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my sketch!


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I just want to let u know that I really drew this sketch because many people thought that I traced them, but I didn't. I only drew them bigger, that's it. I hope u understand that. It's sketch of Juli and Juni. Well.. here it is! ---> [url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/5657866/[/url]
U can rate it if u want to, [B]1 to 5[/B], ok? ^_^
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Wow, thats really good. Hmm...Juli and Juni, aren't they those girls from one of those new Street Fighter games?
If so, you captured their likeness very well.

As for rating it, I give it a 4 out of 5.

Do you plan on coloring/CGing it?
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Thanks! :D Yes, they are from Street Figher. They are clones, not human being. They are not famous like Ryu or Chunli. I though I could draw them for who's fans of Juli and Juni. *shrugs* CGing? I am not going to color it, I perfer it to be black and white. ^_^
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Nicely drawn, the eyes are great. :) They really draw you in. I suggest shading a bit to add some demension. There are a few areas that look a lil edgy, but over all it's really awesome. Post some more so we all have something pretty to look at.
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Hey you're from devianart also. that's kool. i can't ever seem to get the time to upload pics so my profile is really blank. But hey. That's pretty goot drawing. I can almost draw as good but not that great. What if you colored them or something though.
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I like your drawing. I also like the eyes. On the coloring bit, I do like it plain, and that certainly doesn't make you a boring person, but adding color would make it different, maybe not better. But that's up to you. I don't rate things, but I really do like you're picture.:D
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Aww, thanks, Kaorii! I know I'm not bored person! I think? Anyway, I will put other of my sketch, colored sketch. If my oldest sister will let me use her scanner to downloading my sketch in here. I hope I can put it in here because people in here are so nice, so u deserves it! :p
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