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I figured I'd try my hand at brushing. Next time I'll make the implosion on the planet clearer, as I'm not too happy with that. I enjoy the rest of it though :) The little streaks are the "comets." Didn't feel like detailing them, as this was my first attempt and I wanted to see what I was capable of. I'm happy with the result. Comments? Critique?
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Thanks for the info :p Got it fixed now.

I also made a new one with more detailed comets.


I like this one because of the reality factor, but I enjoy the other one more because it's monochromatic for the most part and it just kind of abstract.
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Although I love the color scheme in the second piece, I feel a little ambivalent about the comets... they may be too intense. The first version is subtler and perhaps a bit better balanced, but it's also borderline abstract; I'm not sure if that's the look you were going for. Either way, I'm highly impressed by your versatility. This artwork looks totally different from anything I've seen from you thus far.

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I love the softness of the cloudy blue and the effect you've used to suggest the curvature of the planet - very atmospheric, and it forms an interesting contrast with the orange of the mass on the left without the two colours looking entirely detached from one another. The texture you've applied is also a brilliant canvas-esque touch that certainly works nicely with the random cloud billows.

However, I do have to agree with Dagger that the comets look somewhat out of place. I think it's because whereas the rest of the piece is very ethereal whereas the dark tails give the sense of being solid. I'm also thinking that they might look better if the tails were extended further and thin to suggest a great distance covered in a short time and hence a better sense of motion. I appreciate the nice flame effect you've given them, though - it really convinces you of their heat.

Generally I think it's an excellent piece, and your grasp of CG is extremely impressive - a real feast for the eye. I'd love to see a foreground - maybe some figures - transplanted onto your backgrounds.
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[color=darkred][size=1]When I saw the first image, it appeared very ghostly. Then when I read that it was planets and comets, it looks... both like an explosion of some kind, but also it feels like the planet is being drained. Or evaporating.[/size]
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[size=1]Either way, it looks awesome. The color, the effects, the text. Well, maybe not the background text. I feel it might've looked better if you hadn't [i]gradually[/i] blended it into the image. Right now it's competing too much with the foreground text. [/size]
[size=1]But that's just my opinion ^_^;[/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1][b]Second image:[/b] Ehm.. It's [i][b]very[/b][/i] nice, but I don't feel the orange/white section is blended perfectly into the blue. It takes away some of the impact. If you had made that orange/white section more 'comet like' and made it more prominent (as if it was only one big comet approaching the planet and maybe just a few minor ones at its side, or way in the background) it would have had a very powerful effect...[/size]
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[size=1]The tiny comets look like they've been painted on a canvas though, as opposed to a computer. Like the "[b]Sunflowers[/b]" painting (and forgive me, but I haven't got a clue which artist painted that *big sweatdrop*). [/size]
[size=1]It looks almost as flower petals, drifting in the wind actually... [/size]
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[size=1]Maybe that's why the image didn't work completely for me, because it looks like a blend of computer generated areas and 'canvas paintings' ?[/size]
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[size=1][b]Conclusion:[/b] I really like what you've done here and there's a strong curve of improvement. Keep at it ! You're doing great ^__^[/size][/color]
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Thanks alot for all of the brilliant comments and suggestions everyone :) I'm glad to be getting this kind of feedback, as it will help me to improve on what I'm doing wrong. Everyone pretty much said that the comets are out of place, and that was my only vice with the entire piece, but I really couldn't figure out what was wrong, so I made them look as best I could. I'll experiment some more with the PSD file and see what I can make out of them. Thanks again everyone :)
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