey's since he was on In Living Color. I was really young when that show was on, but I remember some of his skits that I could not stop laughing. Ace Ventura, The Mask, Dumb and Dumber, I have seen them all time and time again. My favorites are Liar Liar and Dumb and Dumber. He was awesome in The Grinch. Real talented.
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[size=1]I LOVE JIM CARREY!!! I think his best was movie was the Grinch. He was hilarious in that movie. just the way he played the Grinch so good. My second favorite is Bruce Almighty though. I liked this movie only because of the way he used his powers... [spoiler] When he makes the monkey come out of that guys *** was funny as hell[/spoiler]. So yea.[/size]
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Heh, sorry to bring ya down but I don't see Jim Carrey as a funny person. He can rarely make me laugh, and Bruce Almighty didn't make me laugh at all.
I mean come on, was the [spoiler]dog on the toilet[/spoiler] supposed to be funny? I really didn't think so.[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]I've yet to see Bruce Almighty ><. I want to see it, I've heard from my friends it was good, so it might be nice to see it ^^. He's been one of my favorite actors as well. My favorite movie was Liar Liar ^^. It was funny ^^ and everythng that happened to him. But I haven't seen any resently. Maybe once I have time, I'll watch one ^^.[/color][/size]
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Well Jim Carrey is an okay comedian in my eyes when on screen but I'd personally like to see him doing stand up. He's more so silly on screen, if silly is the right word, Im not sure if it is...

But anyways out of all the Jim Carrey movies that have come out so far. I think I's have to pick Ace Ventura 1 & 2 personally. I guess it was beacause he was still new to doing his own movies or what.. I cant realy tell but I enjoyed him more at the start of his career![/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by krippled master [/i]
[B]I liked Bruce Almighty, but I honestly didnt laugh that much at all. I dont know exactly why, things just didnt make me laugh in that movie. I still liked it though. I have been a fan of Jim Carrey's since he was on In Living Color. I was really young when that show was on, but I remember some of his skits that I could not stop laughing. Ace Ventura, The Mask, Dumb and Dumber, I have seen them all time and time again. My favorites are Liar Liar and Dumb and Dumber. He was awesome in The Grinch. Real talented. [/B][/QUOTE]

[size=1]I totally forgot about Dumd and Deumer. THAT was his funniest movie. But the others I mentioned were also funny.[/size]
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Dumb and Dumber was classic. I loved every minute of that movie and it doesnt matter how many times you see it, it is still funny. I saw Dumb and Dumberer a while back when it came to video, and I was suprised. I thought it was going to be horrible because of the trailer, but I actually really liked it. It was hilarious as well, I think the young actors did a great job picking up Harry and Loydd's charcters.
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Most of those all ready mentioned were great movies, aside from Dumb and Dumber, but in my opinion his absolute best movie wasn't even a comedy. The Majestic is Jim Carrey's best movie yet, and it also demonstrates his talents greatly. He, much like Tom Hanks, showed that he could do something totally different from what he's use to and still make a fantastic movie. I liked Bruce Almighty, The Mask, and the Ace Ventura movies, but The Majestic blows them away.

My second favorite Jim Carrey movie is The Grinch, he was so perfect for the role.
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I like Jim Carrey and he is diffiently a great actor. It seems no matter what movie he is in, it will be a good one.

My favorite Jim Carrey movie is one that has already been mentioned, Dumb and Dumberer. That movie was just great! I esp. like the part where Harry is in the girl's house, and all of a sudden he has to go....and go reeeaaal bad. :)

I never saw Bruce Almighty. Why? Because it seems kinda sacriligious to me.....

The Majestic was another awesome movie! And I also liked The Truman Show.
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I've loved Jim Carrey since I was a little kid! ^_^ Bruce Almighty was definitely one of his best, along with The Grinch. I love Ace Ventura too. It always cheers me up if I'm having a bad day. I've never seen The Majestic, but my mom and dad didn't like it... It's been soooo long since I've seen The Mask...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by duorocks17 [/i]
[B]I like Jim Carrey and he is diffiently a great actor. It seems no matter what movie he is in, it will be a good one.

My favorite Jim Carrey movie is one that has already been mentioned, Dumb and Dumberer. That movie was just great! I esp. like the part where Harry is in the girl's house, and all of a sudden he has to go....and go reeeaaal bad. :)

I never saw Bruce Almighty. Why? Because it seems kinda sacriligious to me.....

The Majestic was another awesome movie! And I also liked The Truman Show. [/B][/QUOTE]

Jim Carrey wasnt in Dumb and Dumberer.... lol
They hired people who looked just like Jim Carrey and the guy who plays Harry. Sorry to disappoint you:P H WAS in the first one, but he was too busy creating Bruce Almighty to get into that movie.
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Bruce almighty....one of my favorites

but I like the old school I adore Ace ventura pet detective when nature calls.

"nonsesense poopypants"

"everyone loves a slinky you gotta get a slinky slinky slinky go slinky go"

It's in my hair it's in my hair

I think he is talented in everyway he rocks....
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[color=indigo]I remember sneaking to the TV with my friends to watch In Living Color. Jim Carrey was absolutely hysterical on that sketch show. Obviously he had the Fire Marshall Bill bit, but I also remember him doing a hysterical interpretation of Vanilla Ice, and a great skit where he and another woman were two school nerdy school children on various field trips.

Jim Carrey also hosted one of the funniest Saturday Night Lives ever. The Jacuzzi Lifeguard sketch was hysterical, and you could tell that Carrey actually succeeding in giving Will Farrel mouth to mouth shocked Will Farrel. He also does great cameos at the MTV awards, when he received the award dressed as a biker and made the comments he did I almost died laughing.

My favorite Jim Carrey movie has to be Man on the Moon simply because Andy Kaufman fascinates me. However, I think that Liar, Liar is Jim Carrey?s best true comedy. The movie is hysterical, my sister and I still mimic Cary Elwes character?s attempt at the ?claw? (it?s gonna getcha!). The movie has such a good principle and so many great one liners that I find it hard to resist.[/color]
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Why does nobody remember Jim's single greatest and campiest movie? Once Bitten.

It was a dandy vampire flick, about a vampiress who had to drink the blood of male virgins to stay young. Why male? Because she had to bite them in the [oh my!] 3 times. Jim played a teenager-- the only man in Los Angeles she could find who was still a virgin. Jim's character was looking to get some, the vampire was looking to drink his phallic blood, and there was a girlfriend somewhere getting in the way. It was funny, because with each bite (each bite happening on a different night), Jim would become a little more vampiric. He started wearing sunglasses, drinking pigs blood from the butcher, and wearing a lot of black. He went to his high school's Halloween Dance without a costume, and won best costume for dressing up as a Vampire.

Funny stuff. One of my all-time favorite movies starring Jim Carrey.
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Yea he is a pretty good actor. Bruce Almighty has got to be one of the best movies he has done, and like a few of his others, its not stuipd funny, its just fun to watch. But yea he was born basically to make people laugh, and that he has done many times. But yea i'd watch pretty much any movie w/him, good laughs are always good to have.
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