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Spongebob is back!!!


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Anyone posted this, please let me know. (I apologize)

During my winter break, I went to the movies. Once I got to the theater, I saw a movie poster of Spongebob Square Pants: The movie. I was really shocked and excited. Then, I saw the preview which was really funny. I don't know what the plot is, but I'm too excited to find out.

So, has anyone heard the news yet? Has anyone seen the preview yet? This looks pretty cool.
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[color=blue][size=1]Well, I haven't seen any news of the new Spongebob movie, but, then again, my cable has been disconnected for the past four days and I haven't gone to the movies for a long time.

To be honest, I'm a little excited about a Spongebob movie. My friends and I have always wondered why there were Rugrats and Fairly Oddparents movies, but no Spongebob. It always seemed more popular.

Well, I hope I've answered your question.[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Yeah, I have heard of the movie too. I'm not exactly sure about the plot either, but on he web it says Patrick gets captured by a net or something and Spongebob has to save him, but I highly doubt it's that.

I haven't seen the preview either. I want to see the movie, because I am a big Spongebob Squarepants. I always sing the song and the show is funny.[/size][/color]
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I'm sorry your cable is disconnected Kitty; hope it comes back soon.

Also, I too doubt that Patrick gets captured. From just thinking about, I kind of think that it'll be more than just a "I must save my friend" thing. Maybe more exciting than regular action from the series. I still haven't told my friends about it yet. They're about 2 to 8 years old; and they're huge Spongebob fans. I know cause I gave them Spongebob marshmallow lollypops for easter. The 2 year just ate it in like one second. How cute!:laugh: :tasty:
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[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]A Spongebob movie....

Now, I think Spongebob is okay, don't get me wrong, but I can only take him in ten-minute cartoon segments before he starts to bug me out. I don't know if I could sit through a whole movie. I probably won't see it.

Sure, Spongbob, Rugrats and the Wild Thornberries get movies, but there's no Invader Zim mobvie? Gah, there's no justice...[/color][/font][/size]
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Guest Midnight Rush
Spongebob movie? Isn't the show enough.... Well whatever, I was just recently at the Last Samurai and didn't see any Spongebob adverts. Didn't see any when I went to LotR:3 either, so no clue what its about.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i]
[B][color=indigo][font=century][size=1]A Spongebob movie....

Now, I think Spongebob is okay, don't get me wrong, but I can only take him in ten-minute cartoon segments before he starts to bug me out. I don't know if I could sit through a whole movie. I probably won't see it.

Sure, Spongbob, Rugrats and the Wild Thornberries get movies, but there's no Invader Zim mobvie? Gah, there's no justice...[/color][/font][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

I have to agree.(espically the Invader Zim part heh) Movies are like an hour and a half or so long right? I think I might be able to stand that...if I didn't have to go with my little cousins. They're Spongebob fantics(what little kid isn't?) and own all the videos they have out already. I feel so sorry for their poor mother when they go and see that(which of course they will) *shivers*
i actually don't mind spongebob. It can be good sometimes. It's one of those shows that teenagers and 6 year-olds can watch together you know? They laugh at the word 'butt' while you laugh at the actual joke. It's so stupid...it's funny. I know a girl who would probably move to Bikini Bottems if she could. She has Spongebob [i]everything[/i]. it's quite freaky actually.....0_o
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i]
[B][color=indigo][font=century][size=1]A Spongebob movie....

Now, I think Spongebob is okay, don't get me wrong, but I can only take him in ten-minute cartoon segments before he starts to bug me out. I don't know if I could sit through a whole movie. I probably won't see it.

Sure, Spongbob, Rugrats and the Wild Thornberries get movies, but there's no Invader Zim mobvie? Gah, there's no justice...[/color][/font][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

You've got a really good point there. First there's Rugrats movie, then there's Wild Thornberries movie, and both. Come to think of it, there should be an Invader Zim movie. I have friends who are huge fans; I myself like it too.

Back to the subject, I have a good feeling that the Spongebob movie will be cool. After all, the show is funny. I remember my favorite episode. There's one where Spongebob discovered a bad word. He didn't know what it means, but he thinks it sounds good to say out in public. So, he and Patrick started a conversation with that word. I love that show. I never knew there were thirteen bad languages; that is if you're a pirate. Hilarious!!:laugh:
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[size=1][color=darkblue]Gah... a SpongeBob Movie? I think the show is enough. I'm so sick of SpongeBob, he's annoying and the show is not my cup of tea. Sure, I used to like SpongeBob, but it got old, and fast.
So I highly doubt I could stand a movie. *shivers* If I was forced to go, my world would end there. Heh, no offence to you SpongeBob fans. It's just not my favorite show.
But as far as hearing about it or the plot line, I'm afraid I can't say I've heard of it untill now. All the movies I've been to recently haven't had posters or previews. So I have not idea what the plot line would be. And I don't think they would do the Patrick thing. (Unless they are getting really off, that would be sad.) Lol. Anyway, I've had my say in this.[/color][/size]
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[size=1] The movie is not going to be released until 2004. So, you have got a very long time to wait.

[url=www.spongebobmovie.com] Official site [/url]

To quench your thirst for movie plot, This is what I've learned so far...

It will be directed by Tim Burton (Batman, Beetlejuice, Big fish) and tells the story of Sopngebob's journey into hell after dying in a car crash.

When he finds new living people have invaded his Pineapple, Spongebob calls on the expert exorcist, a sea anemone called Bootlejuice, who is fond of making up tall stories and dressing like a bat to fight crime. spongebob makes new friends along the way, including a talking couch, and a red bicycle.

Apparently the scene where Patrick questions his mortality is one of the greatest cinematic sequences ever. [spoiler] this is a joke, byt the way.[/spoiler]

Edit: The trailer is available, I don't think it lets on about the Burton connection though. [/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji [/i]
[B][size=1] The movie is not going to be released until 2004. So, you have got a very long time to wait.

[url=www.spongebobmovie.com] Official site [/url]

To quench your thirst for movie plot, This is what I've learned so far...

It will be directed by Tim Burton (Batman, Beetlejuice, Big fish) and tells the story of Sopngebob's journey into hell after dying in a car crash.

When he finds new living people have invaded his Pineapple, Spongebob calls on the expert exorcist, a sea anemone called Bootlejuice, who is fond of making up tall stories and dressing like a bat to fight crime. spongebob makes new friends along the way, including a talking couch, and a red bicycle.

Apparently the scene where Patrick questions his mortality is one of the greatest cinematic sequences ever. [spoiler] this is a joke, byt the way.[/spoiler]

Edit: The trailer is available, I don't think it lets on about the Burton connection though. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

If that really was the story line I'd already be buying tickets. I don't think that would go well with the little kids though. it would be fun to watch their faces when Spongebob dies though. Heh heh*'hehing' evolves into insane evil laughter*
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji [/i]
[B][size=1] The movie is not going to be released until 2004. So, you have got a very long time to wait.

[url=www.spongebobmovie.com] Official site [/url]

To quench your thirst for movie plot, This is what I've learned so far...

It will be directed by Tim Burton (Batman, Beetlejuice, Big fish) and tells the story of Sopngebob's journey into hell after dying in a car crash.

When he finds new living people have invaded his Pineapple, Spongebob calls on the expert exorcist, a sea anemone called Bootlejuice, who is fond of making up tall stories and dressing like a bat to fight crime. spongebob makes new friends along the way, including a talking couch, and a red bicycle.

Apparently the scene where Patrick questions his mortality is one of the greatest cinematic sequences ever. [spoiler] this is a joke, byt the way.[/spoiler]

Edit: The trailer is available, I don't think it lets on about the Burton connection though. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

Holy cow!! Tim Burton is directing Spongebob movie? That's cool. I'm a huge Burton fan; I fell in love with his movies. Now, this will be cool for Spongebob. At least we'll see some action; and maybe humor. I totally can't wait.:D
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I'm glad about the Spongebob movie, and I think there should be an Invader Zim movie! The obvious plot would be Zim takes over the world and Did, with a lot of help from Gaz of course, would save the day, or it could be the only way to save Zim's home planet is with the help of Zim(and maybe Dib?) Oh well I still can't wait for the Spongebob movie!!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Stephanie Ayler [/i]
[B]Holy cow!! Tim Burton is directing Spongebob movie? That's cool. I'm a huge Burton fan; I fell in love with his movies. Now, this will be cool for Spongebob. At least we'll see some action; and maybe humor. I totally can't wait.:D [/B][/QUOTE]

Uhm.. I think Shinji was joking. >.< But a spongebob movie sounds pretty cool. Mind you, I wouldn't see it in theatres but I'd be glad to rent it. It comes out thanksgiving so don't get your hopes up. I'm still waiting for Scooby Doo 2 to come out! ^^'
Here's where you can watch the trailer in big and with sound.. [url=http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/spongebobsquarepantsmovie/large.html]Trailer[/url]

I'm not sure what the story is though.[/color]
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although I am totally psyched about spongebob coming back (whoever decided to get rid of him in favor of new Teenage Robot and Fairy odparents should be shot), I wonder how well the character and style would work in a feature length film. Spongebob works brilliantly as shorts, and I personally thought that some of the longer episode's weren't as good (of course, much of that might be due to my loathing of patchy the pirate. Has there ever been a more irritating host on T.V.?) I did like the christmas episode, however.
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I LOVE Spongebob. Well, not as much as i used too, but i still do. ITs mainly the fact that there has hardly been any new episodes lately. Thats not good. The Plankton's Revenge one that was just on last week was definately not as good as other ones. I was expecting more.

But back to the movie subject. Personally, i think that the motion picture will be a major hit! The actual movie might not be rated so well (In the newspapers the critics will probably give it a 2, since they're adults and don't have a kids point of view, which always bugs me) but since spongebob is so popular, almost everyone (well a lot of people) will want to see it! I want to. Its not like if i don't see i'll die though. lol. I'm not really obsessed.

Though no matter what movie i'll see, NOTHING will EVER be as good as LORD OF THE RINGS RETURN OF THE KING!!! YAY!!! THAT WAS BRILLIANT! ok, sorry bout that.
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