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[size=1]Well, it's been a while since I've posted some, so let's get back into the swing of things.

Here's one I just made. It's a bit plain, but it's good like that, I think. Please tell me what you think, and if you want to use it, ask me.

I'm going to put all the banners I post in this post for easy access.[/size]



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[size=1]I see you used the grid effect ^^ Your right about being plain. Maybe another picture of that same person cropped about and placed in the middle. (I dont know who she is) The font is a bit fuzzy and the colors dont match well. Anyways its still nice.[/size]
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Alrighty, first, number one.
Wow. For a simpel banner, that's really cool. And soft. White was a good color choice for the theme. My only complaint is that I can't read the text that well...*crosses eyes* Aha, Angelic Endeavors. Got it. ^^
The second one is the opposite of the first one: not that fantastic. The image is fuzzy and the text is, again, hard to read. Blue against blue wasn't that great of a decision. My compliment is the background. Coolness!
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i really like the whole grid affect on the background! Good choice. The font though could use some work. The second one is kinda hard to read. I do like how both of the little quotes go with the character though. The banners are simple, and good. I can't wait to see some more!
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[size=1][color=darkblue]Very nice.
First banner: This one is great, simple, yet great. The grid looks amazing on this banner. Personally, I think the font goes nicely with the image/banner. I like how the image is faded and light looking, then there is that nice black, thin border. Makes it look wonderful.
Second Banner: This one is pretty good. My complaints are that one, the image kind of looks out of place and is blurry. Two, the font is a little hard to read. But otherwise I love that background. Very well done.
I can't wait to see more from you![/color][/size]
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[size=1]Gracias amigos.

Here's one, which was inspired by a banner I saw on OB. I saw the name 'Daisuke' and liked the character, so I searched for it on the oh-so-wonderful Google Image Search. Tell me what ya think. [/size]

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